In the U.S. stock market, Tesla's seller's market was suddenly swept away by 160 million shares, causing Tesla's stock price, which originally fell to US$98.77 per share, to soar to US$100.08 per share.

This price even exceeds the opening price!

This situation made all participating financial institutions realize that the problem was not simple....

It’s not just the issue of someone scanning all the sell orders at once, there’s also the issue of excessive sell orders. With a total of 160 million shares of sell orders, someone is definitely placing short sell orders!

Hotel Eclat.

Ron watched as the sell orders for 160 million Tesla shares were cleared in an instant, and he knew he had fallen into a trap!

Otherwise, 160 million Tesla shares could be short-sold in an instant?

But Ron had doubts again!

Does Anxin Investment Company have so much money?

This is at least 15 billion US dollars in funds. How can Anxin Investment Company have so much funds?

Even if Anxin Investment Company really has so much money, how did it generate so many sales orders?

Ron thought silently, even if all the sales orders yesterday were counted as the conspiracy of Anxin Investment Company, it seems that there were only 75 million shares? etc....

Ron realized the problem!

It turns out that Anxin Investment Company entered the market for the second time yesterday, and the subsequent large-scale selling orders were the short orders of Anxin Investment Company. Today’s sell orders may also include short sell orders of Anxin Investment Company.

So the shares purchased by Anxin Investment Company today actually offset yesterday’s short selling order?

Ron felt a little defeated, because after he figured it out, he realized that he had been played like a monkey by An Liang from beginning to end, and the other party completely controlled his thoughts.

A depressed Ron looked at his losses.

He previously bought a total of 40 million Tesla shares at a price of $160 per share, and now sold them all for $97.95.

Each share represents a loss of $62.05.

So with 40 million shares, he lost a total of US$2.482 billion!

Calculated based on the execution exchange rate of 1 US dollar equal to 6.7898 Xia Guoyuan, Ron alone lost more than 16.8 billion Xia Guoyuan.

In this wave of operations, Anxin Investment Company obtained a large amount of profits through yesterday's short selling and today's buying and returning bonds.

Yesterday, Anxin Investment Company short-sold a total of 60 million shares of Tesla stock, which were sold at the following prices:

20 million shares were sold at two prices of $155 and $140 respectively; they were sold at a price of $130 per share. 9 million shares;

8 million shares sold at an average price of 127.5.

They also reduced the price and sold 3 million shares at a price of $125.

In the end, 60 million Tesla shares were 'borrowed' from brokers and sold in advance, earning a total of US$8.465 billion.

After adjusting for price fluctuations, the final average price of the 130 million Tesla shares acquired today was US$97.88 per share.

According to this price, 60 million shares are 'returned' to the brokerage, which is an acquisition cost of US$5.8782 billion.

Yesterday, they 'borrowed' Tesla shares in advance and sold them at a high price, and today they bought Tesla shares at a low price and 'returned' them back, thus creating a situation where the stock price fell and they made money.

The final profit was US$2.5922 billion. After adding in the exchange rate and deducting related handling fees, the income from this short-selling operation was as high as 17.6 billion Xia Guoyuan.

Easily exceeded yesterday’s total income!

More importantly, Anxin Investment still holds 70 million Tesla shares, and the purchase price of each share is only US$97.88.

An Liang also discovered a problem from the number of Tesla sales. Besides him, there must be someone else shorting Tesla, but they are just more greedy than him.

Anliang's original plan was to take back the 60 million shares he shorted yesterday. If he could buy another 20 to 30 million shares, everything would be fine. But in the end, there were 70 million shares left?

This means Anliang can still make a fortune!

In fact, this short-selling order originated from Tesla's boss, Mr. Ma, who wanted Tesla's stock to drop to $80 per share before making large-scale purchases.

As a result, An Liang intercepted him in advance!

What's worse is that Boss Ma's operation is illegal, and he can only do it secretly. After being intercepted by An Liang, Boss Ma can only be mute and eat Coptis chinensis, and can't tell the story of his suffering.

At 10:30 p.m., Tesla's stock price remained at $102.26. It neither continued to rise nor fell again, and was only trading slightly sideways.

It is obvious that Tesla's abnormal trading data has made financial institutions and ordinary investors vigilant, so they have temporarily stopped trading.

When Tesla's stock price was trading sideways, An Liang received a call from Ron. He thought about it for three seconds and chose to answer it.

"Good evening, Mr. An."Ron greeted in Xia Mandarin.

"Is Mr. Ron still in the Imperial Capital?"An Liang asked in English.

The two of them were very interesting. They both spoke each other's native language.

"Yes. Ron responded, and then continued to ask,"Mr. An, was that you just now?""

"Sorry, Mr. Ron, I don't understand what you mean, what just happened to me?"An Liang asked back.

"Were you the one who just swept the market with selling orders for 160 million Tesla shares?" Ron asked bluntly

"I said no, do you believe it?"An Liang asked back.

Ron didn't answer whether he believed it or not. He just explained,"Yesterday, I purchased 40 million shares of Tesla at a price of US$160 per share. Today, I bought 40 million shares of Tesla stock at US$97.95 per share. The price at which the stock was sold"

"The total loss was US$2.482 billion. Ron added,"Mr. An, what do you think I should do?""

"Close to 2.5 billion U.S. dollars, that’s a loss of almost 17 billion U.S. dollars..."An Liang said hesitantly,"You remind me of a friend."

"Um?"Ron wondered

"I have a friend, his name is Chen Ming. He lost more than 20 billion in funds...."An Liang described Chen Ming's situation.

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