An Liang was thinking about the possibility of tricking An Shengyu into buying a Rolls-Royce. He happily helped Comrade Lao An decide unilaterally, and contacted Comrade Lao An in the evening to ask Comrade Lao An to order a Rolls-Royce. Skullinan also needs a high-configuration BB version.

Nearly forty minutes later, An Liang and Xia Ruyi arrived at XJTPU No. 3 Primary School.

Xipu No. 3 Primary School is an old primary school and a public school, so it does not have a dedicated parking lot. Fortunately, there are temporary parking spaces on the roadside, but the price is a little more expensive.

Xia Ruyi, the co-pilot, took the initiative and said,"Brother-in-law, I just sent a message to my sister. I'll go pick her up.""

"let's go together! An Liang responded.

Xia Ruyi responded negatively,"No, no, I'll just go. You wait in the car for a while."

An Liang raised his eyebrows,"Okay!""

Xia Ruyi picked up the snow tea and got out of the car. An Liang looked at Xia Ruyi's back walking towards Xipu No. 3 Primary School. He felt a little strange. Do the two sisters have any new tricks?

While waiting, An Liang checked from time to time. Fan Ping sent the work records in the Aiyi Video work group. There was also Li Hongyan in this work group, so that both parties could supervise the work together.

An Liang looked at it for a while and then opened the Imperial Capital Friends Group

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Is anyone here?’

‘Li Cunyuan: In class’

‘Yun Haiyang: Same class’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Here you are, here you are, brother Liang, what’s going on? Are you coming to the imperial capital again?’

‘An Liang: Let’s talk at the end of the month’

‘An Liang: There is a good thing to do to earn some pocket money. Do you want to participate?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I want it!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: It’s hard to be a good man!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: The expenses for the two girlfriends are a bit high and they just need some pocket money.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Just waiting for a pocket money’

‘Yun Haiyang: It doesn’t matter if I make some money, I also want to be a good man in the future!’

‘An Liang: @云海海: Brother Haiyang, something is wrong with you!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Haiyang has figured it out?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Welcome to the team of good men!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: We will be the four good men brothers from now on, lest there is always a scumbag among them to ruin our reputation.’

‘Cloud Ocean:...’

‘Yun Haiyang: Feeling tired!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Brother Liang, what are some good things to do to make pocket money?’

‘An Liang: Wait a moment. '

An Liang did not explain the situation in the WeChat group. He sent a message to Tianji Shensuan No. 4 of Renyi Security Company and asked the other party to create a confidential chat room on the Onion Network to ensure the absolute reliability of communication.

I learned this trick from Liao Xiaopeng!

Although WeChat has repeatedly stated that it will not peek into users' chat history, An Liang feels that it is better to be cautious as various pictures and videos, as well as chat records become invalid at every turn.

The No. 4 Tianji Shensuan quickly established a confidential chat room on the Onion Network and sent the corresponding link address to An Liang.

‘No. 4: All chat records in this chat room are protected. Any external data that wants to come in will be discovered by us and blocked in advance.’

‘Number Zero: OK! '

An Liang sent the corresponding link address to the Imperial Capital friends group, and he added the message

‘An Liang: Click on the link and go in to talk.’

‘Li Cunyuan: OK!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Received’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I'm in! An

Liang looked at Qian Xiaogang's words and felt that there was something wrong with this person. If he and Lu Wenshan knew each other, they would be in harmony, right?

In the confidential chat room built by Tianji Shensuan No. 4, An Liang first checked his code name. His code name in the confidential chat room was 000. It seemed that Tianji Shensuan No. 4 continued the style of Renyi Security Company

‘000: You acquired the shares of Aiyi Video in the US stock market.’

‘000: Be more discreet’

‘000: This matter is not easy to handle with Anxin Investment. Anxin Investment has reached an agreement with Xiongzhang Company, and we have obtained the controlling stake of Aiyi Video.’

‘000: It is estimated that an initial investment of 15 billion will be invested to reactivate Aiyi Video, so that Aiyi Video will continue to maintain its leading position, and I am confident that Aiyi Video will turn losses into profits in three years.’

‘000: So the future iArt Video is the next Netflix, do you understand?’

‘000: I have got enough stocks here. You can go to the U.S. stock market first to harvest. When you are almost done, we will send the information to the club and let others gather together.’

‘010: Can I buy as many as I want?’

‘000: Yes’

‘000: The total share capital of Aiyi Video is 734 million shares, and the number of shares in circulation has reached 218 million. Hurry up and get the money.’

‘000: Attention! Don't use your own identities to go there, just do it secretly, lest the Bald Eagle Nation turns its back and refuses to admit its guilt.’

‘011: Got it!’

‘000: Okay, slip away, let’s go back to the group chat.

The four Anliangs withdrew from the confidential chat room of Onion Network, and the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation immediately cleared all the information, thus making this conversation completely non-existent.

In the imperial capital friend group, An Liang sent another message

‘An Liang: @everyone: hurry up!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Got it!’

‘Yun Haiyang: No problem!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Go, go, go!’

‘An Liang: By the way, it’s best for the three of you to work together. I’ll ask Li Gang to introduce you to a professional team. You can contact Li Gang yourself.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Okay, thank you Brother Liang’

‘An Liang: My brother, you’re welcome!’

‘An Liang: No more, my girlfriend is here. Next time I come to the imperial capital, you guys will treat me to dinner.’

‘Li Cunyuan: OK!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Liang, can your waist really hold up?’

‘Yun Haiyang: I think Brother Liang learned from Master Teng Ying!’

‘An Liang: Roll, roll, roll! '

An Liang can't complain. These guys have to doubt him, but they can't let An Liang fight with a bayonet, right?

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