Tianfu Normal University, Library.

An Liang hugged Xia Ruyi's waist and teased the little goblin.

Facing An Liang's teasing, Xia Ruyi rolled her eyes at An Liang charmingly, and responded,"I think it's okay, as long as you're not afraid of me telling my sister."

In fact, Xia Ruyi had already seen through An Liang's routine!

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin were equal to each other. They found that An Liang also followed their rules, and An Liang always treated them both fairly.

As long as Xia Hexin has it, Xia Ruyi must have it, and vice versa.

Now An Liang said that he bought a watch for Xia Hexin and gave the free pen to Xia Ruyi as a gift. Xia Ruyi immediately saw through An Liang's scheme.

"Do you think I'm afraid to complain?" An Liang hugged Xia Ruyi's hand and squeezed it slightly.

Xia Ruyi leaned against An Liang with a red face. She reminded in a low voice,"There are other classmates around. An Liang whispered,"

Is it okay if there are no other classmates?""

Xia Ruyi didn't answer. She just leaned against An Liang.

At this ambiguous time, Xia Hexin came to the library. She naturally saw An Liang holding Xia Ruyi in his arms, but she didn't care.

When Xia Ruyi was not there , An Liang treated her the same way.

Xia Hexin walked directly in front of An Liang and Xia Ruyi.

An Liang and Xia Ruyi naturally discovered Xia Hexin.

An Liang did not act recklessly in the library, he greeted,"He Xin is here, let's go Take a walk."

An Liang let go of Xia Ruyi, and he greeted the two sisters to leave the library. An Liang walked in front, and the two Xia sisters walked behind. Xia Ruyi was whispering to Xia Hexin what An Liang had just teased.

In Tianfu Normal University In the open-air parking lot of the college, An Liang coughed and interrupted the exchange between the two sisters of the Xia family,"Okay, okay, you two sisters, please stop whispering. Let's go to Guojin."

"Um? Xia Hexin looked at An Liang in confusion.

Xia Ruyi was also confused,"What are you going to do there?""

"Our company needs to take care of some things, so we want to buy some couples' outfits. An Liang responded casually.

Xia Ruyi asked,"Who are you going to buy couple's clothes with?" An Liang rubbed Xia Ruyi's hair,"

Don't be stupid, of course it's you and your sister.""

"snort! Xia Ruyi hummed.

Xia He rolled his eyes at An Liang,"How greedy!""

"Because of greed, mankind will progress."An Liang responded

"Nonsense!"Xia He really doesn't believe An Liang's fallacies.

The main reason is that An Liang has too many fallacies, and all the fallacies An Liang says seem correct and too convincing.

"Get in the car and get on, the veteran driver is starting!"An Liang greeted the two sisters of the Xia family.

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin still chose the back seat, thus showing that the two sisters were on equal footing.

An Liang drove the two sisters to the International Finance Center. On the way, Xia Ruyi clicked in advance Drinking snow tea, she asked An Liang,"We are ordering snow tea, what do you want to drink? An Liang responded,"

Orange juice is fine.""

"OK, all right."Xia Ruyi ordered Domineering orange juice for An Liang, and she and Xia Hexin naturally ordered cheese-based drinks.

Chunxi Road, International Financial Center.

Anliang led Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin to the Snow Tea Shop and received the drinks for the three of them. Drinks. When An Liang was holding the drinks, he naturally did not hold the two sisters.

"By the way, when it comes to couples clothing, which brand do you like?"An Liang asked casually

"Just decide. Xia Hexin responded.

Xia Ruyi seconded,"Yeah!""

An Liang thought about it, and he decided to choose one of Louis Vuitton or Gucci.

As for the others?

What other options are there?

Dior's men's clothing has an indescribable smell. Once worn, , I always feel that there is something wrong. Maybe Anliang is not a soft and cute puppy?

Armani is a magical brand that can make clothes worth tens of thousands of yuan into styles worth two to three hundred yuan.

Balenciaga always seems to be trying to please the fat house, their style Always loose and loose, it is indeed the first choice for fat people.

Chanel's men's clothing is similar to Dior's. The women's clothing designer seems to have drunk fake wine. Overall, there seems to be no choice except bags..As for Givenchy and Versace, these two brands...

Maybe it feels like the last century?

There is also a feeling of mountain cannon and earth fire?

Anyway, he found it unacceptable for Anliang to choose Versace or Givenchy.

Especially for Givenchy, An Liang has to wonder if their designers have been poisoned by non-mainstream ideas in rural areas?

As for Loro.Piana, although it is the most high-end brand under the LVMH Group and is a favorite brand among real ladies, their summer models lack some fashionable designs.

So Anliang finally chose Louis Vuitton, his own son under the LVMH Group.

The Louis Vuitton clerk at Tianfu International Financial Center is named Tang Jing. She was deeply impressed by An Liang and the Xia sisters, mainly because their cousin Yang Yingying was so capable of causing trouble.

When An Liang and the others came over, Tang Jing immediately greeted them politely,"Mr. An, Ms. Xia, welcome."

An Liang nodded slightly, and Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin's eyes flashed with surprise.

When entering the Louis Vuitton store, Xia Ruyi lowered her voice and asked,"This counter lady actually remembers us?"


Update time: November 27, 2020 02:36:19, 3 updates first, and 3 more updates to follow. Please give me monthly tickets and flowers.

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