Chapter 873: The shock caused by Xiao Sizi

After all, Xiao Sizi just showed off her amazing space laws.

How can one person cultivate two different laws to such a high level?

How much talent does this require?

Moreover, hasn’t she only practiced for a few hundred thousand years?

For hundreds of thousands of years, it has been difficult to cultivate one law. How can you practice two laws at the same time, and cultivate both laws to such a profound level?

How could there be such a monster genius in the ancient world?

It makes people envious and jealous!

Everyone was stunned by the terrifying strength displayed by Xiao Sizi.

But Xiao Sizi herself was unaware of it. She asked Gonggong:

"How about it, are you willing to admit defeat?"

"Give up?"

Gonggong struggled to resist the tide of laws around him, while laughing with his blood-stained face:

"It's too early for me to admit defeat."

Although, his body was dripping with blood, and his rough body was washed away by the tide of law from the inside to the outside with countless wounds, and even the past, future, time and space were imprisoned.

However, how could the Witch Clan admit defeat?


While speaking, Gonggong let out an angry roar and waved his fists directly, hitting millions of punches in an instant, trying to interrupt the surrounding tide of law and the imprisonment of law.

However, the tide of law, Gang, can wash away everything, but Soft, it can also merge with all rivers.

Gonggong can interrupt the fists of the heavens and hit the tide of law, but it will only cause a few waves to be resolved.

There is no way to resolve the attack of the tide of law.

Xiao Sizi sees Gonggong was unwilling to admit defeat and could not help but shook his head.

"Why be so tough!"

Originally, because she didn't pay attention before, she killed Jiufeng directly.

So this time when she dealt with Gonggong, she deliberately spared a hand to prevent the ancestral witches from making a fuss. As a result, Gonggong was unwilling to admit defeat. There was no other way, then it couldn't be done. It's her fault.

Xiao Sizi's heart moved, and the speed of the rotation of the law tide immediately accelerated several times.

All of a sudden, Gonggong's past and future, and the cycle of life, were interrupted.

Gonggong's eternal and indestructible body was also directly washed away. Nothingness.

Gonggong, die!


Incomparably quiet.

Everyone stared at the extraterritorial chaos in the space passage, and the shock on their faces could not be concealed.

They did not expect that Gonggong would also be killed by Xiao Sizi.

It didn’t take more than a minute. At this moment, all the ancestral wizards no longer had any contempt. Instead, each one became extremely solemn.

For the first time, they had doubts about the outcome of the bet.

And the immortal ministers of Xian Tang They were dancing excitedly at the strength shown by Xiao Sizi.

With such a queen in the Immortal Tang Dynasty, why worry about not being strong?

After a while, the dead Gonggong came back from the chaos.

His expression was very ugly.

He didn't expect He will lose.

The key is that he will still be defeated by his opponent using the law of water.

This is simply an insult to him, the ancestral witch of water!

Xiao Sizi broke the silence:

"Who will challenge next?"

This time, no ancestral witches are eager to stand up and fight.

They have lost two games in a row. If they lose in the third game, they will really lose face.

The ancestral witches discussed for a while and finally decided to let the Fire Ancestor Wu Zhurong fought.

Zhu Rong's body was a million feet tall, and he was as burly as a star. He had the head of an animal and the body of a human body, was covered in red scales, had fire snakes pierced in his ears, and had fire dragons on his feet. He looked ferocious and terrifying.

Zhu Rong's figure flashed, He rushed directly towards Xiao Sizi, preparing to attack at close range.

The essence of Nanming's Lihuo, which could boil chaos, turned into countless fire dragons, and had already approached Xiao Sizi first, burning it at Xiao Sizi. Roast.

These fire dragons are thousands of times more terrifying than the real five-clawed golden dragons.

As soon as the fire dragon moves, it easily penetrates the space, transcends time, and comes to Xiao Sizi at a speed that ordinary people cannot catch..The terrifying flames burned through immortality and eternity, and burned life and reincarnation into ashes.


Facing such terrifying silence, Xiao Sizi calmly snapped his fingers again.

A pattern of the law of fire rippled out, and the surrounding fire dragons suddenly became docile.

At the same time, there was no When Zhu Rong came closer, Zhu Rong's whole body was surrounded by a purple-white flame.

This flame revealed the supreme aura. Even the lingering Nanming Lihuo around Zhu Rong was exposed when it was burned by this purple-white flame. A state of surrender and a cry of mourning.

This purple-white flame is the sect of all fires - the Ziwei Divine Flame.

It can refine all things and control all fires.

Zhu Rong felt that the surrounding space was collapsing and time was dying. The law is evaporating, and his face changes greatly, showing a look of horror.

As the ancestral witch of fire, he naturally knows the Ziwei Divine Flame.

This is also the ultimate divine flame that he is eager to master.

Unfortunately, he has never been able to understand the Ziwei Divine Flame. The origin of the flame.

He felt that in this world, except for the former Chaos Demon God of Fire, Yan Huang, no one could understand the origin of the Ziwei Divine Flame.

He did not expect that in addition to mastering the space, the Queen of Immortal Tang In addition to the law of water and the law of water, he also mastered such a supreme divine flame of crape myrtle.

He no longer knew what words to use to describe the shock in his heart.

In the past, he was quite confident in his heels and felt that his His talent is no worse than anyone else. After all, it is transformed by the essence and blood of the Great God Pangu.

But at this moment, his self-confidence was shaken.

Compared with the Queen of Xiantang, his understanding is simply not enough.

How could he be born in the prehistoric era? Got such a freak?

Isn't this cheating?

Zhu Rong just complained in his heart, and then, his huge body was burned into nothingness by the Ziwei Divine Flame.

Zhu Rong, die!


Dijiang, Zhu Jiuyin, The ancestral witches such as Qiang Liang, Gou Mang, Liao Suo, She Bi Shi and others could no longer hold their nerves. Their jaws dropped to the ground in shock and could not be closed for a long time.

They did not expect that Zhu Rong was also dead.

Moreover, they were still beaten. Burned to death by flames.

The ancestral witch of fire was burned to death by the flames.

The ancestral witch of water was washed into powder by the tide.

Excuse me, is there anything more ironic and funny than this in the world?

Even Di Jun and Tai Yi cannot use it. Will the flames burn Zhu Rong to death?

How many laws does she know? How does she practice?

Even if she started practicing as soon as she was born, she can't master so many laws at the same time?

The ancestors have begun to doubt life!

After all, a It has been common knowledge since ancient times that people can only major in one kind of law power. If you practice too much, you will only become proficient in nothing.

But Xiao Sizi directly overturned this common sense.

She practiced several times at the same time. These laws have been cultivated to an unfathomable level.

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