Chapter 417: The Seven Fairies with a Confused

Look Although my daughter’s appearance is also stunning, she is not even half as good as Chang’e, let alone compared to Shaoyao.

How could Senior Li like this?

"However, even if you can't be a Taoist companion, as long as you can be friends, it's still a great opportunity!"Haotian murmured to himself.

Yaochi nodded in agreement.


Heavenly Palace.

Qionghua Palace.

This is where Yaochi Golden Mother usually lives.

A group of graceful fairies in colorful clothes floated towards here.

It's the Seven Fairies

"I don’t know what the Queen Mother’s order was when she suddenly called the seven of us here?"Seventh sister Zhang Yuyan asked curiously.

"Maybe there is something we need to prepare for."The second sister Zhang Yuhuan guessed.

The third fairy Zhang Yulan frowned:"It's a little strange. The Queen Mother actually asked us to go to her palace. In the past, the Queen Mother summoned us, but she always summoned us in the main hall."

"It's a little strange."Fourth sister Zhang Yuwan agreed.

"Okay, stop talking about it, you will find out when the time comes."Eldest sister Zhang Yumei reminded in a low voice.

When everyone saw that they had entered the back garden, they immediately stopped talking and bowed their heads respectfully as they entered the palace of the Golden Mother of Yaochi. As soon as the seven people arrived at the palace, they were surprised to see the queen mother. He was actually standing at the door.

He looked at them with a smile on his face, as if he was greeting them.

How could this be possible?

The mother-in-law is usually dignified and solemn, unsmiling, and pays great attention to etiquette.

How could she come to greet us?

Seven The person suppressed the doubts in his heart and quickly saluted Yaochi:

"Meet the Queen Mother. Yaochi took two steps forward, took Zhang Yuyan's hand cordially, and then said to everyone with a smile:

"We are all members of our own family, so stop being polite and come in and sit down."

The seven fairies looked at such an amiable mother. Although they didn't show anything on their faces, they were all confused in their hearts.

They had never seen Yaochi speak to them so softly and treat them so tenderly.

In the past, they had They only saw Yaochi having such a kind gesture and such a kind smile towards Princess Longji.

They really doubted that the person in front of them was the queen mother?

Especially Zhang Yuyan, she was so frightened that her skin was covered with goosebumps when Yaochi gently pulled her wrist. They were about to get up.

This was something they had never dared to think about before!

What happened to the Queen Mother?

Everyone followed Yaochi into the palace in confusion, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

Yaochi sat on the jade couch, and she spoke to her kindly The Seven Fairies greeted:

"You all should sit down too."

The seven fairies had faced their mother before, but they all stood respectfully. They had never heard her ask them to sit down.

Everyone was even more frightened.

There must be a monster if something goes wrong!

Zhang Yumei bowed and said:

"We can just stand. I don’t know what the mother’s instructions were when she summoned her daughters."

Yaochi advised:"We are all sitting down to talk, how can we talk while we are standing."

Seeing her mother insisting again and again, the Seventh Fairy had no choice but to sit on the chair with half of her buttocks, not daring to sit down, and seemed very cautious.

After Yaochi saw the Seventh Fairy sitting down, she said with a smile:

"I heard Long Ji say, do you know Li Yuan, Senior Li?"


When the seven fairies heard this, they felt a sound of thunder exploding in their ears. They were all frightened and turned pale.

It turned out that their mother had found out about secretly going down to the lower world!

What should we do?

This is to break into the world. Reincarnation!

Everyone quickly knelt on the ground and begged Yaochi for mercy with a look of fear on their faces.

"Please forgive me, Queen Mother, we didn’t mean to descend to earth privately."

"It's all my fault. I failed to rush back to the Heavenly Palace in time, which is why my six sisters violated the laws of Heaven. Please Queen Mother only punish me."


Seeing the Seven Fairies suddenly kneeling down, Yaochi was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

After she listened to a few words, she realized why everyone was kneeling.

She quickly got up, helped the Seven Fairies up herself, and comforted:

"Queen Mother is not blaming you, I am just asking, you don’t have to be afraid."

Zhang Yumei, Zhang Yuhuan and other seven fairies saw Yaochi supporting each other with their hands. There was no anger on their faces. Instead, they comforted them softly. They became more and more confused.

We obviously violated the rules of heaven, why is the queen not angry at all?

Is it possible that the queen mother is not angry at all? Was the mother's previous sternness all an act?

In fact, she was a very kind person?

But what happened to those palace maids who were demoted to reincarnation because they accidentally broke the glass vase or failed to take care of the flowers and plants? The

Seven Fairies Their heads were completely confused.

After Yaochi's successive comforts, the Seventh Fairy finally believed that the Queen Mother did not want to punish them. The Seventh Fairy breathed a sigh of relief and sat down again.

Yaochi waited for the Seventh Fairy to sit down again, and then said:

"I thought about it, it is a bit crowded for you seven sisters to live together in Yunluo Palace, so I have asked the palace maid to sort out all the seven palaces adjacent to Yunluo Palace. You seven sisters will live in one palace each. When I go back later , you can discuss and choose the palace you like."

When the seven fairies heard that their mother was going to reward each of them with a palace, they almost thought that there was something wrong with their ears.

You know, living in a palace is a treatment that only important officials in heaven like Taibai Jinxing can have.

Ordinary immortal officials, too They all have only a small courtyard.

Before the Seven Fairies, they all lived in a small courtyard in Yunluo Palace, which was not much better than ordinary palace maids.

They couldn't understand how their mother could suddenly improve their treatment to such a high level. Gao?

Zhang Yumei held back her shock. She quickly stood up and refused to Yaochi:

"The mother's kindness was appreciated by her daughter, but we were of low status and living alone in a palace was unreasonable and seemed to be overstepping our bounds. Yaochi waved his hands disapprovingly and said:

"You are the princess of heaven, how come you are of low status? It is appropriate for one person to live in a palace, and no one dares to gossip. Also, you seven sisters, I will arrange for ten palace maids to take care of your daily life and help you take care of the environment in the palace.……"

The Seven Fairies were even more shocked.

Do you have a maid to serve you?

And this is not over yet, Yaochi continued:

"I will order the Secretary of Stars to adjust the spiritual energy in the palace where you live to a concentration that can atomize it into rain, and give you ten top-grade golden elixirs, ten thousand top-grade spiritual crystals, a bottle of top-grade fairy dew, and a number of heavenly clothes every year.……"

The more the seven fairies listened, the more dumbfounded they became, and the more they listened, the more stunned they became.

They felt that they were dreaming, because only in dreams would Yaochi be so kind to them and they would be treated so well.

Is the queen mother crazy, or taking the wrong medicine, so her personality has undergone a 180-degree change?

The Seven Fairies couldn't help but have some doubts in their hearts.

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