Throughout Friday, the Dream Future Graphene Official Blog died down, because Anliang did not take this matter to heart at all.

After all, An Liang has prepared everything, he is just waiting for the opportunity.

In fact, tonight we will start to promote relevant test information, such as running laps at the Golden Port International Circuit to test battery life, simulating the winter environment in a large frozen warehouse, and violently testing lithium batteries and graphene batteries in the event of a car accident. The difference and so on.

Preview information for these tests will begin to be publicized in the evening.

Of course, it is just propaganda information without any substantive content, as if it is just trying to fool people into thinking.

It was just after seven in the evening.

An Liang was sitting on the sofa. Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang were sitting on An Liang's lap, one on the left and the other on the right. Chen Siyu was acting coquettishly.

"Master An, I want to participate in the test at Jingang International Circuit!"Chen Siyu, an experienced driver, obviously wants to race

"I definitely agree, but Teacher Sun definitely disagrees. An Liang responded with a smirk.

Ning Ruoshuang came up with a bad idea,"I think we can ask Master An to call Teacher Sun to ask for leave.""

"What's the reason for taking leave?"An Liang asked back.

Ning Ruoshuang responded,"Cold and fever."

"Putting aside the question of whether to ask for a sick leave note, wouldn't it be terrible if Teacher Sun came to visit me to check on my condition? An Liang hugged Ning Ruoshuang's hand and scratched her.

Chen Siyu seconded,"It seems so!" I helped Teacher Sun before, but if Teacher Sun pretends to be sick and thinks it is true, it will be terrible if he comes to visit the doctor!"

"Just go to school and practice your piano honestly. I'll come over early on Sunday afternoon. Let's go to the Golden Port International Circuit on Sunday afternoon, okay?"An Liang pinched the big cat's cheek to stop her from skipping class.

She wanted to skip class herself, but Teacher Sun definitely took the blame for An Liang!

"By the way, Shuangshuang, you’re taking your driver’s license test tomorrow, right?"An Liang asked.

Ning Ruoshuang nodded affirmatively,"Yeah, I am confident that I will pass the exam tomorrow."

"After passing, we will go to the Golden Port International Circuit together on Sunday afternoon and help you buy a car."An Liang explained.

Chen Siyu leaned on An Liang's shoulder and asked,"Then what time will you come over in the afternoon?"

"five o'clock?"An Liang asked back.

"earlier!"Chen Siyu responded

"Four o'clock?"An Liang pushed forward for an hour.

"Couldn't be sooner! Chen Siyu added with a groan,"It's too late and it's dark. Racing is not fun!""

"Then three o'clock!"An Liang responded.

This big cat seems to have not raced for a long time?

"By the way, Master An, have you seen the news about neon? This neon is really crazy!"Chen Siyu complained.

"Neon what news? An Liang asked back.

Chen Siyu clicked on the relevant news on his mobile phone and motioned An Liang to check it,"Neon plans to dump more than one million tons of nuclear contaminated wastewater produced by the Fudao Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean.""

Chen Siyu continued to complain,"Is this Neon Court's brains full of tofu? You can come up with such bad ideas. Ning Ruoshuang also complained,"

It seems that only Neon can do such a thing.""

An Liang was reading relevant news. After the accident at Neon Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, more and more nuclear contaminated wastewater was produced. This nuclear contaminated wastewater has accumulated to 1.23 million tons. The wastewater collection device of Neon Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant has been The warehouse is nearly full and is expected to be completely full in 2022.

Under such circumstances, if an earthquake occurs, the consequences will be disastrous.

In order to avoid such a situation, the Neon Court plans to dump the nuclear contaminated wastewater into the ocean and use the ocean to The huge volume of nuclear contaminated wastewater will naturally purify these nuclear contaminated wastewater.

According to the Neon Court, the ocean is so big, and just a little nuclear contaminated wastewater should not be a big problem!

Besides, these nuclear contaminated wastewater will also mix in with the ocean currents In the oceans of the world.

According to the calculations of their Neon Court, there is absolutely no risk in such a plan!

What if there is a risk?...

It doesn't matter!

As I just said, these nuclear contaminated wastewater will cause the world's oceans to explode together. It's not the Neon family that has the problem, right?

After An Liang finished reading the news, he also complained,"This neon sign is really disgusting!" How can this kind of thing not be disgusting?

Once Neon really dumps nuclear contaminated wastewater into the ocean, who will dare to eat seafood products in the future?

Will there be additional measures to prevent nuclear radiation in future shipping routes?

What's more important is that sea water will evaporate!

The evaporated water vapor from the ocean carries nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sky, and then returns to the land with rainwater, and then enters various animals and plants.

There is a biological knowledge in the food chain called 'enrichment effect'.

This effect means: through the transmission of various trophic levels of the food chain or food web in the ecosystem, certain pollutants, such as radioactive chemicals and synthetic pesticides, gradually become more concentrated in organisms.

In human terms: If humans eat nuclear-contaminated seafood, nuclear-contaminated vegetables, and nuclear-contaminated fruits, more and more nuclear-contaminated substances will accumulate in the human body.

Need more to say about the final result?

Of course, the black-clad heavenly group was ushered in with the joyful sound of suona!


Update time: October 31, 2020 01:32:27, 3 updates first, 3 updates later.

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