Chapter 462: Fahai of Jinshan Temple Stone

Monkey followed the good deeds and kowtowed to Li Yuan and thanked him:"Thank you so much, Shopkeeper Li, for teaching me the disciples' skills."

Li Yuan nodded, and he asked knowingly:

"Do you have a name?"

Shihou shook his head and said:"This disciple was conceived by an immortal stone. He has no father or mother, so he has no name or surname.

He looked at Li Yuan expectantly,"How about the shopkeeper give the disciple a name?""

Li Yuanzheng had this intention:

"Although you are transformed from the five-color divine stone, your body looks like a hozen that eats pine cones. I will give you a surname. The word"猢" went to the side of a beast, but it turned out to be an ancient moon. Ancient means old, and moon means yin. Lao Yin cannot be transformed and nourished. So your last name is '狲'. The word"狲" is next to the animal, which is the sub-lineage. The son refers to a boy, and the link refers to an infant. This is in line with the basic concept of a baby. From now on, your surname will be 'Sun'. After hearing this

, the stone monkey was filled with joy and kowtowed to Li Yuan again and said:

"OK, OK, OK! Today I know my surname. Shopkeeper Wan Wang can give me another name so that I can call him."

Li Yuandao:

"Cultivation is no different than anything else. In addition to teaching by words and deeds, you also need to understand on your own. The same is true when encountering things. You should think more and understand more by yourself. Don't follow what others say and fall into confusion."

The stone monkey listened attentively.

Li Yuan continued:

"Also, I hope that no matter what difficulties you encounter in the future, you can stick to your original intention, always remember the purpose of seeking the truth, and not be overwhelmed by difficulties, so that everything else is empty except your original intention. So just call it Wukong!"

When the stone monkey heard this, he was so excited that he scratched his head and did some somersaults:

"OK, OK, OK! I also have a name, from now on I will be called Sun Wukong!"

After laughing, he did not forget to salute Li Yuan:

"Thank you Master for giving me the name. Thank you Master for giving me the name."

Li Yuan:

"Just stay at the inn, and I'll teach you my magical powers when I have some free time."

I think you are quite free now!

Sun Wukong muttered something in his heart, but did not say it out loud. Instead, he nodded respectfully.

So, Sun Wukong stayed in the inn.

He helped Li Yuan clean the inn every day. , and then followed Li Yuan to read books, learn painting, and play the piano, leisurely and ordinary.

The inn did not see a single guest for ten days and a half. If ordinary people did this business, they would have starved to death.

However, Li Yuan naturally He didn't expect the inn to make money. He opened this inn just to pass the long years.

When Sun Wukong saw that Li Yuan had never taught him the skills, if he were an ordinary person, he would have been unable to stand it and would definitely ask Li Yuan if he was doing it. Forgot, or deliberately used him as a coolie.

However, Sun Wukong was not anxious at all. He worked hard and meticulously completed what Li Yuan ordered every day.

Although, Li Yuan failed to teach the skills in time, which made Sun Wukong feel a little regretful. , however, there is one thing that makes Sun Wukong very excited.

That is, for three meals a day, Li Yuan always cooks various delicacies.

These delicacies not only have a pleasant aroma, but also look pleasing to the eye, and the taste is even more exciting. Mouthwatering and endless aftertaste.

It truly has all the colors, aromas and tastes.

Sun Wukong traveled throughout the ancient times and ate a lot of food, but he can say with certainty that no delicacy can compare to the delicacies made by Li Yuan himself..

It should be said that only what Li Yuan makes is delicacies, for people to taste and enjoy. The rest can only be regarded as food, just used to satisfy the hunger.

Sun Wukong secretly guessed that the food made by Li Yuan must belong to the Heavenly Palace. There is no such delicacy in the world that only one deserves to have.

Every day, apart from expecting Li Yuan to teach him the art of immortality, the most important thing Sun Wukong looks forward to is waiting for the arrival of three meals a day.

He lives in an inn It’s been more than half a month, and I still haven’t eaten the same delicious food.

"I wonder how many kinds of delicacies Master knows?"

"Could it be that Master used to be a cook in heaven?"

"If Master opened a restaurant instead of an inn, business would definitely be full."

Whenever he is done with his work, Sun Wukong will always have such wild thoughts.

Although Li Yuan does not recognize him as his apprentice, privately, Sun Wukong has regarded Li Yuan as his master.

In addition to taking him with him in the inn, sometimes Li Yuan Yuan would also take Sun Wukong around Chang'an City.

During this period, Sun Wukong followed Li Yuan to several temples.

Although Buddhism is far less popular in the East than Taoism, some temples have been established sporadically and spread throughout the East. Believe, collect incense.

Sun Wukong saw ascetics who abide by the rules and precepts and save the world. He also saw the Buddha wrapped in gold, the rich swept the couch to welcome the poor, and the poor were ignored. He also saw the monks urging people to do good deeds, but good people did not do good deeds. Lonely and helpless, evil people do evil things, but they are rich and prosperous.

On this day, Sun Wukong followed Li Yuan to Jinshan Temple outside the city. Fahai, the elder of Jinshan Temple, has profound Buddhist teachings and can make talismans to drive away ghosts, make elixirs to cure diseases, and can subjugate and eliminate demons. The reputation of

Jinshan Temple has spread far and wide. This has also made Jinshan Temple gain a lot of believers. The incense is flourishing every day and there are endless tourists. It is autumn at this time, the sun is bright and the autumn air is crisp, which is suitable for going out for fun.

Therefore, on the way to Jinshan Temple, there are more tourists There are dandy gentry carrying eagles and dogs, surrounded by countless servants, young gentlemen and beauties riding horses and sedans, and old men and women carrying burdens, with handsome faces and simple clothes.

Li Yuan is holding a folding fan. Wearing a set of Liuyun hydrating robes, her hair was tied up in a bun with a blue ribbon, and she looked indescribably graceful and graceful, with jade trees facing the wind. Along the way, she attracted the attention of many women. Countless men were envious and jealous.

But Sun Wukong was wearing a set of coarse cloth shorts and carrying a cage on his back. Like a short follower, he followed Li Yuan step by step.

Because he walked with Li Yuan, it made the people around him , they were not afraid of him just because he was a monkey and looked ferocious.

On the contrary, there were many bold ladies or shrewd young women who took the opportunity to ask about the origin of the monkey and come to answer Li Yuan. What

Sun Wukong looked at behind was He rolled his eyes.

He really regarded Old Sun as a pet!

When they arrived at Jinshan Temple, Li Yuan and Sun Wukong were already followed by dozens of girls and young wives.

Li Yun didn't care, and remained calm and composed. While walking, he admired the scenery around him. If someone came to answer him, he would just smile and say nothing, and the person who came to chat would leave with a blushing face.

Jinshan Temple was built next to a lake, with magnificent palaces, pavilions and pavilions. The overlapping peaks look very majestic. Among them is the Leifeng Pagoda, which is thousands of feet high and even more impressive.

Countless tourists come here to see the majesty of this tower that stretches up to the sky.

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