Chapter 448: How can you put down the butcher knife when you are just warming up?

For a moment, only pieces of broken void were seen falling like snowflakes.

A long river of time, like countless chaotic beasts, swallowing up all the atmosphere around it.

When Jiang Ziya and others saw this, their scalps became numb and their legs trembled.

Such a terrifying attack was fortunately in the chaotic void, otherwise the entire prehistoric world would have been destroyed countless times.

Fang Hentian faced the simultaneous attacks of the Demon-Conquering Golden Buddha and the Geng-Gold Sword. Not only did he not panic, but he seemed even more excited.

"Hahaha, so happy!"

I saw his fists smashing around wildly. Not only were the Gengjin swords around him exploded one after another, but even the fists of the Demon-Conquering Golden Buddha were shattered like stones.

With Fang Hentian as the center, the surrounding space was directly shattered. It created a vacuum zone.

However, although the attack speed of his fists has exceeded time, Zhunti's attack speed is not slow, or even faster.

Therefore, there are still many Gengjin swords that break through Fang Hentian's boxing net , stabbed Fang Hentian's body, and the fist of the Demon-Conquering Golden Buddha still hit Fang Hentian. Fang Hentian's whole body was suddenly stabbed with countless bone-deep wounds by sharp swords, and his skin and flesh were ripped apart by the giant fist of the Golden Buddha. , the bones were broken.

Golden blood spilled from Fang Hentian's body, and every drop could shatter a chaotic world.

Upon seeing this, Taoist Zhunti suddenly showed a smile on his face

"Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and you will find the shore when you turn around."Zhunti's voice seemed solemn and solemn, full of Taoist charm, as if it could be heard in the three realms of the world. People couldn't help but kneel down and worship.

Fang Hentian laughed and said:"Hahaha, I just feel like I'm warming up. How can I Put down the butcher knife!"

While speaking, I saw Fang Hentian's whole body of energy and blood like a rainbow, and a layer of mysterious light like blood jade emerged from his body. The mysterious light changed for a while, and instantly condensed into a set of powerful and domineering battle armor with a unique shape. A covered his whole body, leaving only his eyes exposed.

Only then did Fang Hentian use his body-protecting mysterious light. At this moment,

Fang Hentian looked like a peerless god of war. Powerful and domineering, he dominates the world.



The giant palm of the Demon-Conquering Golden Buddha and the sharp sword of Geng Jin hit Fang Hentian's battle armor. Billions of voids could instantly shatter, but the battle armor remained intact, leaving only The few scratches on his face were repaired in an instant. Seeing that

Fang Hentian had retained his strength, Taoist Zhunti's face suddenly turned ugly.

This person has obviously not yet become a saint, but why is he so difficult to deal with?

The onlookers Everyone looked at each other in shock.

They thought that as long as the saint took action, it would not take long to suppress Fang Hentian.

But the fight had been going on for a while, and Fang Hentian was still alive and well, and became more and more courageous as he fought.

This was too subversive.!

Taoist Zhunti finally stood up from the lotus platform. He no longer maintained the posture of an expert, and his expression became solemn and serious, appearing extremely serious.

He completely let go of his contempt for Fang Hentian and regarded Fang Hentian as his A real opponent.

I saw Taoist Zhunti's hands constantly forming seals, sharp swords, Sanskrit sounds, karma fire, and wind... The terrifying storm formed by various laws swept towards Fang Hentian, passing by Wherever, the sun, moon and stars were twisted into ashes and annihilated, turning into chaos.

But Fang Hentian always relied on his physical fists to smash all the laws of attack.

His fists were covered with a layer of armor. , the power became more fierce.

Moreover, even if the armor was torn to pieces by various laws, these damaged armors would soon be restored to their original state.

After fighting the endless laws for a while, Fang Hentian seemed to have finally passed. Satisfied with his addiction, he began to rush towards Taoist Zhunti.

The laws in front of him were beaten into powder by his fists, as if nothing in the world could stop his pace.

Taoist Zhunti had a sullen face, his hands Continuously forming seals.

Various laws hit Fang Hentian like a violent storm, preventing Fang Hentian from approaching.

The long river of space was cut off, and the long river of time was distorted.

But Fang Hentian's figure continued to approach, blocking him. The airtight laws in front of him were shattered one by one by his fists.

Even time and space seemed as weak as paper in front of his peerless fists.

Finally, Fang Hentian approached Taoist Zhunti, and his huge fists hit Taoist Zhunti like raindrops.


Taoist Zhunti was immediately smashed into ashes and annihilated.

However, no blood was scattered, and Taoist Zhunti's body turned out to be like Like a ray of light and shadow, it dissipated in the air.

At this moment, countless Zhunti suddenly appeared in the surrounding space.

The auras of these Zhunti were exactly the same, making it impossible to tell who was the real body of Zhunti. Who is transformed?

"Om, ma, ni, ba, mi, hum!"

These countless Zhunti chanted the six-character mantra at the same time, and the whole world and the universe were filled with this mysterious mantra. The onlookers Jiang Ziya, Princess Longji and others only felt the aftermath of the six-character mantra, He couldn't help but feel his mind swaying, and the three souls and seven souls were in excruciating pain as if they were about to dissolve.

Although Fang Hentian cultivated the avenue of power, his soul had long been integrated with his body, and ordinary soul attacks were ineffective against him. It had no effect.

However, facing the six-character mantra, he still felt his soul shaking, as if it was about to be separated from his physical body.

Bang bang bang!

With just such an effort, Fang Hentian was struck by the endless laws around him. Devoured by the power, his body was shaken left and right like a lone boat in a tsunami. The armor on his body was also strangled to pieces by the power of the law, and his body was also strangled with deep visible bone scars. In some places, Even the internal organs can be seen clearly


Fortunately, Fang Hentian reacted quickly. He suddenly let out a roar, and his whole body was suddenly enveloped by a blood-evil aura as thick as ink. The sonic attack of the six-character mantra hit the blood-evil air. In terms of energy, the blood evil energy was like a wave, causing countless ripples.

After getting rid of the influence of the six-character mantra, Fang Hentian used the power of the road to instantly recover from his injuries and repair the armor as before.

Then, I saw him resisting the attacks of the surrounding laws while moving rapidly and violently attacking the phantom of Taoist Zhunti.

Countless phantoms were shattered, but more phantoms reappeared.

As long as the true identity of Zhunti is not found. No matter how many phantoms are shattered, it will not help.

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