In SKP's TWG tea shop, Afrola looked at Anliang in a daze. She felt that she had underestimated Anliang, because Anliang said 3 million tons of crude oil as soon as he opened his mouth.

That's one-fifth of Xia's overall import volume!

"Mr. An, do you really want to buy so much crude oil?"A Ruluola asked

"certainly!"An Liang responded affirmatively.

In fact, An Liang has no problem using the crude oil to make money.

For example, he could build an oil storage depot in the Tianjin area, with the Tianjin area as the core, and then join the team of three barrels of oil to enjoy the happiness of losing money with them..

It is not impossible to join the team of three barrels of oil. In fact, as early as July 18, 2018, the Central Court of Xia Kingdom had announced the full opening of the corresponding market.

Petroleum and petrochemicals, including allowing foreign investment The company conducts wholly-owned operations in Xia Guo.

Before July 18, 2018, foreign petroleum and petrochemical companies had very strong restrictions on investing in gas stations in Xia Guo. When the number of gas stations exceeded 30, they must be funded by Xia Guo’s capital. Holding.

However, this ban was completely lifted on July 18, 2018.

On the day the ban was lifted, BP, the world's largest private oil and petrochemical company, announced that it would build more than 2,000 gas stations in Xiaguo, which can be said to be three barrels of oil. Oil is a headache.

After all, BP is too powerful. It ranks eighth among the world's top 500 companies in 2020...

All right!

There are no cards in this ranking!

Because the eldest brother of the three barrels of oil ranked second, the second brother ranked fourth, and only the younger brother ranked 64th.

Just eighth place?

Except for the little brother among the three barrels of oil, the eldest and second eldest brother are all superior!

Even foreign investors can independently and wholly own gas stations in China. Why can’t Anliang, a native of Xia, not be able to?

If he wants to purchase 3 million tons of crude oil, Anliang can definitely join the energy industry and experience the joy of losing money.

When Anliang joins the energy industry, refueling helicopters and cruise ships will no longer be a heartache, right?

"I can even leave the crude oil processing work in your Northern Bear Country, build a corresponding processing plant in your Northern Bear Country, and provide you with jobs. An Liang added.

An Liang added again,"Even in terms of transportation, I can leave it to your Northern Bear Country to handle it.""

If the transportation is handed over to the North Bear Country, it means that the North Bear Country can make another profit, once again provide more jobs, and promote the surrounding industrial chain. Take shipping as an example, shipping requires ships.

When shipping companies make a profit Anliang's money and their ships need to be repaired, which drives the development of surrounding companies and provides more jobs.

More jobs bring more income, which will then activate catering consumption, living consumption, And various industries have been activated.

Through the two core industrial chains of crude oil processing and crude oil transportation, as long as there is a processing capacity of 3 million tons per year, at least thousands of jobs can be provided, and surrounding industries will provide more jobs, eventually bringing vitality to the city.

Just like the Internet celebrity Baihe City in Xia State, as a mineral resource-based city, when the mineral resources are gone, the core industrial chain collapses, and Baihe City naturally declines.

Now Anliang What they have done is to put a core industrial chain in the North Bear Country. Although it cannot drive a city, it can change the lives of many people.

Avora looked at An Liang hesitantly, because the conditions proposed by An Liang were too good. Well!

Behind such good conditions, what does An Liang want?

Avora thought about herself, but she knew that An Liang had a girlfriend, and her girlfriend was very beautiful. She was indeed very beautiful, but she couldn't make An Liang pay so much. Is that much?

Avora took a deep breath and said,"Mr. An, what do you want?""

An Liang looked at Avora with a deliberate half-smile.

Avora lowered her head slightly when An Liang looked at her.

"My request is very simple. Anliang responded,"Do you know Neon's Kyoto Electric Power Company?""

Aflora started to be in a daze, which made her look a little cute.

Afrola didn't quite understand what Anliang meant, because Anliang's topic was too jumping. Just now, he was talking about 3 million tons of crude oil. Now Just jumped to the topic of Kyoto Electric Power Company?

Such a topic jumps too much, and Avrola said that she couldn’t keep up.

"Mr. An, I don't quite understand what you mean."Aphrola looked at An Liang hesitantly.

"How much crude oil does your North Bear Country transport to Neon every year?"An Liang asked.

Neon is the third largest oil consumer in the world, but Neon itself produces almost no oil. In the past, Neon was highly dependent on oil from the Middle East, but now it is actively exploring new channels.

"About 7 million tons."Aflora immediately told the data.

Her father is the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology, and she knows this information very clearly.

"I have a plan that kills two birds with one stone, do you want to hear it?"An Liang smiled

"I am very interested!"Aphroela responded.

If you can kill two birds with one stone, that would be the best, right?


Update time: November 25, 2020 03:31:44, please vote and flowers, good night, too sleepy...

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