Unknown to Anliang, Jack Smith, senior vice president of investments at Rod & Albert, joined forces with Ron Kline of Berkshire Hathaway, as well as Barzel Covin of Ropp Partners, and Merrill Lynch and Andy Meyer, formed a partnership subsidiary for Anxin Investment Company.

The four of them are senior investment vice presidents of the corresponding companies and hold considerable power. The fundamental purpose of forming a partnership this time is to deal with Anxin Investment Company.

Now that there are large Tesla sell orders in the U.S. stock market, the four people judged that Anxin Investment Company was shorting Tesla's stock again, so they chose to buy in full.

Even though the price of US$290 per share is relatively high, they believe that Tesla's stock price still has room to grow, especially due to the excellent properties of the electrodeless battery.

What's more important is that the four of them join forces and can control a single Tesla stock to a large extent.

"This time I directly invest 60 million shares! An Liang ordered.

Li Gang asked,"Is it still the price of 290 US dollars per share?""

"certainly!"An Liang responded affirmatively.

"Okay, let's get started now. Li Gang responded.

A moment later, Anxin Investment Company placed a sell order for 60 million Tesla shares in the US stock market.

Faced with such a huge sell order, Ron and Jack hesitated a little, but decided to proceed. , they thought that Anxin Investment Company was short selling, and if they took these short selling orders, they could later force Anxin Investment Company to buy Tesla shares at a high price to repay the bonds! Unfortunately, their idea was too beautiful, and they thought in the wrong direction from the beginning..

The sell order for 60 million shares of Tesla only lasted less than a minute. The partnership subsidiary established by Jack and Ron on behalf of four financial giants has a reserve fund of up to US$40 billion.

Currently, Anxin Investment Company has only sold Removing 100 million shares of Tesla stock at a price of US$290 per share only cost them US$29 billion, and they still have US$11 billion in capital reserves.

"Mr. An, someone is targeting us! Li Gang reminded

"I know."An Liang responded

"So shall we continue to sell? Li Gang asked.

An Liang laughed,"Of course I want to sell, and I want to pursue the victory with all my strength!""

The mastermind behind the scenes?


" An Liang hummed,"Throw out all the remaining 50 million shares at the old price.""

"receive."After Li Gang replied, he followed An Liang's instructions and placed a sell order for the remaining 50 million Tesla shares at once.

Jack and Ron watched as another 50 million shares of Tesla were placed on the US stock market. Stocks, they feel like they have eaten shit.

They have bought 100 million shares of Tesla stock, and now they have put out another 50 million shares. Is Anxin Investment Company really not afraid of unexpected events? Is that really the case

? confidence?

"Jack, what do we do now?" Ron from Berkshire Hathaway asked. He suddenly evolved to the point of non-stick pans. Anyway, he doesn't come up with ideas and lets others come up with them.

Then it's someone else who takes the blame, right?

Rod & Albert Company Jack was silent for a moment and then responded,"Our budget is not enough. 50 million shares require 14.5 billion, but we only have 11 billion now, which is still 3.5 billion short. Our family will invest another billion, or is there another plan?"

Bazel of Ropp Partners responded,"We can buy 30 million shares first, which only costs 8.7 billion, and see if we can get a bargain with the remaining 2.3 billion.

Andy from Merrill Lynch seconded,"Reinvestment is relatively difficult, so our company probably won't approve it.""

Ron definitely agreed,"Our company's situation is similar and we probably won't approve more investments. I think Bazel is right. Let’s buy another 30 million shares and see what happens next."

Three votes do not support reinvestment!

Jack nodded understandingly,"Then we will buy another 30 million shares and see what happens."

As the four people made their decision, 30 million shares of the 50 million share sell order placed by Anxin Investment Company in the US stock market disappeared.

In fact, before Ron and Jack took action, some of the 50 million share sell order had already been sold by retail investors. Buy.

Retail investors are also very optimistic about Tesla!

An Liang saw that the people behind the scenes only bought 30 million shares, and he suddenly laughed. These people behind the scenes are not good at it. They can't afford a 'mere' 150 million shares. ?

No fun!

Originally, An Liang was still considering that if the man behind the scenes liquidated the remaining 50 million shares in one wave, he would actually short sell the 50 million shares. Suppose that even the short sell order of 50 million shares was sold by the other party. Bo Qing.

Then An Liang ran away!


Brother Liang really made a plan to run away.

Because if the power behind the scenes can continuously take in high-priced sales orders of 200 million shares of Tesla without hesitation, then It means that a super financial giant has entered the scene or an alliance of financial giants has entered the scene.

Still not running away under such a situation?

What a trouble!

Fortunately, it was not an extreme situation. The man behind the scenes was not very powerful, so An Liang was basically relieved.

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