Chapter 347 The Secret of Suppressing Haiyan, Hongjun’s Admiration

Zulong did not dare to expect Li Yuan to save him. He only hoped that this Dragon Clan’s treasure could be handed over to the Dragon Clan again.

Li Yuan thought of Ao Zhu, and his heart moved, and the golden orb immediately flew into his hand.

At this time, the spatial passage between the sea eye and the courtyard was completely closed.

Zulong suddenly lost sight of Li Yuan and his party, and the surrounding space became silent again.

It was so quiet that time seemed to have stopped flowing.

However, Zu Long's face showed a hint of joy.

He shouted into the void:

"Thank you for your kindness, senior, I will never forget it for the Dragon Clan."

He understood that since Li Yuan took the dragon ball, he must have agreed to help.

He was not worried that the dragon ball would be taken by Li Yuan as his own. How could a being like Li Yuan see a top-quality innate spiritual treasure? ?

"I hope that after the Dragon Clan obtains the Dragon Ball, they will be able to protect themselves."Zu Long murmured to himself.

In the yard, Bai Yuzao, Chang'e and others withdrew their gazes from Haiyan. They recalled everything that had just happened, and they only felt like a dream, extremely unreal.

As for the last Zu Long , They didn't hear Long's words because Li Yuan had already started to close the passage between Haiyan and the courtyard at that time.

Hongjun's eyes flickered, and he asked Li Yuan:

"Li, Senior Li, you let Pangu go so easily?"

Li Yuan held the dragon in his hand, looked at Hongjun with a half-smile, and said:

"If I don’t let him go, what do you think I should do? Beheaded him? Isn't this too cheap for you?"

Hongjun had a trace of ridicule on his face.

Pangu's existence really made him sleepless and felt a great threat.

He knew that he was not Pangu's opponent, so he naturally hoped that Li Yuan could kill Pangu directly..

Hongjun knew that his thoughts could not be hidden from Li Yuan, so he did not deny it.

The ancestor raised his eyebrows and sighed:

"Pangu wanted to take all the spiritual energy of the ancient world for his own use, but in this way, the ancient world would become a world without spiritual energy. This is really sad for the creatures of the ancient world.

Li Yuandao:"Even if there is no spiritual energy, there will be other things to replace the spiritual energy and allow human beings to develop.""

For example, technology.

However, other races, without spiritual energy, will never be able to develop spiritual intelligence, and will eventually become beasts.

Hongjun saw that Li Yuan was completely indifferent to whether Honghuang's spiritual energy would be exhausted, and wanted to let Li Yuan come. It was obviously impossible to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

So, he simply asked Li Yuan directly:

"I would like to ask Senior Li, is there any way to prevent the prehistoric spiritual energy from drying up? Li

Yuan said calmly:

"You already know one of the ways. As long as you avoid killing and destroying the ancient world, you can maintain the stability of the spiritual energy of the ancient world."

"But the calamity of killing is the general trend of heaven, and there is nothing I can do about it." Hongjun said regretfully.

Although he had arranged some back-ups for Tongtian Cult Leader, he could not guarantee that Tongtian Cult Leader would be able to change his destiny and let Jiejiao dominate the world.

Hongjun suddenly reacted.

Since Li Yuan said"One of them"Method", that means he has other ways.

Hongjun quickly asked Li Yuan:"Senior Li, do you have other ways?"

Li Yuan:

"The first method is actually just a temporary solution, while the second method can cure the root cause.

Hongjun said excitedly:"Senior, please let me know.""

Chang'e and Bai Yuzao saw that Hongjun was respectful and respectful in front of Li Yuan just like a disciple facing his teacher. They felt that this scene was really subversive.

Li Yuan replied:

"The second method is very simple, which is to destroy the four things that suppress the earth eye, fire eye, sea eye, and phoenix eye, and let the earth, fire, wind, and water spurt out again. No matter how many killings and calamities the ancient world has experienced, the spiritual energy will not exhausted."

It's just that, in this way, every once in a while, the prehistoric people will fall into the four disasters of fire, flood, wind disaster, and earthquake.

The earth, fire, wind, and water will spurt out again. For the creatures in the prehistoric times, it is possible that It is a huge world-destroying disaster, but for the prehistoric era itself, it is the source of spiritual energy.

Therefore, between every gain, there must be a loss. Between every loss, there must be a gain.

"I see!"

After listening to Li Yuan's narration, Hongjun suddenly understood everything.

He couldn't help but sigh:

"No wonder Tiandao arranged for the Dragon Clan to suppress the Sea Eye, the Phoenix Clan to suppress the Fire Eye, the Qilin Clan to suppress the Earth Eye, or the Zhoushan Mountain to break apart and suppress the Wind Eye. It turned out to be because Pangu wanted to suppress the four sources of earth, fire, wind and water. The four major origins cannot feed back the ancient world, so the spiritual energy of the ancient world will become less and less, so Pangu can accumulate enough spiritual energy to restore his strength. Step by step, it’s really wonderful!"

Hongjun was more and more impressed by Pangu's calculations.

Suppressing earth fire and feng shui seemed to have helped all races in the prehistoric times, so that all living beings would no longer be harmed by earth fire, feng shui, but in fact, it blocked all races from gaining access to The source of spiritual energy.

High, really high!

Ancestor Yangmei also showed admiration on his face.

He did not expect that not only did Pangu’s strength make him look up to the mountains, but his calculations also made him feel inferior.

Such a peerless figure, if After meeting Li Yuan, he would surely be able to attain the Great Dao again, right?

Ancestor Yang Mei looked at Li Yuan, the admiration on his face became even stronger.

He was as mysterious and unpredictable as Pangu, but in front of Li Yuan, he was as weak as a baby.Li

Yuan is the most unfathomable and immeasurable supreme being.

Daji, Chang'e, Bai Yuzao, and Bai Ling were shocked to the point of dizziness when they heard such secrets. It turned out that the Dragon Clan suppressed Haiyan, Feng The Qilin tribe suppressed the Fire Eye, the Qilin tribe suppressed the Earth Eye, and Gonggong broke through Buzhou Mountain. It actually contained so many secrets.

Hongjun recovered from the shock, and he said worriedly:

"If you want to destroy the formation that suppresses earth, fire, and feng shui, you have to face Pangu head-on. It's difficult, difficult."

It is indeed difficult.

It can be said that Pangu has become a climate now. Unless Li Yuan takes action, neither Hongjun nor Yangmei Ancestor can destroy the formation in Earth Fire Feng Shui.

However, Li Yuan does whatever he wants. , coupled with the formation eye that destroys earth, fire, feng shui, the ones who are most affected will be the naturally weak human race.

When the four major natural disasters restart the wild world, the weak human race will be unable to resist at all, and there will definitely be countless casualties.

Therefore, unless Pangu doesn’t know Tian Gai Hou deliberately committed suicide to anger Li Yuan, otherwise Li Yuan would not take action.

Hongjun also knew this, so he did not ask Li Yuan to take action.

He knew that he did not have the face.

He sighed secretly, Hongjun Ancestor Jun and Yangmei said goodbye to Li Yuan one after another and left the mansion.

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