Chapter 410: Valkyrie Deng Chanyu

Without thinking too much, he and Lei Zhenzi hurriedly flew to rescue Jin Zha and others.

Deng Chanyu quickly used the five-light stone to hit Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi.

Although Yang Jian was very good at Xuan Gong, he was still hit by the five-light stone with perfect accuracy, causing fire to fly everywhere and screaming in pain.

Lei Zhenzi's pair of wind and thunder wings were also beaten so hard that their feathers flew away, blood flowed, and they were unable to fly.

However, although the five-light stone is always on target, it is still too weak for cultivators and is not fatal at all.

Therefore, although Lei Zhenzi was injured, his life was not serious, and he endured the pain and used the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder technique to hit Deng Chanyu.

Deng Chanyu was struck by the divine thunder and was so painful that she broke into a cold sweat.

She quickly rode back and used the five-light stone to repel Yang Jian who was trying to pursue.

After escaping back to a safe area, Deng Chanyu quickly checked her body, and she was surprised to find out.

Apart from the pain, her body was not injured, and even her clothes showed no signs of being burned by the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

Suddenly, she thought of something and quickly took out the big-headed doll and checked it out.

I saw that the back of the big-headed doll looked like it was burnt.

Deng Chanyu finally confirmed that the big-headed doll given to her by Li Yuan could indeed deflect the damage she suffered.

Isn’t Li Yuan only in the Earth Immortal stage?

How could you make such a powerful magic weapon?

She recalled the scene when the two met for the first time. Li Yuan's black dog actually beat up a bull demon in the Da Luo Jinxian stage.

It seems that Li Yuan has many secrets that I don't know about.

However, there is one thing you can't hide. You must like me as much as I like you. You are worried that I will be in danger, so you gave me a doll that can deflect damage! whee!

Thinking of this, Deng Chanyu suddenly felt that it was sweeter than drinking honey, and couldn't help laughing.

At this moment on the battlefield, Deng Chanyu didn't care about the love between her children. She saw her father being besieged by Huang Feihu, Zhou Ji, and Long Huan.

The elder brother Deng Xiu was also besieged by Huang Tianjue, Huang Tianlu and Huang Ming at the same time.

Both of them looked dangerous and dangerous.

Deng Chanyu's heart moved, and she quickly took out the five-light stone and hit Huang Feihu, Zhou Ji, Huang Tianjue and others.

Immediately, everyone was beaten until their skin was torn apart and they were shouting for their father and mother.

Deng Jiugong and Deng Xiu took this opportunity and immediately got rid of the siege.

Huang Feihu and others were injured and immediately led their troops back to Xiqi City.

In this battle, it can be said that Deng Chanyu turned the tide of the battle with one blow.

And her reputation completely moved both armies and shocked the heroes.

She was hailed as the Valkyrie by soldiers on both sides!

After that, the fame of the Valkyrie spread throughout the nine states, attracting the admiration of people all over the world.

Jiang Ziya suddenly looked worried when he saw that instead of rescuing Nezha and Huang Tianhua, Jin Zha and Mu Zha were also arrested.

Li Jing's three sons were all caught, and they were even more worried and restless, walking back and forth in the hall anxiously.

Lei Zhenzi healed the injury on his wings, and he said in confusion:

"It's strange. I clearly hit Deng Chanyu with the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, but why didn't she look injured at all? Yang

Jian also said strangely:

"This Deng Chanyu is indeed a bit strange. My roaring dog can even tear apart stars, but it bit her before and she was not injured either."

"Fortunately, the Five Inch Nails didn't come today, otherwise the battle situation would have been even worse. Huang Feihu said happily

"Yeah, why didn’t that Five Inch Nails fight? Huang Tianlu said strangely:"Don't you think the other party has some conspiracy?" Jiang

Ziya said with a sad face:

"Deng Chanyu's five-light stone is hard to guard against, and she herself is still a weakling who cannot be killed. What should she do? Li

Jing said anxiously:

"Although Deng Chanyu is powerful, his means of killing are limited. The main task now is to find a way to rescue Nezha and the others. Otherwise, if Deng Jiugong directly beheads a few of them, he will regret it! Huang

Feihu comforted him:

"General Li, don't panic. Deng Jiugong knows that Nezha and Huang Tianhua are our heirs. He probably won't kill them himself. At most, he will escort them to Chaoge. Yang

Jian said:

"Later, I will use my transformation technique to sneak into the opponent's military camp and find a way to rescue Nezha and the others."

Yang Jian first turned into a hummingbird and flew to Chao Ge's military camp. Then he turned into a fly and slowly searched the military camp where Nezha and others were imprisoned.

After searching for a while, he finally found a Nezha, Huang Tianhua, Jin Zha, and Muzha were found in the dungeon.

Jin Zha and Muzha were easy to deal with.

They were just sealed in the Niwan Palace and tied with ordinary hemp ropes, making it easy to rescue.

But Nezha Huang Tianhua and Huang Tianhua left Yang Jian wondering what to do.

The two were tied up with the immortal rope, and Yang Jian tried his best to untie them.

"What kind of rope is this? Why is it so strong?"Yang Jian cursed angrily.

Jin Zha next to him hesitated and said:

"Why do I feel that this rope is a bit like the rope used by Master Sun to bind the immortal?"

"I also think it's very similar," Mu Zha also said:"If this is really a rope that binds immortals, we can only untie it by going to our uncle."

So, Yang Jian came to Jialong Mountain and Feiyun Cave again to find Wei Liusun.

Fear Liusun's Sanhua was cut off. During this period, he has been practicing with great concentration, trying to recover his cultivation as soon as possible.

After hearing Yang Jian's purpose, and his feelings for Tu Xingsun, After reading the description, he immediately knew that his apprentice must have taken his Immortal Binding Rope and misbehaved. He was so angry that he was afraid of Liu Sun, and quickly followed Yang Jian to Xiqi, preparing to find Tu Xingsun and teach him a lesson. Suddenly.

However, after searching around and rescuing Nezha, Huang Tianhua and others, there was still no trace of Tu Xingsun.

Even when the formation was called, Deng Jiugong was asked, but no one could find out the reason.

Fear of leaving Sun behind. Suddenly he was a little confused, where did his disciple go?

However, with the arrival of Fear Liusun, the situation of Deng Jiugong's side suddenly became bad.

While the two sides were fighting, Fear Liusun directly used The Immortal Binding Rope tied up Deng Jiugong, Deng Xiu, Tai Luan and others.

In the end, only Deng Chanyu, the general on Chao Ge's side, had not been caught.

Because the Immortal Binding Rope had no effect on her at all, the Immortal Binding Rope had no effect on her. When it was put on her body, the damage was transferred to the stand-in doll, and it could not catch Deng Chanyu's soul at all.

Therefore, the fairy rope was easily broken free by her.

The name of the Valkyrie also became more famous.

However, the arrest of her father and brother made Deng Chanyu lose her mind and didn't know what to do.

After Deng Jiugong was captured, Jiang Ziya, Huang Feihu and others prepared to persuade him to surrender.

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