Chapter 281 The bet between Taiyi Zhenren and Li Yuan

Taiyi Zhenren looked at his apprentice with a serious expression and couldn't help but touch his forehead:"Strange, you don't have a fever either? Could I use lotus flowers to reshape you?" Did it make you stupid when you were in the flesh?"

Nezha rolled his eyes:"I don't have a fever, and I'm not stupid."

Master Taiyi patted Nezha's forehead angrily and said:

"If you don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense? Even more powerful than Yang Huai, could it be possible that you have met Dao Ancestor?"

Nezha's eyes lit up, he nodded quickly and said:

"It's really possible!"

He thought of Li Yuan's miraculousness, and really felt that if Li Yuan was the incarnation of Taozu, then everything would make sense. When

Master Taiyi saw Nezha, he took his complaints as the truth , was speechless to the extreme.

However, when he saw that his usually stubborn disciple actually respected a person so much, he couldn't help but become curious.

He asked his disciple:

"Where is this person? I want to see if he is really a strange person or a liar."

Nezha also wanted Master to confirm, so he quickly said:

"I will help Master lead the way."

So, the master and the apprentice came out of the Golden Light Cave and immediately flew towards Chaoge.

Taiyi Zhenren followed Nezha and stopped outside a manor.

When he saw the environment of the manor, he couldn't help but shake his head.

This place lacked spiritual energy, and it was a How could there be strange people in an ordinary place?

At this moment, Li Jing and Yangmei Taoist had already said goodbye and left, leaving only Li Yuan lying on a chair in the yard, enjoying the afternoon leisurely.

Little Rabbit was lazily Tired and huddled in Li Yuan's arms, did he rub his ears?

"Daochang Li, I'm here to see you again."Nezha saw Li Yuan and hurriedly greeted him.

When Master Taiyi saw that the young master sitting on the recliner was the Daoist Master Li in his disciple's mouth, he couldn't help but have three black lines on his forehead.

This Daoist Li was only in the early stage of Earth Immortal, and his disciple actually said that he had deduced His strength is unparalleled in the world, and he also said that he is more powerful than Yang Huai.

He feels that the apprentice is not stupid, but has gone crazy.

Li Yuan half-squinted his eyes.

When he saw Nezha and Taiyi Zhenren, he did not get up.

Lazy He greeted:"You are here with your master."

Nezha looked at Master Taiyi excitedly, winked and said:

"Look, let me tell you, Fellow Daoist Li can tell at a glance that you are my master."

Master Taiyi said disdainfully:

"He must have seen me somewhere."

Walking into the courtyard, Nezha said a little strangely:

"Master Li, where is that Taoist with long eyebrows?

Li Yuan:"After finishing the barbecue, he left naturally.""

"What Taoist with long eyebrows?"Master Taiyi asked his apprentice.

Nezha explained:

"The Taoist with long eyebrows is Taoist Li's guest, and his strength is unfathomable."

Nezha was still frightened when he thought of Yangmei Taoist's slap in the face.

"Li Daochang said that his strength is the same as Yang Huai."

Master Taiyi rolled his eyes speechlessly.

One is more powerful than Yang Huai, and the other is as strong as Yang Huai. Yang Huai is an insignificant role, and anyone can step on him?

Master Taiyi did not expect that Nezha Lian If you believe such a low-level lie, it seems that your disciple’s IQ is worrying.

Let the teacher expose this magician’s lies.

Master Taiyi came to Li Yuan with a carefree attitude, and he asked Li Yuan:

"I heard from my disciple that you calculated Wushuang. I wonder if you can calculate for me how many disciples there are in total?"

Except for Yuanshi Tianzun and Randen Taoist, none of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao knew about this matter.

Master Taiyi also came to see Randeng Taoist for something last time. He accidentally saw Randeng Taoist flipping through the list of Chanjiao disciples, and then he found out. How many official disciples does Chan teach have?

He believes that this magic stick will never know such secrets.

Li Yuan didn't even look at Master Taiyi, but just closed his eyes lazily

"Why don't you answer me? Can't you figure it out?"Master Taiyi sneered.

Li Yuan said lightly:"Want to know? Use your Nine Dragon Divine Fire Mask to divine gold."

When Master Taiyi heard this, he couldn't help but tremble with anger, and his beard trembled.

He screamed:

"If you want me to suppress the cave spirit treasure, you really dare to ask.

Li Yuan said disdainfully:"Originally, I calculated that at least it would be an innate spiritual treasure, but your best magic weapon is only a top-grade acquired spiritual treasure, so I have to give you an advantage.""

Seeing Li Yuan's disgusted tone, Master Taiyi screamed in anger.

He really deserves a beating.

Today, I have to teach this madman a lesson.

Master Taiyi endured the anger in his heart, and he He sneered and asked Li Yuan:

"I can use the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield to pay the hexagram gold, but what if your calculation is wrong? So what?"

Li Yuan calmly said:"If the calculation is wrong, I'll just compensate you with the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield."


Master Taiyi quickly agreed:

"That's it, it's settled, you can compensate me with the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield. If you can't compensate me... hum, the consequences will be very serious! Li

Yuan said calmly:

"A total of 12,008 disciples were awarded the Yuqing Talisman. There are a total of 1.08 million disciples who have not been awarded the Yuqing Talisman."


Master Taiyi's jaw dropped directly to the ground.

He didn't expect that Li Yuan actually knew.

How is this possible?

Isn't this a secret of the teaching?

How could an outsider know it so well?

Master Taiyi was completely confused. Come on.

This is too unreasonable.

Seeing his master's lost look, Nezha couldn't help but murmured in his heart, it seems that Daozhang Li was right again.

But, so to speak, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield must belong to Daozhang Li?

Thinking of this, Nezha couldn't help but feel a pang of regret.

He had clicked on Taiyi Zhenren's Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield for a long time, but it was a pity that Taiyi Zhenren was so tight about the treasure that he didn't give it to him at all.

Seeing that his master was still in a daze, Nezha couldn't help but ask:

"Master, is Daoist Li correct?"

Master Taiyi was so excited that he finally came back to his senses from his lost state.

He quickly shook his head and said:

"No, no, very wrong."

He decided that it was right not to admit that Li Yuan would die.

Otherwise, his precious Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield would change hands. How could this work?

Nezha said strangely:"Is this wrong? Then why did you look like you had seen a ghost just now?"

Taiyi Zhenren wished he could beat Nezha's brains. He really couldn't open the pot and pick up the pot.

He said angrily:"I suddenly thought that the gate of Jinguang Cave is not closed yet. I have to go back and close the gate, otherwise it will be troublesome for thieves to get in.."

As he said that, he was about to fly out of the manor in a flash.

In case Li Yuan asked him for the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover


However, as soon as Master Taiyi flew up, he felt that the mana in his body was empty.

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