Chapter 277: The secret of Nezha's lotus reshaping the body.

Nezha was a little impatient, and he shouted to Li Jing:

"When death is imminent and you still have time to chat, wait until you become a ghost before you can chat with him."

As he said that, he was about to raise his gun and stab Li Jing.

Li Jing was so frightened that he was scared to death. He sat on the ground and cried loudly:

"Woo hoo hoo, I regret it. Back then, Li Xiaoyou deduced that this son had the potential of a demon king and needed to be disciplined by a famous teacher. Unexpectedly, he met a confused master named Taiyi Zhenren. If I had known earlier, I shouldn’t have allowed Nezha to become his disciple."


Suddenly, Nezha thought of something.

He put down the spear, stared at Li Yuan with an unkind expression, and asked loudly:

"So you are the fortune teller? You say that I am a demon king, and you still want Li Jing to strictly control me?"

Nezha couldn't help but feel angry when he thought of the tragic scenes that he had been bombarded by several old masters in the past two years.

He had long wanted to find this fortune teller to vent his anger, but he never got the chance. He didn't expect to be chased today. Li Jing happened to come to his house.

It seemed that we could avenge old and new grudges together!

Nezha's face suddenly showed a hint of cruelty.

Li Yuan ignored Nezha, but smiled at Li Jing:

"Lao Li, it seems that you are not teaching well."

Li Jing looked at Li Yuan with a speechless expression.

Who are these people? I'm about to die, but I can still laugh happily.

He smiled bitterly and said to Li Yuan:

"Li Xiaoyou, your calculations are unparalleled and you have countless plans. Why didn't you remind me that today would be the day of my death? Li

Yuan said disapprovingly:

"Now that you have met me, you will naturally not die. Stop sitting on the floor and come over and have a drink."

Li Jing couldn't be as calm as Li Yuan. He didn't dare to move at all at the moment, for fear of irritating Nezha, the devil in the world.

Nezha saw that he was ignored, and his face turned red with anger. He asked Li Yuan in a cold voice:

"Since you are so good at fortune telling, have you ever done it for yourself? Have you figured out when you will die?"

Li Yuan then looked at Nezha, he shook his head and said:

"How come you haven't learned to restrain yourself after the first two lessons? Being so impulsive will lead to big losses."

When Nezha saw Li Yuan mentioning the two lessons he had experienced, he couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

He discovered that Li Yuan really had some abilities and actually knew his affairs so well. I wonder if he had heard about it. , or was it calculated?

Thinking of this, he was no longer eager for revenge.

Instead, he asked Li Yuan:

"Do you know why I want to kill Li Jing? Li

Yuan said while flipping the barbecue:

"Because Li Jing knocked down the temple where you condensed your three souls and seven souls, and ruined your fortune."

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Nezha's face. He didn't expect that Li Yuan actually knew.

This man was really magical.

He suppressed the shock in his heart and asked Li Yuan again:

"Then you tell me, he destroyed my temple and toppled my golden body. Is it reasonable for me to kill him in revenge?"

At this time, Li Yuan had already grilled dozens of skewers.

He put the barbecue on a plate and sprinkled some green onions on it. It looked delicious, delicious and tempting.

He brought the barbecue to the table, and Li Yuan sat down comfortably.

Taoist Yangmei had been staring at Li Yuan grilling the barbecue, and his attention was not on Li Jing and Nezha at all.

When he saw that the barbecue was ready, he couldn't wait to come over.

"Gulu, it smells so good, I won’t be polite."

As he spoke, he reached out to grab it.

Li Yuan stopped him and said,"Wait a minute." Yangmei Taoist's face fell:"Brother Li, don't be so ruthless, right?"

Li Yuan didn't care about Taoist Yangmei. He took a dozen skewers of barbecue and put them in Taoist Yangmei's bowl and said:

"These are yours."

If he didn't distinguish them properly, these dozens of skewers of barbecue would be eaten by Taoist Yangmei Taoist, a starving ghost, in just a few breaths.

Taoist Yangmei looked at the barbecue in the bowl and suddenly became sad. For joy

"Brother Li is quite interesting."

As he said this, he couldn't wait to grab the barbecue and start eating.

"Wow, this barbecue is so fragrant and delicious."


Nezha's throat couldn't help but squirm as he looked at the barbecue.

He has never seen such fragrant, exquisite and unique food in his entire life. The sight of it makes people move.

Where is Li Yuan looking? Zha, replied calmly:

"I find it unreasonable and unreasonable."

Nezha looked away from the barbecue and looked at Li Yuan dissatisfied:

"Why is it unreasonable and unreasonable?"

Li Yuan calmly said:

"After all, Li Jing has raised you for several years. You haven't repaid him for raising you. How can you kill him just because he knocked down your temple? Besides, it doesn't make sense for you to build a temple in Li Jing's territory to collect incense and luck."

Li Jing heard this and immediately looked at Li Yuan with a grateful face.

He actually had a last resort in knocking down Nezha's temple. Nezha collected incense and belief in his territory, and the luck of the human race. This was a serious crime of genocide for the imperial court. , so he had to knock down Nezha's temple.

But he didn't expect that Nezha would be so naughty and violent, and he would kill his father to vent his hatred because of this matter.

Although Nezha felt that what Li Yuan said had some truth, he still felt that He was unwilling to give up.

Originally, as long as he accumulated enough incense and luck for three years, he could condense a golden body and enter Taoism as a ghost.

Unfortunately, he was completely destroyed by Li Jing.

Li Yuan continued:

"Moreover, by doing this, Li Jing actually helped you indirectly."

When Nezha heard this, he immediately laughed angrily.

He sneered:

"He destroyed my golden body, how could he still help me? Li

Yuan asked back:

"If Li Jing doesn't tear down your temple, how can you use the lotus of creation to reshape your body?"

Nezha's eyes almost popped out:

"You actually know that I used lotus flowers to reshape my body?"

He is really convinced by Li Yuan's calculation skills.

After all, he is the incarnation of the lotus. At present, only he, Taiyi Zhenren and Jinxia Tongzi know about it. Li Yuan definitely did not hear it from others..

However, although he admitted that Li Yuan's calculation skills were indeed powerful, he did not sneer at Li Yuan's statement that Li Jing indirectly helped him:

"The reshaping of the body by the lotus is my master's credit. What does it have to do with Li Jing? Li

Yuan replied while eating roasted dried beans:

"Master Taiyi is reluctant to use the Lotus of Creation to reshape your physical body at first, otherwise he would not let you use incense to condense your golden body.

Nezha said disapprovingly:"What's the difference?""

Li Yuan:

"When you use incense to condense your golden body, you are actually practicing the divine way. Shinto is the lowest level of cultivation method, and it will be subject to many constraints.……"

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