Chapter 953: But isn’t he a mortal cook?

Li Yuan changed out of his chef uniform. When he heard Nuwa's words, he gently hit Nuwa on the head with the back of his hand:

"Think beautifully."

Having him cook so many dishes every day, do you really think of him as your personal chef?

Nuwa covered her head with her hands and rubbed it. First she whispered:"Don't knock me stupid!""

Then, she said in a proud tone:

"Since it is an idea, of course it must be beautiful."

Then, she immediately pulled Li Yuan's sleeves and asked Li Yuan to sit next to her.

"Sit down quickly, great hero. Houtu saw this and did not express any objection.

Because Li Yuan was also sitting next to her.

As long as Nuwa and Houtu were present at the same time, Li Yuan would always sit like this during the meal.

Otherwise, Nuwa and Houtu would have to fight. Get up.

Li Changsheng was standing aside, and he felt particularly uncomfortable when he saw Nuwa and Houtu getting close to Li Yuan. They just ignored me, but now they are smiling happily with other handsome guys. Isn't this difference in treatment too obvious?

Moreover, you are my intended wives?

How can you be so close to other men?

Isn’t he just a million times more handsome than me? How else can he compare to me?

You are also saints after all. Can you stop being like this? Superficial?

Can you pay more attention to the connotation of men?

In Li Changsheng's heart, he complained endlessly about the behavior of Nuwa and Hou Tu.

Soon, Sanqing, the Second Sage of the West, Daji, and Xiao Sizi all sat down.

Only Chang'e remained standing. Li Yuan knew that Chang'e thought she was a maid and could not take the initiative to sit down, so he greeted Chang'e:

"You sit down too."

When Chang'e heard this, she immediately saluted Li Yuan Wanfu:

"My slave, I would like to thank you for sitting down."

After saying that, she sat down next to Daji.


When Li Changsheng heard Daji's name, he looked dumbfounded and incredulous.

He couldn't figure out how Chang'e, who was a Daluo Jinxian, could treat a cook or... A mortal calls himself a slave?

How can this mortal cook be able to have such a charming servant girl?

Is it just because he is handsome?

Or is he good at cooking?

This is too unfair Is it scientific?

Is this still the unsmiling, cold and indifferent goddess of the lunar calendar who always ignored him?

If Chang'e's aura and appearance hadn't changed, Li Changsheng would really doubt that this gentle and peerless beauty who calls herself a maid is actually Not Chang'e!

After Chang'e sat down, Li Yuan immediately picked up a piece of garlic bacon, finished eating, and then said to everyone:

"Let's get started."

After hearing this, several saints began to use their chopsticks.

When Li Changsheng saw this scene, he felt extremely strange.

Why do these people respect this cook so much?

They still have to wait for him to move his chopsticks before eating?

But he Isn't he a mortal cook?

Li Changsheng looked at Li Yuan carefully and found that he really had no cultivation, and there was no spiritual energy in his meridians.

What went wrong?

Li Changsheng was at a loss!

"Well, delicious."Tongtian Cult Master praised

"So fragrant."Yuanshi Tianzun quickly picked up the food

"When did the food cooked by the shopkeeper not taste good?"Zhunti Taoist did not forget to flatter you," he said


Everyone seemed to have not seen Li Changsheng standing next to them.

Li Changsheng, who was ignored, had the word"embarrassed" on his face.

The people here are so rude.

I'm such a big living person, why doesn't anyone say hello?

Don't you invite me to sit down and have dinner with you?

Don’t you even know how to please the Supreme Dao of Heaven?

Although I am a supreme being and do not look down on this kind of food at all, whether I eat or not is one thing, and whether you invite me or not is another matter.

This is a matter of attitude!

But to be honest, the food on this table is indeed tempting, both in appearance and aroma. It's much more attractive than the royal meal in the palace.

It made me secretly swallow several mouthfuls of saliva.

Fortunately, no one knows, otherwise, the image of the Supreme Way of Heaven would be completely lost!

Li Changsheng couldn't help but take the initiative to remind everyone:

"Ahem, um, there's a big living person standing here."

"so?"I and others looked at Li Changsheng with puzzled faces.

Li Changsheng:"Don't you have anything to ask me?"

Sanqing, the Second Sage of the West, Nuwa Empress, Li Yuanda looked at each other, shook her head at the same time and said:


They really have nothing to ask Li Changsheng, because they seem to know everything about Li Changsheng and there is no need to ask.

Li Changsheng:"……"

Seeing that no one was interested in him at all, he couldn't help but twitch his horns crazily, appearing extremely speechless.

Am I the Supreme Being?

How can you be so unconcerned?

Is it because my realm is too high and they don’t know that I am the way of heaven?

That’s not right. Daji also called me a"Tiandao eunuch" before. Is it possible that they don’t know my Tiandao identity?

What went wrong?

Li Changsheng suppressed the speechlessness in his heart and said to everyone who was enjoying the meal:

"You have nothing to ask me, but I have too many things to ask you"

"You can ask, but it doesn't matter whether you answer or not."I said.

Li Changsheng:"……"

Are these saints too arrogant?

How dare you be so disrespectful to me, the Supreme Dao of Heaven?

Aren't they afraid that I'll get angry?

Li Changsheng was not in a hurry to publish. He asked everyone the first doubt in his mind:

"Who built this inn?"

"not me."I was the first to reply.

"Not me either."Yuanshi Tianzun then shook his head and said

"Neither do I."Tongtian Cult Master continued.

Then the Second Saint of the West, Nuwa Houtu, Daji and Xiaosizi also came out to join in the fun, shaking their heads to say it was not them.

In the end, Li Yuan and Chang'e did not speak.

Chang'e simply did not want to talk to Li Changsheng. , and Li Yuan, he built this inn, he couldn't deny it with everyone else.

When Li Changsheng saw everyone denying it (Li Yuan was ignored by him), the surprise on his face suddenly became stronger

"Since you didn't build it, how did this inn come about?"

Is it possible that this is an inn that has existed since ancient times?

It was not built by humans?

At least, not by living people?

Just like my system?

They are all unknown things?

If this is really the case, Li Changsheng can still accept it..

This means that there is no one stronger than him in the prehistoric period. Just when Li Changsheng was thinking, he suddenly saw Zhunti Taoist holding a pair of chopsticks and pointing at his nose, and said to him in a slightly contemptuous tone. said:

"Is there something wrong with your understanding?"

Li Changsheng trembled his eyebrows.

He guided the Taoist:"It's not that he has a problem with his understanding, but that he has a problem with his hearing and vision."

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