A quarter past twelve noon.

An Liang drove Chen Siyu's BMW M8C to Sandaomen Old Kitchen. Chen Siyu recently liked to drive the cherry blossom pink Cullinan, so An Liang took the opportunity to drive the BMW M8C.

When An Liang parked the car, he had already seen Zhao Wanxi. She was at the door of the inner courtyard of the Sandaomen Old Kitchen.

Huh? While An Liang was parking the car, he discovered that the parking lot of Sandaomen Old Kitchen was not full?

When I came to Sandaomen Old Kitchen before, their parking lot was always full.

Because there are only eight spots in the parking lot of Sandaomen Old Kitchen, it is first come, first served, and parking is free, so naturally it is always full.

After getting off the car, An Liang asked,"Why are you outside?"

"Wait for you."Zhao Wanxi responded.

26 Zhao Wanxi continued,"We took over the entire three-door old kitchen."

That's it!

No wonder the parking lot is not full yet. It turns out that Zhao Wanxi and the others have reserved the place, so no other customers come.

An Liang followed Zhao Wanxi into the Sandaomen Old Kitchen, and then came to the hall of the Sandaomen Old Kitchen. Because the venue was reserved, they did not choose a private room.

When An Liang walked into the hall, Zhao Wanxi's brother Zhao Dongliang and sister-in-law Jiang Wanying both stood up.

Zhao Yin also saw An Liang, she tilted her head and looked at An Liang," Big brother, why are you here?"

"She and I are friends, who is she to you?"An Liang asked back.

"She is my aunt. Zhao Yin continued,"Are you my aunt's boyfriend?""

Zhao Wanxi's face turned red.

An Liang shook his head in denial,"No, I have a girlfriend. Your aunt and I are just friends."

"Oh oh!"Zhao Yin responded

"Have a cigarette?"Zhao Dongliang answered the conversation on the side.

An Liang does not smoke, but he understood what Zhao Dongliang meant. The so-called smoking a cigarette actually means taking a step to talk.

The two walked out of the hall and came to the small courtyard in the parking lot.

A long time ago I've heard about you." Liang Dong said.

Zhao Dongliang continued,"I don't like you at all. I am a dedicated person, do you understand what I mean?"

"An Liang nodded,"I didn't lie just now. I have a girlfriend. Zhao Wanxi and I are just friends."

"I know you have a girlfriend." Zhao Dongliang responded

"Thank you for this time, if it weren’t for you...The consequences will be disastrous!"Zhao Dongliang said fearfully.

"No need to thank you, I helped myself too."An Liang responded calmly.

"We have investigated some information. Your security personnel carried parachutes. Even if the worst happened, you would still have a way to escape, right?"Zhao Dongliang asked.

An Liang looked at Zhao Dongliang in surprise.

"Although you are walking through the VIP channel, you also need to go through security check. Through the image analysis of the security check, we found that your security personnel are indeed wearing parachutes." Zhao Dongliang responded.

An Liang neither admitted nor denied

"What you did this time has changed my opinion of you a lot. Now I actually hope that you don’t have a girlfriend. I even hope that Wanxi can win. You are a good match."Zhao Dongliang continued.

"I have more than one girlfriend."An Liang said calmly.

"I know. Zhao Dongliang responded,"You think we don't know your situation?""

An Liang smiled

"Anyway, thank you very much for what happened this time."Zhao Dongliang thanked him again,"How are you going to deal with Gao Wenrong's matter?"

"And you?"An Liang asked back.

"I can't wait to tear him into pieces!"Zhao Dongliang did not hide his hatred,"This bastard almost caused Wanying and Yinyin to have an accident! If possible, I can't wait to deal with him myself!"

"I thought you would stand on the moral high ground and say that he didn't care about the lives of all the crew on the plane!"An Liang teased

"If I were facing other people, I would definitely use that statement." Zhao Dongliang responded

"So how are you going to handle it this time?"Zhao Dongliang continued to ask,"Is it similar to the way we dealt with Jia Dewen?"

Before An Liang responded, Zhao Dongliang continued,"If you use this method, I will help you!"

"No, no, no, if the other party abides by the rules, I am willing to abide by the rules. An Liang responded.

Zhao Dongliang was silent for a few seconds before responding,"How sure are you?"

"Ten percent!"An Liang responded

"Then I’m waiting for your good news. If you need any help, please feel free to contact me!" Zhao Dongliang responded,"Let's add a friend and leave a phone number by the way. We will contact you directly in the future."

"OK An Liang naturally agreed.

After the two parties became friends and exchanged phone numbers, Zhao Dongliang asked again,"Are you really not interested in my sister?""

"Do you think that's possible?"An Liang asked back.

"It seems impossible." Zhao Dongliang responded

"Yes, she is good at everything, so how can I not be tempted, but being tempted does not mean changing my heart."An Liang continued,"I appreciate your single-mindedness very much, and I admire such single-mindedness, but I can't do it. I'm probably just a playboy!"

"Be more confident!" Zhao Dongliang responded

"Hahaha!"An Liang laughed.

Zhao Dongliang also laughed.

Both of them felt that the other could become friends._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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