An Liang felt that Kyoto Electric Power Company should not dare to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea first, as an established fact.

Because of this kind of operation, the biggest result was that it was suppressed by the courts around the world, and eventually the Kyoto Electric Power Company went bankrupt.

"The Ulan court has a love-hate relationship with the Cherno region and the Cherno nuclear power plant."Aflora continued.

"In fact, as early as 2000, a travel agency in Ulan State secretly arranged for tourists to enter the restricted area near the Cherno Nuclear Power Plant. The local court obtained additional benefits from this matter."Aphroela reveals confidential information

"In 2010, the number of tourists further expanded, and the scale of the benefit chain was already quite large."Aflora continues to reveal secrets

"Until last year, Ulan officials determined that the time was ripe and publicly announced that they would open part of the restricted area near the Cherno Nuclear Power Plant for tourism."Aflora said with a hint of mockery in her tone.

"The economic conditions of Ulan Country are also very poor, and there have been fights between the imperial court and the rebels. Now that there is a way to make money, Ulan Country will naturally not let it go."Aflora obviously looks down on Wulanguo a little bit.

"By the way, Ulan is currently cheating again and trying to extort various countries in Europa, because the other three seats besides the fourth aircraft also need to increase radiation protection measures, which is expected to require 3 billion euros."Aphroela revealed more information

"Anyway, Ulan State cannot come up with the money. The final result is that various countries in Europe will arrange experts to come over to evaluate the risks. If the risk is really too great, then just admit it with pinched noses. After all, Ulan State has successfully used this trick before."Aphrola explained.

An Liang suddenly felt that Europa was quite miserable! Everyone in the world knows that Europa is powerful, but how many people know that Europa is always bullied?


Europa is always bullied!

There is a saying, Europa is better than Xia Kingdom They are bullied more often and more miserably.

Take the navigation system as an example. The navigation system is one of the cornerstones of a modern country. The Bald Eagle State has GPS, the Xia State has the Polaris system, and Europa originally had the Galileo system, but Europa was bullied.

At that time, When the Europa Union established Galileo, Galileo's performance was actually more advanced than the Bald Eagle Country's GPS. Then the problem arose. The Bald Eagle Country felt that the Europa Union's Galileo system was a threat. So it directly informed the Europa Union and requested The Europa Union stopped the networking work of the Galileo system, otherwise the Bald Eagle Country would launch satellite missiles to kill the Galileo system.

Faced with such bullying, didn't Europa just have to swallow its anger?

It was precisely because of such things that later Europa and the Xia Kingdom The original plan for the cooperation was based on the secondary research and development of the Galileo system.

However, the Bald Eagle State said that Europa was not authentic, and stabbed the Bald Eagle State in the back, asking Europa to ban cooperation with the Xia State.

Europa was bullied again!

Europa was bullied. After that, I felt that I couldn't bear the injustice alone, so I told Xia Guo that they would not play with the Europa League, and they would not give them all the technologies promised to Xia Guo, leaving Xia Guo to do it on its own.

If it could not handle the Bald Eagle Kingdom, it could still be done The Xia Kingdom is uncertain?

The Europa Alliance even feels the pleasure of revenge for bullying the Xia Kingdom!

Fortunately, the Xia Kingdom worked hard and independently made the Polaris system. Such a thing made Europa feel very uncomfortable, so it went to the Bald Eagle Kingdom to protest.

Europa The alliance asked the Bald Eagle Nation that Xia Nation's Polaris system is more advanced than the Galileo system and is an era ahead of the GPS system. Why doesn't the Bald Eagle Nation attack Xia Nation? Where is the satellite missile that was promised?

Is it a lie?

Bald Eagle Nation Eagle Country could only silently say that Xia Country also has satellite missiles. If they launch satellite missiles, then Xia Country will definitely fight back with explosive force.

Faced with such an answer, the Europa League cried. They agreed to be allies and agreed that we would be one family. People, in the end, the big fist still has the final say?

After Europa, who had just been bullied by the Bald Eagle Country, returned home, it was once again bullied by the Northern Bear Country. There is basically no oil and natural gas in the Europa region. They only have two channels for oil and natural gas. The first one was imported from the Northern Bear Country, and the second one was imported from the Baijan Country.

Then the Northern Bear Country made a shady operation. It first imported the oil and natural gas from the Baijan Country at a price higher than the market price, and then monopolized the market in disguise. sold to the Europa League at a high price.

This is simply treating the Europa League as a fat pig!

Last year, the Bear Country and the Europa League almost came to war because of this issue. Now it is a push-and-pull situation. The Europa League also had the guts to buy a lot of oil and natural gas from the Bear Country.

However, the Europa League was blackmailed by Ulan last year, saying that it would either give money or everyone would be destroyed.

An Liang felt that the Europa League would most likely give Money, right?

Anyway, Ulan Country really has no money.

No money means there is no way to solve the problem of the Cherno Nuclear Power Plant, so naturally it can only drag everyone together to finish it.

Under such circumstances, what else can the Europa League do?

There is an old saying from the Xia Kingdom: Do not touch jade articles with porcelain tiles!

The Europa League is a noble piece of jade, while the Ulan Kingdom is a poor tile, so Anliang feels that the Europa League will most likely spend money to eliminate disasters.

Under such circumstances, An Liang feels that his plan is stable, right?

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