In the corner of the cafe inside the National Library, Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu said they had guessed An Liang's trump card.

But how could An Liang not know that the Ye family and the Dalin family could guess their trump cards?

The Ye family and the Dalin family thought that An Liang was on the first floor and accidentally exposed their trump card, but in an instant An Liang said that he had predicted the predictions of the two families.

Faced with An Liang's expression, Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu were quite calm.

Lin Yili responded,"We also guessed that your purpose of contacting them was to tell us your trump card."

The two families said they were on the fourth floor again?

An Liang just clicked on the coffee table and didn't mean to speak.

Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu were stunned for a moment, and then understood what An Liang meant.

An Liang was already waiting for them at the National Library, which meant that he had guessed that the two companies could see through the car's graphene battery's trump card, or that he had deliberately revealed his trump card, and was waiting for them at the National Library.

Such a situation...

Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu glanced at each other. It turned out that An Liang had made his ultimate goal clear from the beginning, and the other party had been standing on the fifth floor waiting for them.

‘This guy is really scary! Lin Yili sighed secretly in his heart,"No wonder he did a perfect job in Jia Dewen's matter. Such a calculation is both aboveboard and watertight." '

From the moment An Liang gave him a glimmer of hope, he stood on the fifth floor waiting.

An Liang asked again,"What is the decision of your two families?"

Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu responded together,"Of course it is cooperation! Cooperation can lead to a win-win situation!"

"Happy cooperation!" An Liang crossed his hands and stretched out, gesturing to shake hands with the two of them.

Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu did not hesitate. They held An Liang's left and right hands respectively. After waiting for the handshake, An Liang took the initiative to ask,"What is the purchase price of your stocks? What is the interest rate from the bank and what is the current status of the stock?"

Ye Xiangyu responded,"Both of us made income in 2013 at a price of 40 US dollars per share. The Imperial Gongshang Bank provided a full loan with an annual interest rate of 3%. Our stocks were fully mortgaged to Gongshang. bank."

Lin Yili seconded,"Because the stocks are fully mortgaged to the bank, if we want to sell the stocks, we still need to go through certain procedures, and we can only sell them under bank supervision. An

Liang thought silently for a moment before responding,"I can use Anxin Investment to provide guarantee. According to our relationship with Didu Gongshang Bank, your stocks will be unlocked soon, but I have a request.""

"Please say."Lin Yili responded

"Leave your stocks to us for safe investment operations."An Liang said the prerequisites

"Your stocks were purchased in 2013. I will give you the most favored treatment. For seven years, the interest will be 3% per year. Calculated at US$40 per share, the bank will charge US$8.4 per share. Interest."An Liang added

"For your stocks, I will first set a minimum price of US$100 per share for you to accept. No matter what price we sell at, you will have priority in getting the basic price of US$100 per share."An Liang explained.

At this price, the Ye family and the Dalin family will not only not lose money, but also directly make a lot of money, okay?

Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu thought about it for a while, then agreed,"No problem!

An Liang continued,"As for the follow-up benefits, I have a plan. You guys should listen to it first.""

"All ears."Ye Xiangyu responded

"Your stocks, after our operation, will probably make a profit of more than a thousand yuan. We invest in one of your two families, Zhao Wanxi's four, plus the Li family represented by Li Cunyuan, and the Yun family represented by Yun Haiyang. As well as the Qian family represented by Qian Xiaogang, we form the core members."An Liang explained.

Ye Xiangyu and Lin Yili were silent.

When Anxin Investment joined in, they naturally agreed; the four first-tier families in the imperial capital circle represented by Zhao Wanxi joined in, so they naturally could not refuse; but the Li family, the Yun family and the Qian family Participate?


"Mr. An, the Li family, the Yun family, and the Qian family were unable to occupy three seats." Lin Yili expressed his thoughts.

Ye Xiangyu seconded,"We cannot accept this. An

Liang was originally just testing, but now that he was rejected, he thought about it for a moment and responded,"The three of them together occupy one quota, isn't it too much?""

Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu made eye contact with each other and nodded together.

"Very reasonable! Lin Yili responded affirmatively.

Ye Xiangyu was equally affirmative,"It's not too much.""

"But we also have conditions. Lin Yili added.

The Li family, the Yun family, and the Qian family, the strength of these three families has improved very quickly in the past year!

Especially the Li family has now entered the same level as them, exceeding the second level, but lower than The first floor.

Under such circumstances, it is not too much to allow the Li family to join the Yun family and the Qian family. The three families occupy one quota.

"Please say."An Liang looked at Lin Yili and motioned for the other party to state his request.

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