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Beiyu District, Shiliwan.

An Liang was playing with his mobile phone in Huangsong's courtyard and waiting for the forest patrol. The work of exterminating snakes still relied on the forest patrol. It was impossible for An Liang to get there by himself.

In the group of friends in the Imperial City, An Liang casually posted the pictures he had taken.

An Liang: Picture 20 Picture 20 Li

Cunyuan: Damn it!

Li Cunyuan: What is going on?

Yun Haiyang: It’s great!

Yun Haiyang: Brother Liang, where are you? There are so many snakes. Catch them quickly. I want to eat cauliflower snakes.

An Liang:...

An Liang: Protect wild animals and refuse to eat game. They do not belong on the dining table!

Qian Xiaogang: Hahahaha!

Qian Xiaogang: Brother Liang is awesome!

Qian Xiaogang: This round - Brother Liang won again!

An Liang: Location information: Shili-wan, Beiyu District, Shengqing City

An Liang: I am in my hometown.

An Liang: The yard of my hometown suddenly turned into a snake nest.

Yun Haiyang: So fierce?

Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, be careful. I saw venomous snakes in the picture. Those heads look like inverted triangles, they are venomous snakes!

An Liang: Thank you Brother Yuan for your concern. I have contacted the forest patrol.

Qian Xiaogang: @安梁.李哥, are those trees holly trees?

An Liang: Well, yes.

Qian Xiaogang: Brother Liang, can you go and see what those snakes in the trees are doing? Er

Anliang:? ? ? Anliang

: Brother Gangzi, you are poisonous. You are trying to embarrass me. I am really afraid of snakes.

An Liang: Just wait a moment, I'll let others take a look.

An Liang looked at Huang Song,"Uncle Huang, please go to our yard and see what the snakes on the trees are doing."

An Liang added a reminder,"Pay attention to safety! Just stand far away and take a look!"

Huang Song Responded,"Yes, I'll go check out the situation."

An Liang: I've arranged for someone to go check it out. Do you have any ideas, Brother Gangzi?

Qian Xiaogang: Under normal circumstances, there must be some incentive for these snakes to gather in Xing.

Qian Xiaogang: I used to read the news. There is a farmland in India where a large number of golden bullfrogs gather. Their purpose is to reproduce. Qian

Xiaogang: I just looked at the photo carefully. In the photo, there are non-venomous king snakes, green snakes, black spine snakes, yellow chain snakes, as well as poisonous short-tailed vipers, bungar vipers, and white-headed vipers. snake.

Qian Xiaogang: There are a lot of these snakes in a mess. They are definitely not for reproduction, but there are other incentives.

Qian Xiaogang: So I suspect there is something wrong with those holly trees.

Qian Xiaogang, a spirited young man who always has a hedgehog hair and hip-hop style dress, looks very unreliable. In fact, he is a top student at the Imperial University of Science and Technology.

There is a saying, among the four friends, Qian Xiaogang is the top student!

An Liang: Any guesses?

Qian Xiaogang: There is some speculation, but we have to wait for the news from Brother Liang.

Yun Haiyang: Brother Gangzi, don’t show off!

Li Cunyuan: I am curious.

Qian Xiaogang: I really didn’t tell anyone, it was just a bit of immature speculation.

Qian Xiaogang: I suspect those snakes are here to eat holly seeds.

An Liang: Do snakes also want to eat holly seeds?

Li Cunyuan: Touching on the blind spots of knowledge.

Ocean of clouds: like a book from heaven.

While the friends in the imperial capital were talking nonsense, Huang Song returned to his courtyard

"The snakes on those trees seemed to be eating holly seeds. Huang Song explained,"No one picked your holly seeds after they matured. Some of them are still hanging on the trees. Those snakes seem to be eating the holly seeds." An Liang pretended to be confused,"

Do snakes eat holly seeds?""

"Not sure."Huang Song shook his head in denial.

An Liang replied to the message in the imperial capital friend group.

An Liang: @千小 Gang. Gangzi brother, you guessed it right, those snakes are really eating holly seeds. Erqian

Xiaogang: @安梁.梁哥, I came to Shengqing today, I want to study this holly!

An Liang:??? Qian

Xiaogang: I majored in robotics engineering and took biotechnology as an elective. I think there is something wrong with this holly, and I want to come and study it..Qian

Xiaogang: @李cumyuan: @云海: Do you want to go together?.........,.......

Li Cunyuan: We don’t have holidays.

Qian Xiaogang: Stop making trouble, Brother Yuan. Do you have enough time to skip class?

Yun Haiyang: Let’s go, let’s go!

Yun Haiyang: I’ll just ask for leave.

Li Cunyuan: Okay, let’s go there together. Er

Anliang: OK!

Anliang: Come here, come directly to where I was just now. I can’t leave here today.

Qian Xiaogang: No problem!

Qian Xiaogang: I want to bring my mentor here with me. I think my mentor will be very interested.

Qian Xiaogang: This is a brand new topic. Er

Anliang: It’s up to you, I don’t understand anyway.

So is this the effect of Hebi's blessing?

Let the mutated holly appear smoothly and reasonably?

If Qian Xiaogang and his mentor could study the situation of the mutated Holly, would everything be reasonable?

As for why the holly mutated?

This kind of question should be asked to a botanical or biological expert. How could An Liang know?

From the beginning, Anliang participated passively. Even returning to his former residence was requested by An Shengyu. Anliang had nothing to do with this matter! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - hiding, recommending and sharing! Support

the original works of Faloo Novel Network (b.faloo.com).

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