The public welfare cooperation between the Animal Star Protection Home and the Children's Welfare Home is progressing very smoothly.

To be precise, they should hit it off immediately!

As An Liang said, such public welfare cooperation can not only reduce the operational pressure of children's welfare homes, but also help relieve the psychological pressure of orphans and abandoned babies in children's welfare homes, making them feel needed and making them develop Self-worth, thereby releasing psychological pressure.

Not being needed and having no sense of self-worth are the biggest problems!

An Liang has been to the Children's Welfare Home. He knows very well about the Children's Welfare Home. There are some things that need to be understood carefully. Only by going there and having a deep understanding can you understand the things involved.

So Anliang would rather take the risk of being raped by the keyboard warrior, and he would do such a thing. Although there is also a reason for wishing for a lucky bag reward, his love cannot be overwhelmed.

An Liang has two classic sayings!

‘First: Economic freedom to do whatever you want as long as it is within the scope of the law’

‘Second: Within the scope of the law, you can have the financial confidence not to do anything you don’t want to do! '

An Liang wants to do this thing now. If this thing is allowed by the law, he can do it!

At the same time, these two classic quotes actually represent one thing: An Liang's ideological level is improving.

From a rich man to a thoughtful rich man, he began more spiritual pursuits, hoping to leave his own profound mark.

For example, the Animal Rescue Foundation, and another example is the current charity cooperation plan between the Animal Protection Home and XJTLU Children's Welfare Home.

It was nearly six o'clock in the evening.

Lin Xia, a staff member of XJTLU Children's Welfare Home, was thanking Bai Yue. The cooperation between the two parties had formally reached an agreement and a three-year term was directly signed.

An Liang found Zhang Hai, the nine-year-old orphan he had agreed with last year.

"We meet again!"An Liang looked at Zhang Hai

"Hello, big brother, I...Miss you very much. Zhang Hai responded timidly.

An Liang rubbed Zhang Hai's hair,"Are you okay?""

"Well, I'm fine. Teacher Lin takes good care of me. Zhang Hai responded,"Brother, I got first place in the half-term exam.""

"very nice!"Anliang said with praise.

XJTLU Children's Welfare Institute sent all normal children of school age to nearby schools, allowing them to receive compulsory education like ordinary children.

"You're in third grade, right?"An Liang asked

"Yes."Zhang Hai responded

"If I need you to do whatever you can on Saturdays and weekends, would you be willing?" An Liang asked.

Before the other party answered, An Liang continued to add,"For example, cleaning, cleaning up cat poop, and checking whether there are cat and dog poop in an area, etc. Are you willing to do these things?

Zhang Hai responded without hesitation,"Yes!""

"why?"An Liang asked back.

"Because eldest brother is very good to us, I want to help eldest brother. The teacher at school said that we should be willing to help others. Zhang Hai responded.

An Liang smiled and added,"But the cat's poop smells very bad.""

"I'm not afraid! Zhang Hai responded,"When we were in school, we cleaned the boys' toilets ourselves. I'm not afraid of the smell. Big brother, I want to help you!"

An Liang smiled and nodded again,"Then just listen to Teacher Lin!""

At seven o'clock in the evening.

An Liang, Bai Yue, the two Xia sisters, and Feng Jie were having dinner at the XJTLU Children's Welfare Home.

Xia Hexin said softly,"They are so pitiful. Xia Ruyi seconded,"

Yes, they...Very poor"

"So I want to do something for them."An Liang responded

"Anliang, you are really a good person."Xia Ruyi responded emotionally. An Liang looked at Xia Ruyi speechlessly. Is this girl poisonous?

Bai Yue seconded,"Yes, classmate An is a good person. Xia Hexin also agreed,"That's right!" An Liang is a good person! Lin Xia from XJTLU Children's Welfare Home also nodded,"Mr. An is indeed a good person. During last year's Mid-Autumn Festival, Mr. An donated a large amount of supplies. Thank you very much, Mr. An."" An Liang held his forehead, as if he were a little more fragile, he is going to have a mental breakdown now, okay? These guys praise him as a good person so much, what if another good person card comes out of the wish bag? Good person cards are poisonous! An Liang has tried it before, and it is of no use at all. It is simply a lie!

"I'm begging you, I'm not a good person. An Liang complained.

Zhang Hai interjected,"Big brother is a good person!""

An Liang said he was going to vomit!

Why is it so hard to be a good person?

It's hard to be a good person!

It's even harder to be a good man!

"Bai Yue, please remember to announce our cooperation with XJTLU Children’s Welfare Home directly on the official website of the Animal Star Protection Home. All information is fully disclosed."An Liang changed the topic to prevent him from continuing to collect the good person card.


‘Congratulations to the host for completing something of great significance’

‘Would you like to open the wish bag? '


Is it actually of 'importance'?

It seems that Anliang made the right move. He provided the orphans and abandoned babies in Xijiao Children's Welfare Home with the self-worth they needed, thereby alleviating their psychological pressure, right?

This is the most important help!

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