The conference room of Anxin Investment Company.

Li Hongyan from Xiongzhang Company very sincerely proposed the intention of new cooperation.

Faced with Li Hongyan's sincere proposal, An Liang was of course willing to learn about the other party's new cooperation ideas.

Li Hongyan said straight to the point,"Mr. An wants to integrate resources and become the sixth largest player in the media industry, but in fact there is still a key opportunity missing."

"oh?"An Liang looked at Li Hongyan

"The current era has entered the era of Internet islands. Mr. An should understand, right?" Li Hongyan explained.

He continued to explain,"In this era of Internet islands, every App is competing for users' usage time and usage frequency, including our Xiongzhang Company."

Currently, in order to seize users' time and frequency of use, the Bear Palm Company is doing something very disgusting!

For example, when using the Bear Palm search through the browser app, they will pop up from time to time and ask to download the Bear Palm search dedicated app.

‘It's just a search engine, why does it have a dedicated app?

What’s even more disgusting is that some browsers cannot be clicked to cancel. You must either close the browser app and reopen the Bear Paw Search app, or download the Bear Paw Search App. There are a whole host of disgusting people.

But the more disgusting thing is yet to come!

When Xiong Zhang Search does not prompt to download the App, if the search content includes Xiong Zhang Discussion Bar, and you want to view the complete content of Xiong Zhang Discussion Bar, you will be asked to download the Xiong Zhang Search App.

If you are searching for pictures, if you want to see more, you still need to download the Bear Paw Search App.

The various operations of Bear Palm Company are simply out of their minds. It is obviously just a search engine, but it wants to build its own dedicated app. This approach can indeed form a relative island of information.

However, search engines are not social software, nor are they short video apps and game apps that can consume a lot of time. Why do they need a dedicated independent app?

Bear Paw Company is now losing ground in search engine market share!

From a market share of more than 90% at its peak, it has now dropped to less than 70%. The subsequent Sogou, 690 Search, and Shenniu Search, as well as Gjia and Biying Search have seized market share.

"Regarding our Xiongjiahao, does Mr. An have any thoughts?" Li Hongyan asked.

Xiongjiahao is Xiongzhao Search's own self-media business. It has attracted a large number of self-media and specializes in the news model of 'start with a picture, and the content is all edited'

"Does Li always want to cooperate on Xiongjiahao's business?"An Liang asked back.

Li Hongyan affirmed,"We can put Xiongjiahao's business into your secure media collection, so that you can get more information channels."

"What's the cost? An Liang asked back.

Li Hongyan responded,"What price does Mr. An want to pay?" An Liang shook his head slightly,"

I think this cooperation proposal is a little bit not good.""

Before Li Hongyan responded, An Liang continued,"Mr. Li, maybe your understanding of Xiongjiahao is biased. I will talk about Xiongjiahao from the perspective of an ordinary user."

Li Hongyan nodded,"I'd like to hear the details."

"First of all, set the tone. Xiongjiahao is another failed product of your Xiongzhao company. An Liang said affirmatively.

Li Hongyan was silent.

An Liang continued,"Because is a self-media, all kinds of false news are flying all over the sky. Maybe one or two false news doesn't matter, but what if there are too many?""

Li Hongyan is still silent.

"In the past, the advertising results displayed by your search engine were criticized. You thought that by mastering the traffic entrance of the search engine, you could control everything. But in the end, the bitter pill has come out, and I naturally don’t need to say more."An Liang added

"The current defeat of Xiongjiahao has been highlighted because Xiongjiahao’s fake news is so outrageous that many people have chosen to ignore the news about Xiongjiahao."An Liang added

"By the way, I remember that someone once tried to set fire to the Xiong family account. Although I don’t know why the other party suddenly gave up and continued to set fire to the Xiong family account. Whether it was the price you paid or what agreement you both had, but what I want to say Yes, this matter is not over yet. An Liang sighed.

Li Hongyan asked,"Why?""

"Your Xiongjiahao model has been imitated very well by others, such as Autohome. They launched the Autohome account to specialize in car-related content, but the other party did it very professionally and earned professional traffic."An Liang explained.

"Let’s take a look at Penguin’s highlights. Although fake news is everywhere in Penguin’s highlights, and all kinds of outrageous news can make people’s heads spin. However, Penguin’s advantage is too obvious. They shamelessly put Penguins’ highlights directly. It is integrated on the Penguin platform, and even if you want to cancel it, you cannot cancel it. It forces the user's wishes to the ground and rubs them."An Liang complained

"But you are an enterprise with search engines as its core. It is difficult for you to form a powerful information island like Penguin Chat. The other party's Penguin Aspects can be successful, but it is difficult for your Xiongjia Account to succeed."An Liang said without mercy.

Even though the two parties had just reached a cooperation agreement, An Liang didn't show mercy at all and directly explained the various problems of Xiong Zhang Company.

After all, the problems of Xiong Zhang Company are indeed huge!


Update time: December 6, 2020 03:10:49

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