Chapter 904: The general was almost frightened to death.

The bright glass windows, white marble floors, and smooth jade walls all exuded a luxurious atmosphere, which was incompatible with the wooden buildings of this world.

However, what confused the three of them was that there was no clerk in the store, only three strange dogs, curled up on the chairs with lazy expressions.

Among them, the spotted bitch looked normal, while the other two dogs, one with only eye sockets and no eyeballs, looked horrifying.

There is also one with a head on the front and back, and I don’t know where the butt is?

However, after experiencing the incident of"the waiter", the three of them no longer dare to despise anything in this world.

Who knows if these three dogs are monsters that have become spirits?

I saw Lu Kanshan respectfully asking in the store:

"Excuse me, is there anyone? We are going to buy a mobile phone"

"Can't you see three living people of this size sitting in front of you?"A deep male voice came from the mobile phone store, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.

Lu Kanshan, Mu Shiyin, and Gong Weiyang glanced at the store strangely.

Who is talking? Why didn't I see anyone?

There are three more ?

Aren't there only three dogs?

Could it be...

The three of them looked at the three dogs on the chair in horror.

Unexpectedly, these were really spirited dog monsters.

"It makes a lot of fuss, but you still have the nerve to be a time traveler."The spotted dog Houqing said with disdain.

Japan and Europe.

Seeing that the spotted dog also knows that he is a time traveler, Mu Shiyin and the three of them were messed up by the thunder.

What on earth is wrong with this world?

Why does even a dog know that we are a time traveler ? Is it possible that this dog can also explore our memories?

Wuwuwu, this world is too dangerous, we want to go home!

Mu Shiyin and the others resisted the urge to cry, but respectfully faced the three dogs The dog clasped its fists and saluted:

"That, Uncle Dog, oh no, Senior Dog……"

"We are not dogs."The generals looked dissatisfied at the three people calling them random names.

Mu Shiyin/Lu Kanshan/Gong Weiyang:"……"

They stared blankly at the three dogs who said they were not dogs, with expressions of confusion on their faces.

This is not a dog, what is it? dog?

Should I call him Uncle Dog?

Isn't this taking off your pants and farting?

After coming back to his senses, Lu Kanshan respectfully asked Sangou for advice:

"Haven't you asked the names of the three seniors yet?"

Spotted Dog:"I am the empress dowager."

Japan and Europe.

Isn't this the name of one of the four ancestors of zombies?

Isn't this spotted dog the ancestor of zombies? Is this what the ancestor of zombies looks like?

Or is it just the same name?

Just in Lu When Kanshan wondered if the Queen was the Queen, he saw the eyeless dog also said:

"I am a general."


At this time, Lu Kanshan's jaw dropped.

He was almost certain that these two dogs were the empress and general of the ancestor of the zombies. After all, there would be no such coincidence in this world. They met at the same time. There are two names with the same name.

I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect that the image of the ancestor of zombies would look like this.

At this time, the two-headed dog also spoke:"I win the game."

Yes, another ancestor of zombies.

Unexpectedly, three ancestors of zombies gathered together in a mobile phone store, seemingly selling mobile phones. Isn't the employment pressure in this world too great?

Isn't Lu Kanshan If he dared to neglect, he quickly saluted and said:

"It turns out that they are the three ancestors of zombies, the seniors, and the junior Lu Kanshan is polite."

While saluting, he glanced at Gong Weiyang and Mu Shiyin.

They also quickly saluted the three dogs.

The general said to Lu Kanshan with some joy:

"The stories about me in your memory are too outrageous. Empress Nuwa is an immortal saint. She wants to destroy the world with just one thought. Also, I don’t dare to have any disrespectful thoughts towards the empress."

He just detected the memory about him in Lu Kanshan's mind, and he was almost scared to death. How could he be so virtuous? How dare he have anything to do with Empress Nuwa?

This is such nonsense!

If Empress Nuwa knew about it, The memory in Lu Kanshan's mind, in a fit of anger, might just cut him into pieces.

What does it mean to fall from the sky? This is called disaster coming from the sky.

When Lu Kanshan heard this, he understood that the general was talking about a stalemate. Things.

He sneered and said:

"That's a TV show, someone else made it up, it has nothing to do with me. Please don’t blame me, seniors."

The general reminded:

"Remember, adaptation is not nonsense, and drama is not nonsense. Saints cannot be insulted."

Lu Kanshan nodded solemnly and said:

"Remember, Teacher Zhang Jiangchen."

Who calls you the uncle? Whatever you say is what you say."

"Three seniors, we want to buy a mobile phone, but don’t know how much it will cost?"Mu Shiyin asked the three dogs.

Hou Qing said:

"One hundred thousand taels of silver."

For mobile phones, this price is extremely expensive.

But if the mobile phones in this world are really spiritual treasures, this price is too cheap.

Lu Kanshan, Mu Shiyin, and Gong Weiyang all used to exchange money in the main temple. They bought a lot of gold, just enough to buy a mobile phone.

Therefore, the three of them did not hesitate to buy one each.

However, what puzzled them was that there seemed to be only one mobile phone displayed in the entire store.

Should they return it? Do you have to wait?

Does the prehistoric world also know about hunger marketing?

The power of capital is really powerful!

Just when the three of them were secretly complaining about"capital", they saw Hou Qing holding the only mobile phone and playing Entered a black clay pot on the bar.

Immediately afterwards, the clay pot flashed with a mysterious light, and then Hou Qing took out two mobile phones from the clay pot.

Japan and Europe!

Lu Kanshan, Mu Shi Marriage, Gong Weiyang The three of them were dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, this inconspicuous-looking clay pot could actually copy things.

This was clearly a magic weapon!

Thinking of this, the three of them almost drooled.

After Qing ignored the three drooling people and put his hand in his hand again.Two mobile phones were put into the cornucopia, another burst of mysterious light flashed, and then Hou Qing got four mobile phones.

He handed three of the mobile phones to Lu Kanshan, Gong Weiyang, and Mu Shiyin, and put the remaining one in the window for display.

However, Lu Kanshan did not fiddle with his mobile phone immediately. He pointed at the cornucopia and asked the queen:

"Senior Houqing, is this a magic weapon?"

"magic weapon?"

Houqing glanced at Lu Kanshan with disdain:

"This is the best innate spiritual treasure. How can a magic weapon have this ability?"

Hold the grass, so stupid?

Lu Kanshan knows that innate spiritual treasures are extremely rare in the ancient times, and the best innate spiritual treasures are even rarer. Even saints don't have a few.

He did not expect that in this mobile phone store, there is actually a top-quality innate spiritual treasure. Innate spiritual treasure.

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