Chapter 328: Zhao Gongming had three knives in his heart

"The young monk paid homage to Senior Li."

As for Nuwa next to her, because she had restrained her aura, and because Maitreya and Zhao Gongming had never met before, they did not recognize her.

Li Yuan nodded casually and continued to play chess with Nuwa without looking at her. Maitreya glanced at him.

Maitreya did not show any dissatisfaction, he continued:

"The young monk came to disturb the senior this time because he wanted to explain to the senior about the matter of the national master. The young monk followed the master's order, ostensibly to please King Zhou, but secretly to help the Ming lord Xiqi, causing chaos in the country, so his behavior was a bit shameful, and I hope Senior Li will forgive him."

The reason why Maitreya came to explain to Li Yuan was because last time he found that Daji was a little dissatisfied with the actions of the Imperial Master's Office and was worried about causing misunderstandings, so he thought it would be better to explain to Li Yuan. Be careful not to make a big mistake.

Zhao Gongming The more I listened, the more confused I became.

Isn’t this Western religion too cowardly? Is it necessary to explain this kind of thing to Li Yuan?

After hearing Maitreya’s intention, Li Yuan said disapprovingly:

"Why do you want to help Xiqi? Your Western religion is just to develop believers in the East.

Maitreya sneered:"Nothing can be hidden from Senior Li." Li

Yuan said again:

"No matter what you do, as long as you don't offend me, I won't bother."

When Maitreya heard this, he was relieved and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

He quickly assured:

"Naturally, the young monk did not dare to offend Senior Li. The young monk stopped disturbing Senior Li and took his leave."

As he said that, he took a few steps back, then turned and left. He was so respectful that Zhao Gongming was dumbfounded.

After all, he is also a disciple of a saint. How can he be so groveling to an Earth Immortal monk?

Li Yuan has never done anything like this. He glanced at Maitreya.

After Maitreya left, Zhao Gongming was the only one left in the yard. When he saw Li Yuan not even looking at him, he continued to play chess with the beautiful woman, as if she didn't exist, and he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart..

This is too arrogant.

After all, I am also a quasi-sage, okay?

Shouldn't you take the initiative to greet me? The reason why Zhao Gongming came to Li Yuan today was to teach Li Yuan a lesson. Let him stop fooling his three sisters.

However, the black dog before and Maitreya's attitude towards Li Yuan made Zhao Gongming afraid to act rashly.

After thinking about it, he planned to test Li Yuan first and then decide whether He wanted to continue to teach Li Yuan a lesson.

Thinking of this, he immediately greeted Li Yuanjishou:

"Zhao Gongming, a poor Taoist, met Mr. Li."

Hearing Zhao Gongming speak, Li Yuan glanced at him.

Zhao Gongming saw Li Yuan's eyes, and for some reason, he felt like he was being seen through.

"Why are you looking for me?"Li Gu asked.

Zhao Gongming said:"I heard from Sanxiao that Mr. Li has made unparalleled calculations and has countless strategies, so I take the liberty of interrupting and want to ask Mr. Li to help me calculate my fate. Li

Yuan said calmly:

"Remember, ask me to calculate, there is no need to climb over the wall."

Zhao Gongming showed a hint of embarrassment on his face:"Mr. Li was made to laugh."

Li Yuan did not embarrass Zhao Gongming too much. He directly told Zhao Gongming's fate:

"Your fate is not very good. You will be cursed and die in the future. Not only will your twenty-four innate spiritual treasures, the Dinghai Pearls, become other people's treasures for enlightenment, but your three sisters will also be killed."

When Zhao Gongming heard his fate, he trembled and looked like he had eaten three kilograms.

How could I die?

How could I die?

What kind of curse can kill me?

He couldn't do it because Because I climbed over the wall, was he deliberately cursing me?

But how did he know that I had twenty-four Dinghai Pearls?

"Is Young Master Li right? Zhao Gongming's eyes were full of doubt:"How about you calculate it again?" Li

Yuan said calmly:

"Believe it or not is up to you. Now you can go, remember to go through the main entrance."

After saying that, Li Yuan stopped looking at Zhao Gongming and continued to play chess with Nuwa.

He could give Zhao Gongming a calculation, but it was for Sanxiao's sake that he was not interested in saying anything more to Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming Gongming always thought highly of himself, was conceited and arrogant. When he saw Li Yuan no longer paying attention to him, he felt offended and very unhappy. He snorted coldly, turned around and left the yard without even saying goodbye. He didn't say anything.

He didn't believe Li Yuan's nonsense and thought he would be cursed to death by others. He left the yard angrily. The more Zhao Gongming thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

Originally, he was planning to return to Luofu Mountain, but he I feel that I need to remind my three sisters to stay away from Li Yuan, a person who talks nonsense.

Huh, if you curse me to death, I will stop my sister from dating you!

So he flashed, Then he fled to the underworld.

When he came to the Eastern Ghost Emperor's Hall in Taozhi Mountain, Zhao Gongming saw his three sisters looking through the book of life and death (copy), deciding the ghost's destination and reincarnation in the next life based on the good and evil in front of him.

Yun Xiao couldn't help being surprised when he saw his brother walking into the hall with an angry look on his face:

"Didn’t you say you had something to do? Why are you back so soon?"

"Humph, I’m so angry."When Zhao Gongming saw the three sisters, he immediately shouted angrily.

"What happened to make you so angry? Bixiao asked curiously

"Who made you angry? You tell me and I will avenge you."Qiong Xiao patted her chest with a proud look.

Zhao Gongming said:

"It's none other than that Li Yuan and Mr. Li you are touting."

The pride on Qiong Xiao's face immediately disappeared. She looked at her brother with suspicion:

"Mr. Li has a gentle and gentle personality, and he is indifferent to the world. How could he make you angry?

Bixiao also said:"Did you do something that made Mr. Li dissatisfied?""

Zhao Gongming:"……"

He looked at the doubtful looks in his two sisters' eyes and subconsciously covered his heart, feeling as if two knives had been stabbed into his heart, and he was extremely distressed.

Is this really my biological sister?

He didn't even ask why and just trusted an outsider and didn't trust his own brother?

What kind of ecstasy soup did Li Yuan give them?

Is it just because he is handsome?

He looked at his eldest sister Yunxiao, showing a little bit of relief.

The eldest sister is still stable, able to withstand the temptation of male lust, and is not fascinated by Li Yuan.

At this moment, Yunxiao asked his brother seriously:

"Don’t you have something to do? Why did you go to see Mr. Li? You didn't offend Mr. Li, right?"


Now, Zhao Gongming feels that three knives have been inserted into his heart, and blood is dripping._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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