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Faced with Li Cunyuan's proposal, Qian Xiaogang seconded it and said,"Brother Yuan's proposal is very good!"

Qian Xiaogang continued,"Hollywood can be reproduced asexually through cuttings. Through this The holly seeds bred in this way are genetically identical to the mother plant, thus forming a large-scale cultivation of holly seeds."

"It can take up to five years to form a scale; it can take ten years to grow the scale."Qian Xiaogang describes the future

"According to the effect of Dongqingzi Oral Liquid, it can definitely become the overlord of the health care products market. When it is marketed globally in the future, it will become a market worth hundreds of billions and a dominant company worth trillions. Qian Xiaogang sighed.

Yun Haiyang said enviously,"Brother Liang is so lucky!" Qian

Xiaogang responded with a sigh,"I am indeed very lucky. Those three holly plants should have undergone benign mutations. Through cutting propagation, they can be scaled up. Brother Liang is going to make a lot of money this time!"

An Liang complained on the side,"There is not even a single character in the eight characters."You guys started blowing up about this?

Qian Xiaogang responded,"This is called a promising future!""

"Since you are so optimistic about this industry, you are also looking forward to a market worth hundreds of billions and a dominant company worth trillions. Are you interested in participating? An Liang asked casually.

Qian Xiaogang was stunned for a moment,"Brother Liang, are you kidding me?""

According to Qian Xiaogang's analysis, these hollies are equivalent to putting money in front of them. They only need to take the money into their pockets and it becomes their own money.

Under such circumstances, Anliang is still willing to share?

"I'm not joking. An Liang responded,"If you want to participate, then join in together."."

"this..."Qian Xiaogang hesitated for a moment, looked at Yun Haiyang next to him, and then refused to respond,"Thank you Brother Liang for taking care of me, but this matter is too advantageous, so I will not participate. Brother Liang, I suggest you run it yourself. It The benefits in the future will be immeasurable."

Li Cunyuan seconded,"We won't participate!"

Yun Haiyang added,"Although we won't participate, brother Liang, don't forget us. Brother Liang has contracted our Dongqingzi oral liquid, right? An

Liang complained first,"From what you said, I seem to already have a huge empire of health care products, but in fact I just discovered three holly trees." An Liang continued to add,"I have contacted Bian Xiaogang The professor helped breed holly meridian by the way, Brother Gangzi, do you know this Professor Bian Xiaogang?" Qian Xiaogang responded affirmatively,"Of course I do! This botany expert with the same name as me is quite famous in related fields. , He is much better than Professor Zeng in the field of botany."

Qian Xiaogang continued,"Brother Liang, where did you hire such a big shot?"

"You can send it to your doorstep yourself, and it's free of charge. An Liang quickly explained the situation.

Qian Xiaogang chuckled and said,"Let Professor Bian handle such a small matter as cuttings and propagation. It's like using missiles to fight mosquitoes.""

"The breeding work of these holly seeds is stable, I, Qian Xiaogang, said it!"Qian Xiaogang obviously believes in Professor Bian Xiaogang's ability.

An An secretly laughed, this time Qian Xiaogang miscalculated!

The winner system in life has made restrictions. The yield of holly seeds is fixed and cannot be transplanted or bred. Who can It doesn’t work even if it comes. The Life Winner System says it can’t be bred, so it means it can’t be bred.


In Guben Fish Maw Chicken Shop, Li Cunyuan and the other two drank chicken soup to replenish their nutrition.

A real man will never be like this for five seconds. Although you can be a real man, your nutrition must be good. Otherwise, how can you be a real man?

"Oops!"Li Cunyuan suddenly spoke

"oh?"An Liang looked at Li Cunyuan doubtfully.

Yun Haiyang and Qian Xiaogang also looked at Li Cunyuan, waiting for Li Cunyuan to continue.

"The Imperial University of Science and Technology is a complete sieve, and all kinds of information have been revealed, including the effect of holly seeds."Li Cunyuan complained while sending a screenshot of the message in the Imperial Capital friends group. An

Liang looked at the screenshot of the message. This screenshot of the message was the chat record between Li Cunyuan and Lin Yili. Lin Yili directly asked about Dongqingzi's affairs and expressed that he wanted some.

Yun Haiyang After reading it, I complained directly,"I'm sick of you, Brother Gangzi, your school is poisonous!" Qian

Xiaogang also complained,"It's really poisonous. Those dogs have no sense of confidentiality at all." An

Liang responded casually,"Actually, it's normal. After all, it's not a confidential matter in the first place.""

An Liang had never thought of keeping it a secret at the beginning. He himself didn't need [Real Men Never Five Seconds Plant Version] Dong Qingzi, so why did he need to keep it a secret?

Li Cunyuan complained,"Brother Liang, what should I do? Yun

Haiyang said with gloating,"When encountering something like this, don't look at the monk's face but the Buddha's face. It should be more or less even.""

Qian Xiaogang seconded the suggestion (Okay)),"Yes, it must be evenly distributed, otherwise it will look too stingy! Li

Cunyuan complained,"The little blue pill is not ineffective. These people are simply poisonous."

Qian Xiaogang retorted,"It's different. The little blue pill is uncomfortable and has side effects. Coupled with the problem of back pain, there is a certain gap between it and this Dongqingzi oral liquid.""

"Brother Haiyang, Brother Gangzi, do you seem to be gloating?"Li Cunyuan looked at the two of them.

Yun Haiyang and Qian Xiaogang suddenly felt that they were surrounded by danger!

"Damn it, Brother Yuan, don’t mess with me! Yun Haiyang said warily,

Qian Xiaogang also realized the problem,"Brother Yuan, I was wrong, please let me go!""

Li Cunyuan sneered,"It's late!"

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