88th floor, Tianfu International Financial Center.

Fan Ping's office is about 40 square meters. In the reception area of ​​the office, Fan Ping handed a document to An Liang.

"Mr. An, our opportunity has come! Fan Ping explained.

An Liang took the document and looked at it,"Tell me, what opportunity is there?""

"We have received internal news that Aiyi Video’s capital chain cannot hold on. Now there are two ways in front of Aiyi Video, either external financing or internal shareholders’ investment, otherwise Aiyi Video may fall into a deadlock.." Fan Ping explained.

Fan Ping continued to add,"Mr. An, we plan to become the sixth giant in the media industry. Aiyi Video can very well complement our shortcomings and allow us to have a core information release platform."

"So you plan to buy Aiyi Video? An Liang asked back.

Fan Ping responded affirmatively,"That's right!""

"Today’s media industry giants all control their own core content publishing platforms. If we don’t have a core content publishing platform, we will be particularly disadvantaged." Fan Ping added.

An Liang responded with a smile while reading the information,"Actually, there is a third way for Aiyi Video!"

"The third way? Fan Ping looked at An Liang in confusion.

An Liang clicked on the information in his hand,"Although Aiyi Video is losing money year by year, its number of paid users is not bad. The number of paid subscribers in the fourth quarter of last year reached 107 million.""

Fan Ping was silent for a moment. He figured out what An Liang meant.

"Mr. An, do you mean that Aiyi Video can change the membership fee, for example, increase the membership fee across the board? Fan Ping asked back.

An Liang nodded,"That's right!""

"If the membership fee is increased across the board, based on the scale of 107 million, Aiyi Video can actually make a big gamble! An Liang added.

Fan Ping frowned,"But isn't such a huge gamble too risky?""

"There are too few choices in Aiyi Video. The choices you just mentioned are actually not good choices! An Liang responded,"Have you read this information?""

Fan Ping nodded.

This information was made by Fan Ping. How could he not have read it?

An Liang clicked on this information again,"In 2017, Aiyi Video suffered a loss of 3.7 billion for the whole year; The loss expanded to 9.1 billion; although some of Aiyi Video's financial statements in 2019 are very good, such as total revenue reaching 29 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16%, of which fourth-quarter revenue was 7.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7%, these are higher than outside expectations"

"But in fact, Aiyi Video’s losses further increased to 9.3 billion in 2019!"An Liang sighed

"On a revenue scale of 29 billion, Aiyi Video's losses are still as high as 9.3 billion. Therefore, Aiyi Video's problems are actually quite serious. It is relatively unlikely that existing shareholders will continue to invest."An Liang added

"As for external financing, Penguin Company has Penguin Video; Blue Ali also bought Youdou Video and is a wholly-owned subsidiary; let alone Alphabet Company. Although their small video has a little trouble, it is still It is a situation where the world is divided into two parts."Anliang analysis

"It is actually difficult for Aiyi Video, which belongs to the Xiongzhao family, to find financing from other giants. Other small giants, whether it is Weibo, Kuai Dao Video, and PiLi PiLi Beer Station, they all have their own fields. Maybe I can accept such a heavy burden as Aiyi Video."An Liang added.

Who dares to take over a video website with an annual loss of nearly 10 billion?

"Lao Fan, do you still think the two choices you just mentioned are appropriate?"An Liang asked back.

Fan Ping shook his head silently.

"Sorry, Mr. An, I..."Fan Ping expressed his apology, but was interrupted by An Liang

"It doesn't matter, Lao Fan, if you care, you will be confused. Your idea is okay. If we want to become the sixth giant, this Aiyi video is our opportunity. It can become our core content publishing platform."An Liang responded.

Fan Ping is indeed concerned about chaos!

This is probably: 'You don't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because you are in this mountain?’

"Mr. An, does Aiyi Video really want to increase membership subscription fees?"Fan Ping asked again hesitantly.

Before Anliang could answer, Fan Ping continued,"If Aiyi Video chooses to increase membership subscription fees, it will really be a big gamble. What if members feel that the increase in subscription fees is not worth it and directly switch to other video websites? That would be too bad, right?"

"Not just in case, but almost inevitable!"An Liang sighed.

"The solution for increasing membership subscription fees is to drink poison to quench thirst. We know clearly that there are problems with this solution, but Aiyi Video has no choice, because Aiyi Video is indeed short of money, and their daily operations are very difficult. If there is no way to solve the funding problem , this year may be the last year for Aiyi Video."An Liang made a conclusion

"Then we can find a way to take over Aiyi Video! Fan Ping said with bright eyes.

An Liang nodded,"Yes, this is our opportunity." Lao Fan, you are responsible for this matter. You secretly contact Xiongzhang Company. They are the parent company of Aiyi Video and have absolute controlling rights in Aiyi Video."

Aiyi Video adopts the standard AB share framework, just like Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Mingming Anliang only holds 9.99% of the shares now, but he has absolute voting rights.

Xiongzhang Company holds 100% of B shares Class A stocks, and 0.35% of Class A stocks, hold 56.1% of the total shares, and have 92.7% of the voting rights because of the different rights of AB shares. To put it simply,

Aiyi Video is Xiong Zhang Company’s words!

Fan Ping responded,"Okay, Mr. An, I will first investigate Xiong Zhang Company’s attitude towards Aiyi Video. If Xiong Zhang Company intends to sell it, we will have a chance!"

"Um!"An Liang responded.

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