Second canteen.

An Liang asked Bai Yue for her advice. After all, Bai Yue's moral attributes were as high as 99 points, so she should be able to make a fairer decision.

Faced with such a choice, Bai Yue remained silent.

After a full five minutes, Bai Yue responded.

"The essence of the Animal Star Rescue Foundation is to protect stray animals and provide them with a warm home. However, stray animals, like people, should also have good and bad qualities. I think we should choose the good."Bai Yue explained

"Stray animals are indeed pitiful, but the girl at the Institute of Science and Technology who was attacked by a stray dog ​​is even more pitiful. If there were no such stray dogs, she would not have been attacked."Bai Yue continued.

"Her experience of being attacked by stray dogs should have caused great harm to her, not only physical harm, but also psychological harm, and may even form a psychological shadow."Bai Yue added

"Our kindness and love should be reserved for stray animals who deserve it, rather than extending love to all stray animals equally."Bai Yue concluded

"We can’t define when a stray animal has hurt a person, but we can define whether a stray animal may actively attack a person. If a stray animal actively attacks a person, I think such stray animals threaten human safety and are not worth our efforts. Kindness and love."Bai Yue came to a conclusion again.

"Classmate An, am I being cruel?"Bai Yue looked at An Liang a little uneasily.

An Liang shook his head in denial,"As you said, what did the girl from the Institute of Science and Technology who was attacked by a stray dog ​​do wrong?"

"You have done a very good job, at least for the vast majority of stray animals, their endings will be better."An Liang explained.

In fact, this is indeed the case!

In some big cities, the fate of stray animals is very miserable, especially the non-precious pet dogs among stray dogs. Take big cities such as Imperial Capital, Magic Capital, Tianfu, and Shengqing as examples , it seems that there are no stray dogs, right?

Logically speaking, there should be many stray dogs in such a big city.

After all, many small counties have stray dogs in groups, but there are no stray dogs in big cities exist?

In fact, the truth is cruel.

It’s not that there are no stray dogs in big cities, but that stray dogs in big cities have almost no choice.

In big cities, there are probably only stray dogs in schools, right?

The fate of stray cats is relatively more serious Better, after all stray cats are less of a threat to humans and they are more nocturnal

"Um!"Bai Yue took a deep breath,"I will make good use of it."

"By the way, classmate An, we have opened the website of the Animal Star Protection Home. We are currently registering the information of every stray dog ​​and stray cat, and will update the situation of the Animal Star Protection Home to try to get people to adopt stray dogs. and stray cats, reducing our operational pressure."Bai Yue explained

"There is one more thing," Bai Yue added,"We plan to implant microchips into adopted stray cats and stray dogs and record the adopter's information. Once the adopter abandons the pet again, we will report it to the animal star protection team. Adopter information published on website blacklist"

"This clause will be clearly listed in the adoption terms."Bai Yue explained

"In addition, our Animal Star Rescue Foundation is actively contacting pet shops in Tianfu. We hope that pet shops will also join our electronic chip program. When selling pets, they will clearly inform buyers that the chip will be implanted and records will be recorded. Buyer information, if the buyer abandons the pet, he will be punished by blacklist exposure."Bai Yue added an explanation.

"We will provide buyers with a plan to stop feeding. When buyers no longer want to feed their pets due to various reasons, they can contact our Animal Star Rescue Foundation to hand the pets directly to us to avoid the loss of stray pets. produce."Bai Yue added.

An Liang listened to Bai Yue's plan and sighed silently in his heart. Bai Yue's growth rate exceeded his expectations!

Originally, An Liang just wanted to pay for Bai Yue to do something for her. It’s just something I like.

Who knew that Bai Yue could achieve what he is now?

Not only did he make the Animal Star Rescue Foundation impressive, he even planned the future development route, whether it was the re-adoption of stray animals or the first care of pets. Registration plan for sale.

This white moon...

It was beyond his imagination!

"Your plan is very good. If you need help, please contact me directly and I will try my best to help you solve the trouble."An Liang affirmed.

After receiving An Liang's affirmation, Bai Yue's eyes showed a happy look, and she nodded slightly,"Classmate An, I will try my best to deal with the problem myself. If I really can't handle it, I will contact you again."

"Um. An Liang reminded,"Don't force yourself. I can easily solve some problems.""

"good!"Bai Yue agreed.


Update time: October 19, 2020 07:44:41, ten updates completed.

No need to struggle anymore, second place in the monthly ticket is fine, I’m so happy, can I ask for some flowers?

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