NSA, cafeteria.

Facing Huang Guoxiang's inquiry, An Liang responded with a smile,"You caught the person and found the thing. Look where it was sent to you."

Huang Guoxiang frowned directly,"You concealed the information?"

Of course!

But An Liang couldn’t admit it!

"If I say no, you won’t believe it, so does it make sense to ask this question?"An Liang asked back.

Huang Guoxiang was silent.

An Liang continued to explain,"Renyi Security Company has certain power in Hongkang Island."

"What are your plans for Hong Kong Island? Huang Guoxiang asked back

"I still have to answer, if I say it’s just a trivial little plan, do you believe it?"An Liang asked.

Huang Guoxiang shook his head directly,"If it were anyone else, I would believe it, but because it is you, I don't believe it."

"In fact, the plan is very simple. I plan to spend three years on Hongkang Island to fulfill the promise you made me before."An Liang explained.

Huang Guoxiang was stunned for a moment.

"Lao Huang, let me ask again, is there any problem with our agreement?"An Liang asked

Before Huang Guoxiang responded, An Liang added,"I will retrieve the lost Mai Kang Yuan printing plate for you, and you can help me get the financial institution license to open a bank on Mai Kang Island."

"As for John Cain, I gave him to you as a gift."An Liang added.


Huang Guoxiang's previous promise to An Liang was to help An Liang obtain the financial license to open a bank on Maikang Island.

An Liang originally planned to realize it on Hongkang Island. He planned to complete it on Hongkang Island in three years. Kangdao settled in a bank on Hongkangdao.

Banks are special financial institutions that operate currency and credit businesses. Although Anliang currently controls more than 200 billion in assets, it is very difficult to mobilize these funds without a bank. Trouble.

If you encounter extreme circumstances, you may also be at risk of having your account frozen.

If your account is frozen, no matter how much money you have, it will be useless!

So those large consortiums all have their own banks, and Anliang wants to become a top consortium. As a member, you also need to have your own bank.

Even if the bank is not profitable, even if the bank's business scope is relatively small, having a bank and not having a bank are completely different concepts.

Put the funds in the hands of others, or put them in your own hands. , does such a choice need to be considered?

"I remember the promise! Huang Guoxiang responded affirmatively,"Give me some time and finish the process within this month, okay?""

"Can!"An Liang nodded.

As for Huang Guoxiang not performing the contract one month later?

Although the probability is very small, An Liang also has countermeasures. As long as he is willing to give up some interests, An Liang can transfer assets on a large scale.

Including Dream Future Graphene Technology Group The technological property of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can also be transferred in an instant!

Currently, the technological property of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is still provided by the Life Winner System. It is all maintained by Wu Chunsheng alone. Even if the patents are registered, Wu Chunsheng has not made it public. Core technology.

Under such circumstances, once something changes, as long as Wu Chunsheng disappears quietly, the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will come to a standstill.

This is especially true for Dark Core Technology!

All the technical properties of Dark Core Technology are in the letter As for Zhenglong, Han Zhenglong and Wu Chunsheng are the same. They are rewards given to Anliang by the winner system of life, and Anliang can naturally take them back unconditionally.

In view of the above circumstances, Anliang is really not afraid of Huang Guoxiang going back on his words. He believes that the central court can see clearly. The situation will not do anything that makes relatives happy and enemies happy.

It is precisely because of his trust in the central court and the fact that Huang Guoxiang has given too much that An Liang is willing to lie in troubled waters.


Otherwise, it's not that we won't help, but we'll wait until Huang Guoxiang raises his remuneration before taking any chances.

Huang Guoxiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard An Liang agreed,"Let's pick a place to hand over the goods?"

"Yes, but in order to prevent you from conducting an in-depth investigation into the relevant personnel of Renyi Security Company, we will still follow the old rules from last time. We will first place the goods at a certain location and then notify your people to pick them up."An Liang explained.

Huang Guoxiang frowned slightly,"This time is different. This time the goods cannot be missed. An

Liang responded,"If I say I can't throw it away, I won't throw it away. Even if God comes, I can't throw it away. If it is lost, I will be responsible for it, okay?" Huang

Guoxiang complained,"So how much force has your Renyi Security Company deployed on Hongkang Island?""

"Are you going to check it out yourself?"An Liang responded

"Who do you think I am?"Huang Guoxiang complained again

"Lao Huang, you know me very well, and I know you very well. On the surface, you said you would not investigate. In fact, when Renyi Security Company found the thief and the things first, you secretly made up your mind to investigate Renyi Security in detail. The situation of the company in Hongkang Island."An Liang explained.

Huang Guoxiang was silent, that's the fact!

He and An Liang have a good relationship, but work is work, and personal relationships are personal relationships. You can't forget your official duties for personal reasons. You must investigate what should be investigated, so as to avoid an uncontrollable situation. Appeared.

An Liang emptied his plate so that no empty plate was wasted. He stood up and said,"Old Huang, I will hand over the follow-up matters to you on the 4th. My girlfriend has gone home from school, so let's go first!

Huang Guoxiang sighed,"Okay!""

An Liang left the National Security Investigation Bureau headquarters with Li Yang, a security guard and driver from Renyi Security Company. He had just left in the Mercedes-Benz S65L when he received a message from Zhao Wanxi

‘Zhao Wanxi: Did you win again?’

‘An Liang: Isn’t that right? '

Under the care of the winner system of life, under the blessing of Hebi, and Anliang himself works very hard, isn't it right for him to win?

After all, he is a winner in life!

How can you be called a winner in life if you lose?


Update time: November 23, 2020 02:44:41. I have made a fortune in the stock market recently. I am very happy. Thank you for your support. I wish you all the best and good night.

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