From the birth of nuclear power plants to the present, it can be roughly divided into four technological generations.

The first-generation nuclear power plant is a prototype, almost just for technical verification. The former Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant was the first-generation nuclear power plant, and safety accidents are inevitable.

Because the first-generation nuclear power plants used graphite reactors, which had neither an inner containment nor an outer containment, isn't it inevitable that a core meltdown accident would occur?

Tomishima Nuclear Power Plant is a second-generation nuclear power plant with an inner containment but no outer containment.

The current mainstream is the third-generation nuclear power plant, which has both an inner containment vessel and an outer containment vessel and has very high safety performance. The third-generation nuclear power plant in Xia Guo started construction as early as 1999.

Could it be that Neon does not have advanced nuclear power plant technology and cannot build a third-generation nuclear power plant? of course not!

Neon is from the fourth generation nuclear power plant【GIF/Member of the Fourth Generation International Nuclear Energy Forum, which means that Neon's nuclear power plant technology is very advanced, but Neon has been unwilling to upgrade.

Because the safety of both third-generation and fourth-generation nuclear power plants has been greatly improved, but there are also corresponding problems.

For example, you can no longer do small tricks?

There are always experts who say that the nuclear materials used in nuclear power plants are different from those used in atomic bombs.


Experts are right about this!

The uranium concentration of civilian-grade nuclear raw materials only needs 3% to meet the needs of nuclear power plants, but the concentration of weapons-grade uranium needs to be more than 93% to form weapons-grade nuclear fission.

Even ordinary people can obtain relevant information from the Internet. Doesn’t Neon understand these principles?

In fact, the biggest reason why Neon uses unsafe second-generation nuclear power plants is to secretly develop nuclear weapons through unsafe second-generation nuclear power plants.

It’s already 2020, and no one really thinks that Neon today is even more backward than Xia Guo in 1964, right?

The Xia State completed the manufacturing and test explosion of the atomic bomb in 1964. At that time, the Xia State could produce the atomic bomb. Could it be that neon in this era cannot be produced? wake up!

If you try to think about the problem for yourself, you can find huge loopholes in the statements promoted by experts.

Neon can't make nuclear weapons?

These bad old men are so bad!

The fundamental reason why Neon cannot build nuclear weapons is that the Bald Eagle Kingdom suppresses them every now and then and supervises Neon at all times. But even under such circumstances, Neon is still quietly making small moves.

Take Tomishima Nuclear Power Plant as an example. Was the safety accident at this nuclear power plant really caused by an earthquake?

No one is sure yet!

Anyway, Neon said it was caused by an earthquake, so everyone believed it on the surface. If they had any thoughts secretly, it was a secret thing.

As the saying goes: Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone on the road?

Huang Guoxiang sent these analyzes one by one to An Liang.

After An Liang read it, he replied with a sigh

‘An Liang: I vomited anyway!’

‘An Liang: You people have so many tricks up their sleeves. Not only do you have dirty hearts, but you also have more tricks than the last. I am nothing compared to you! '

That's actually true!

Can An Liang's sexy skills compare to these people?

According to Huang Guoxiang, Neon is a bitter plan, right?


‘Special mission: Create a fishing boat attack against Neon's nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan’

‘Mission content: Ask the host to target the Neon Court’s nuclear-contaminated wastewater discharge plan from the fishing vessel level and try to prevent the Neon Court from discharging nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean.’

‘Mission reward: an important piece of energy information. '

? ? ?

It’s actually this reward again?

An Liang has received two copies of this reward before, and he has also read the corresponding information. However, An Liang said that he recognized all the words in the information, but he could not understand the meaning after combining them!

‘Huang Guoxiang: Why do you suddenly care about this matter?’

‘An Liang: I like to eat seafood!’

‘An Liang: If nuclear contaminated wastewater is really dumped into the sea, I will never eat seafood again’

‘An Liang: This kind of situation will make me very angry. When I am angry, I will not make it easy for the other person.’

‘An Liang: Let’s slip away now. I’m going to pick out a few radical environmental organizations and ask them to come out and give neon eye drops.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Do you want to recommend it?’

‘An Liang: No, no, we all use vests to do things. '

The so-called radical environmental organizations naturally have some inappropriate practices and are a little too radical.

But isn’t neon too much?

It just so happened that An Liang was rich and he was going to cause some trouble for Neon.

Even if Neon is ambitious, why does it want to kidnap the global environment?

After An Liang finished communicating with Huang Guoxiang, he began to contact Renyi Safety Company and asked Renyi Safety Company to come forward to find corresponding environmental organizations and relevant environmental experts to jointly form a fishing vessel alliance against Neon.

It is very scientific for Renyi Security Company to come forward to do these things, because Renyi Security Company has no direct connection with Anliang, and Anliang is not the controlling shareholder of Renyi Security Company.

Even if Renyi Security Company is accidentally exposed, Anliang can still lose the blame!

After all, he is the king of throwing pot, huh?

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