Listening to An Liang's response, Bai Yue looked at An Liang doubtfully, why should she get what she wanted?

"Did you have meal? An Liang asked.

Bai Yue nodded,"Yeah!""

"Then go to dinner with me."An Liang responded.

Bai Yue agreed,"Classmate An, can you wait a few minutes? I want to accompany them to finish eating first. If I leave, the big cats around won't let the kittens eat."

"good!"An Liang nodded in agreement.

An Liang stood beside Bai Yue and watched quietly as Bai Yue guarded the three little kittens. This pure girl indeed had a sincere and kind heart. After nearly five minutes, the three kittens After the little kittens finished eating the chicken puree, Bai Yue put away the small stainless steel bowl and touched the three little kittens again,"Little kittens, you have to be careful, I will come back tomorrow."

The three little milk cats finished eating the chicken puree and were petted by Bai Yue a few more times. Then they ran towards the black and white milk cat.

Bai Yue introduced,"That's their mother. Their mother is very thin. She should be He was malnourished, so he couldn't feed his three kittens. An

Liang nodded and responded,"Have you ever thought about withdrawing from Yuyue and focusing on rescuing these little things?""

Bai Yue became a little embarrassed.

An Liang added with a smile,"You're starting to think wildly again!"

"What I mean is, treating rescuing these little things is a job, just like working in Yue Yue. There are also corresponding wages, but the content of the work is changed to rescuing these little things. An Liang explained.

Bai Yue was stunned,"Is there such a job?""

If there is such a job, why are there so many stray cats in their school?

It's not just their school!

There are also many stray cats in surrounding schools. There are also many stray cats in schools across the country and in cities.

Especially in the north. Stray cats died in large numbers this winter.

Bai Yue saw a lot of related news on the Internet, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

"have! An Liang nodded affirmatively,"Are there any classmates in our school who like these little things as much as you do?"

Bai Yue quickly responded,"Yes, yes, many seniors also like them very much.""

"If it weren't for the care of the senior students, these cats would probably..."Bai Yue didn't say any more.

The stray cats in schools are actually the ones in the best situation because students always like to feed them.

Stray cats in the city are miserable!

Not only do you have to deal with the threat of busy traffic, but you also have to compete with stray dogs and similar species for territory and food, plus various baits for rats, as well as various mechanical and electrical threats.

The living conditions of those stray cats are miserable

"If you are asked to lead a team to rescue these stray cats, starting from our college and gradually developing to surrounding colleges, then to the entire college of Tianfu, and then to all areas of Tianfu, expanding outward step by step, you Can it be done? An Liang asked.

Bai Yue hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded firmly,"I can!""

"Ah That's good. An Liang said with a smile,"I will set up an Animal Star Rescue Foundation specifically to rescue these furry little things.""

"Do dogs need to be rescued too?"Bai Yue asked

"Um. An Liang nodded.

An Liang continued,"I will acquire some pet hospitals in Tianfu. Through these pet hospitals, we will provide help to stray cats and dogs, as well as other possible stray pets, from health examinations to physical sterilization and other services.""

"I will also acquire a piece of land in the urban fringe area, establish a corresponding stray cat and stray dog ​​assistance and placement center, and try to place some stray cats and stray dogs with poor living conditions in the assistance center as much as possible, and open adoption services, so as to Try to create a virtuous cycle."An Liang explained.

"But..."Bai Yue hesitates

"But what?"An Liang asked back.

Bai Yue looked at An Liang and said,"But that will cost a lot of money."

"I know."An Liang nodded.

"And there’s no money to be made."Bai Yue continued, she was deeply involved in Yu Yue's operation, and Feng Jie taught Bai Yue without any secret, letting Bai Yue know that for a business to continue to operate, profit is a must. Otherwise, there is only investment and no production. It turns out that such a business entity cannot operate for a long time.

"I know."An Liang nodded repeatedly.

"Since you can't make money, classmate An, why are you..."Before Bai Yue could finish speaking, he was interrupted by An Liang.

"There are many things in this world that cannot be summed up by"whether to make money or not.""An Liang explained

"You love these little things, don't you?"An Liang said with a smile.

Bai Yue was silent.

"If you want to help them, so be it."An Liang said again.

Bai Yue's blessing to him is worthy of An Liang's return.

This blessing from a pure girl is simply a bit powerful and defying the rhythm of heaven, right?

"Although this Animal Star Rescue Foundation cannot make money in the foreseeable future, I have other projects that can make money. I can continuously provide cash flow from other projects to this project, so that this project can be sustained for a long time.."An Liang explained.

On the surface, An Liang's approach seems to be doomed to lose money.

But will it actually be a loss?

What if the Animal Star Rescue Foundation grows to a certain extent?

It will not only provide a lot of job opportunities , will also create a good reputation and social image, and Anliang and his industry will also gain public favor with the help of the Animal Star Rescue Foundation.

Thus, it will eventually grow into one of Anliang’s protective umbrellas!

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