After the cooperation ended, Liao Xiaopeng immediately sent a message to An Liang

‘Liao Xiaopeng: Brother Liang, you can just close the web page and I will handle the rest.’

‘An Liang: Okay’

‘An Liang: Your account number hasn’t changed, right?’

‘Liao Xiaopeng: No’

‘An Liang: OK! '

An Liang immediately arranged the payment and gave 5 million directly. Although 30 Bitcoins were only worth less than 4 million, An Liang calculated the extra income for Liao Xiaopeng.

After all, when others are willing to help find the resources that Liao Xiaopeng helped find, isn't it because there may be benefits?

If no benefits are given this time, there may be another time, but what about the next time?

An Liang is indeed very rich, but what does An Liang's wealth have to do with Liao Xiaopeng?

Liao Xiaopeng's willingness to help An Liang is actually an exchange of resources.

In the adult world, no one is obligated to help. When others help, it is either out of love or for profit. An Liang is more willing to use money to solve problems.

According to the moving theory, why use favors when things can obviously be solved with money?

After An Liang sent the money, Liao Xiaopeng immediately responded to the message after receiving it.

‘Liao Xiaopeng: Brother Liang, you are too polite!’

‘An Liang: It should be!’

‘An Liang: These materials are indeed very useful.’

‘An Liang: If you have similar information in the future, please contact me as soon as possible’

‘Liao Xiaopeng: Okay’

‘Liao Xiaopeng: Brother Liang, to be honest, I even want to go on stage myself and try to steal information.’

‘An Liang: It’s better to leave dangerous matters to others. Wouldn’t it be good for you to be a broker?’

‘Liao Xiaopeng: Hehe, it seems so!’

‘An Liang: Okay, I will continue to read the information. If you have anything, please feel free to contact me.’

‘Liao Xiaopeng: Got it. '

After An Liang finished communicating with Liao Xiaopeng, he once again looked in detail at the top-secret information from Kyoto Electric Power Company [First Phase Test Plan].

The information recorded in this top-secret document is simply insane!

According to the top-secret information of the"First Phase Test Plan", Kyoto Electric Power Company secretly implemented a plan to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea, but it was only a test plan.

According to the data recorded in the [First Phase Test Plan], in order to verify the reliability of discharging nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the sea, Kyoto Electric Power Company secretly discharged 100 tons of nuclear-contaminated wastewater in the Minamisanriku area 150 kilometers away.

Through this test plan, the impact and harm of nuclear contaminated wastewater to the marine environment will be comprehensively analyzed.

In the [First Phase Test Plan], not only was this heartbreaking piece of information recorded, but also a piece of news in the Minamisanriku area, where local fishermen caught a nine-clawed octopus.

As we all know, the octopus is called Octopus!

However, fishermen in the Minamisanriku area caught an octopus with nine tentacles.

At that time, media in the Minamisanriku area reported that the nine-tentacled octopus might have been contaminated by nuclear contamination, causing genetic mutations. However, this statement was refuted by the local marine life research center.

According to Takuya Abe, a researcher at the local marine life research center, octopuses have the ability to regenerate broken limbs. When one of the octopus's tentacles is severed, during the re-growth process, if it is subjected to stress reactions and stimulation, there will be It is possible to grow more tentacles.

Just like human wounds, if you don't pay attention to diet or hygiene during the healing process, unsightly scars and hyperplasia are very likely to occur.

The ninth tentacle of the octopus is actually equivalent to hyperplasia, which is a very common situation.

In order to increase the credibility of his statement, Takuya Abe listed relevant examples to illustrate that as early as 1998, fishermen caught 96 tentacles in the Mieshi Bay area, about 500 kilometers away. octopus.

An octopus with 45 tentacles was also caught.

Both octopuses are kept as specimens at the Mie Regional Aquarium Museum and are open to public viewing, thus demonstrating the variability and adaptability of marine life.

This open attitude won the public's trust, and the two octopuses, which looked like terrifying evil gods, became the aquarium's mascots.

But is the truth really like that?

If An Liang hadn't obtained three pieces of top-secret information, An Liang really wouldn't have thought much about it, because An Liang never thought that Neon could be so cruel.

Whether it is a nine-clawed fish or an octopus that looks like a terrifying evil god, they are indeed mutations that occurred after being exposed to nuclear contamination.

Because it is clearly recorded in three top-secret documents!

Especially in the case of the 'Nine-clawed Fish', Kyoto Electric Power Company studied the operation methods of [Seawater Purification Plan Test Report] and [Research on Public Information and Reverse Psychology], bribed Takuya Abe of the Marine Life Research Center, and then made serious nonsense Eight ways.

Kyoto Electric Power Company knew very well that being secretive might cause big problems, so it simply exposed the matter of the nine-clawed fish openly, and then learned more about how the nine-clawed fish was produced, and guided the fishing boat in other directions. The topic of nuclear contamination can be avoided.

Didn’t Xiguan Electric Power Company do a good job back then?

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