Imperial Capital, Spanish Embassy, ​​temporary parking area.

Faced with the rhetorical question from security director Cassio, Anliang began to think silently.

Although Lenore is the princess of Spain, she is not yet an adult. According to Spanish law, she will not officially become an adult until October 31 this year.

Therefore, as a minor, Lenore has no independent source of income, so her choice of gifts for Anliang should be limited.

In addition, this gift should be a return gift for the graphene version of the Petal b40Pro+ mobile phone.

An Liang wondered, could it be Lenore's handiwork?

Like a thank you card?

Or is it other similar handicrafts?

While Anliang was guessing, two staff members from the Spanish Embassy came over carrying a white foam box that was more than one meter long.

When An Liang saw the white foam box, he knew it was not a handmade work.

Cassio didn't show off any more. He opened the top cover of the white foam box and introduced,"This is our specialty rose lobster in the Western Hemisphere. The weight of this rose lobster reaches 9.5 kilograms. This kind of weight is Rose lobster is also rarely seen in our western half."

An Liang saw the rose lobster in the white foam box. It was a real lobster without lobster, just like the Australian red lobster, it had no lobster but had a pair of huge dragon whiskers.

This pair of dragon whiskers is still swinging, indicating that this huge Spanish rose lobster is still alive!

Cassio continued,"It was transported by air and is currently in a fresh state. Whether it is used for sashimi, steaming, or other cooking methods, it is a very good choice." An Liang responded gratefully,"Thank you Lenore, I like this gift very much!"

An Liang said as he opened the trunk of the Rolls-Royce Ghost and signaled the staff of the Spanish Embassy to put the Rose Lobster inside.

When two Spanish Embassy staff put the rose lobster inside, they also used tape to seal the foam top.

The foam top cover has ventilation holes, so there is no need to worry about suffocation.

After An Liang thanked him again, he drove away in the Rolls-Royce Ghost.


‘Congratulations to the host for receiving the gift from Princess Lenore’

‘Special reward: The host receives the [Entry-level Spanish] reward. '

? ? ?

Beginner Spanish?

As the reward prompts of the winner system of life ended, An Liang naturally felt that the Spanish he knew was indeed the entry-level kind. It was probably a simple communication, and he encountered unfamiliar topics, and maybe bumped into each other. of that kind.

An Liang put this matter aside. He returned to Yunjing International Apartment first and asked Shu Jie to arrange for the kitchen to handle the rose lobster.

Because this rose lobster was too big, Anliang chose to eat four shrimps, including sashimi, steamed, garlic paste, and a pot of shrimp porridge, but not at noon, but at night.

Lobsters are very tenacious and there is no need to worry about them dying in an afternoon.

After delivering the rose lobster from the western half of the country to the kitchen of Yunjing International Apartment, An Liang returned to Room 8806. Today was Sunday again, and he sent an email to Lenore.

The two agreed to send emails every week, and so far they are still going on.

This time Anliang is going to send emails in Spanish!


Dear Lenore:

Good afternoon!

At this moment, it is noon in our country of Xia and it is morning in your country in the west. You should not have gotten up yet.

I have received the rose lobster from you, I like it very much, thank you!

How did you get this big lobster?

I am very curious about this matter. I hope you can tell me the origin of this big lobster when you reply.

Can you tell me how good my Spanish writing is?

Is it possible to reach a very high level?

You need to reply to my email this time in Xia Mandarin. looking forward to your letter


Anliang's Spanish is indeed an entry-level Spanish. The words are very simple, and there are problems with word order, so it is an entry-level Spanish.

After sending the email, An Liang checked the time. It was close to 12 noon. He sent a message to Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang, asking if they had time at noon and stopped by the back alley to prepare a meal of dried fish offal.

Although Anliang currently has two billion-dollar descendants non-return reward cards in reserve, and the bonus of one billion-dollar descendants non-return reward card is probably less than half a million.

For the current Anliang, a mere half a billion is not too much money.

But An Liang still feels that the more the merrier!

After all, who would dislike more about making money?

Mosquito legs are also meat!

After sending the message, An Liang quickly received a reply message from Ning Ruoshuang, indicating that she was available.

Chen Siyu has not replied to the message yet, but she is probably still playing the piano.

An Liang added a query message to Song Qian. He always forgets Song Qian easily.

When the conversation between Song Qian and An Liang started, An Liang found that Song Qian had changed. She was not as lively and cheerful as before. Instead, she became reserved. This is not the personality that An Liang likes!

Song Qian replied to messages very quickly. Almost as soon as An Liang sent the message, she replied immediately. Faced with this situation, An Liang could only sigh helplessly.

Why bother?

In fact, An Liang preferred the Song Qian of the past, the kind of Song Qian who dared to love, hate and express herself, instead of the submissive Song Qian like now. I just hope Song Qian can figure this out!

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