Qiao Yafei is very difficult to make a choice now!

The first cooperation plan is very tempting, especially the gambling agreement. If Aiyi Video can turn losses into profits, the value of Aiyi Video will be greatly increased.

The second cooperation plan is full of mystery. Qiao Yafei is curious about what resources Anxin Investment Company has.

"Mr. An, Mr. Fan, can we sign the confidentiality agreement and first understand the situation of the second cooperation plan before deciding which one to choose?"Qiao Yafei asked

"sure!"An Liang responded affirmatively.

"Let's eat first, and after a while, when we're done eating, we'll return to the company and discuss cooperation in detail."An Liang added.

After An Liang decided on this tone, everyone's topic returned to lunch.

Qiao Yafei knew what An Liang meant. There are too many people here to discuss details. Otherwise, how could An Liang and Fan Ping do anything just now? No details?

At nearly two o'clock in the afternoon, the group returned to Anxin Investment Company. In the conference room, the legal staff of both parties first finalized the confidentiality agreement. The confidentiality agreement strictly stipulated the obligation of confidentiality and the sky-high compensation after breach of contract. After the two parties signed the agreement, Qiao Yafei and Hou Mingzhe came to Anliang's office.

Fan Ping handed the two documents to them respectively,"Mr. Qiao, Mr. Hou, take a look at the document first. This document is Related companies controlled by our Anxin Investment Company"

"There are a total of 19 media industry companies, and your Aiyi Video is the last piece of territory. Fan Ping explained.

Qiao Yafei and Hou Mingzhe quickly checked the documents. The more they looked, the more surprised they became, because Anxin Investment Company acquired several familiar news media, and even Peer Fruit Video was among them.

Anxin Investment Company He actually completed the work of media group framework in the shadows behind the scenes, and now only has the last long video website to become the sixth media industry giant.

"you..."Qiao Yafei's eyes were complicated.

Hou Mingzhe asked curiously,"Mr. An, Mr. Fan, how much did you spend to acquire these media companies?"

Fan Ping looked at An Liang and expressed his intention to ask An Liang.

An Liang nodded slightly, indicating that Fan Ping could answer.

Fan Pingcai responded,"19 companies spent 17.9 billion, all of which were cash acquisitions, and all of which are 100% controlled by us. After integrating resources, the value of these assets has further increased. According to our estimates, the current value should be no less than 22 billion."

Qiao Yafei said hesitantly,"Mr. An, aren't you worried that if you reveal this information, we will raise the price?"

"You won't!"An Liang responded with a smile.

An Liang continued,"If you sit down and raise the price, you will offend our company. Whether it is Aiyi Video or Xiong Zhang Company, we will face continuous retaliation from our Anxin Investment."

"We currently have control over 19 media industry companies, with more than 2,000 related employees. You should understand what kind of power this is. If we retaliate against Aiyi Video and Bear Paw Company, you will be trapped in a long fishing war.."An Liang said with a smile.

Fan Ping added on the side,"What's more important is that you Aiyi Video and Xiongzhao Company have too much dark history. After the media fishing war between us breaks out, you will be under particularly great pressure."

Facing the sudden threats from An Liang and Fan Ping, both Qiao Yafei and Hou Mingzhe were speechless.


The threats from An Liang and Fan Ping are very powerful!

As they said, whether it is Aiyi Video or Xiongzhao Company, They have too many dark histories. As long as Anxin’s media industry digs out these dark histories, they can suppress the two companies.

There is another question!

Anxin Investment Company can cooperate with Anxin’s media industry and short Aiyi in the US stock market. Can the video and Bear Palm Company make a fortune in turn?

An Liang looked at the silent Qiao Yafei and Hou Mingzhe, and he laughed,"If we cooperate, whether it is according to the first cooperation plan or the second Cooperation plan, we can all cooperate and win-win"

"Think about the stock price after Aiyi Video turned a profit?"An Liang described the future.

Qiao Yafei took a deep breath and admitted that An Liang was right. He would never choose to raise the price by sitting on the ground.

At this time, raising the price by sitting on the ground will indeed offend Anxin Investment Company, and then be retaliated by Anxin Investment Company in various ways.

Aiyi Video can no longer withstand the big storms!

Xiongzhao Company has now become as low-key as a small transparent one, and it cannot withstand the big storms either.

"If we choose the second option, how many shares can we get?"Qiao Yafei asked

"very few! An Liang responded,"Although Mr. Fan just said that the Anxin media industry after our integration is worth 22 billion, its growth potential is very large. You are not the only partner. We can only give you 10% of the equity.""

"How much equity do we need to pay?"What about the scope of Qiao Yafei?

In terms of market value, Aiyi Video is almost five times that of Anxin Media Industry. According to the rules of equal exchange, is that 2%?

However, Anliang proposed a new plan,"We can The first plan and the second plan are implemented together"


Author of Humble Fight Street: You know, it’s a new month, and the monthly tickets have been refreshed again. Come and airdrop quickly!

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