Chapter 1911: Don’t blame me for robbing you. Li

Yuan couldn’t help but smile as he looked at the three chattering people.

After being quiet for a long time, he quite likes this lively scene. half an hour later

"Oops, all the dishes are finished!"

"Eating it all so quickly? I haven’t had enough fun yet!"

"I was equally underfed."

After all the dishes were eaten, Zhuo Wenjun, Li Qingzhao, and Cai Wenji still felt that they were still unsatisfied.

They were all strong men who had cultivated to Taiyi Golden Immortal. They could swallow even a planet, so they ate this little I don't feel full at all if I eat something.

Cai Wenji looked at Li Yuan and said with a hopeful look on her face:

"Li Yuan, why don't you go get us some food? We still want to eat."

When Li Qingzhao and Zhuo Wenjun heard this, they nodded desperately, looking full of expectation.

Li Yuan wiped his eyes with an embroidered handkerchief and said lightly:

"Your stomachs are all bottomless pits. Even if you eat all the vegetables in my yard, you still won’t be full. So, be in moderation"

"But I really still want to eat it."Li Qingzhao said coquettishly

"Please, just have a few more plates."Cai Wenji begged.

Li Yuan was not moved at all.

He reminded Li Qingzhao:

"Remember to clear the table and wash the dishes."

After that, he got up and walked slowly to the backyard.

He was going to lie down on the deck chair, drink some tea, bask in the sun, and rest his mind. It was so comfortable to bask in the sun after the meal.

Li Qingzhao left just like that when he saw Li Yuan , looking at the dishes and chopsticks on the table, his expression couldn't help but be full of pain.

Woo hoo hoo, I'm full of food and drink, I don't want to move!

Li Qingzhao saw Zhuo Wenjun and Cai Wenji on the side, and his heart moved.

She immediately asked them:

"Are we good friends?"

Cai Wenji knew what Li Qingzhao wanted to fart from just by Li Qingzhao's expression.

She quickly stood up from her seat and said to herself:

"I'll go see what Li Yuan is doing."

After saying that, she followed Li Yuan's footsteps and chased after him.

Zhuo Wenjun quickly shouted to Cai Wenji:

"Wait for me and I'll go with you. After saying that

, the two of them disappeared, leaving only Li Qingzhao alone, facing the table full of mess, with a look of tears on his face.

"What kind of harm are these friends? I wanted you to help wash the dishes together, but in the end they all greased the soles of my feet. There was no other way, so Li Qingzhao had to put away the dishes sadly.

"Alas, what a pity for my white, tender and slender hands!"

When she walked towards the kitchen with a pile of dirty dishes and passed by the backyard, she suddenly saw Li Yuan, Cai Wenji and Zhuo Wenjun, with their legs crossed, lying neatly on the deck chairs in the backyard pavilion. He closed his eyes and rested.

He looked so uncomfortable.

When Li Qingzhao saw this scene, he looked at the bowl in his hand again.

He felt that his body and mind had been severely hit.

Wuwuwu, I am so miserable!

Just when Li Qingzhao was feeling sorry for himself, Zhuo Wen Jun shouted to Li Qingzhao:

"Hurry up and wash up. After washing, come here to bask in the sun. Just lie down like this. It's so comfortable."

Li Qingzhao twitched her corners. She felt that Zhuo Wenjun was showing off.

After Li Qingzhao carried the dishes into the kitchen, he began to wash the dishes.

She saw a thin-waisted porcelain bottle at the sink with dishwashing liquid written on it. Curious, she poured a little dishwashing liquid into the sink.

When she used the dishwashing liquid to wash the dishes, she suddenly discovered something surprising.

The dishwashing liquid smelled particularly good.

Moreover, when her hands touched it After using the dishwashing liquid, I felt that my hands had become particularly white, tender and smooth.

They looked particularly delicate and light.

I felt that this dishwashing liquid was even better than the holy skin care product - snow clam ointment, which is made from countless immortal Zhiyao grass. Awesome!

How could this happen?

Is it possible that this dishwashing liquid is not a mortal thing like the innate pill wood and chaotic black iron before?

How many treasures of heaven and earth are hidden in this inn!

Li Qingzhao was sighing with emotion When she was walking, she suddenly thought of something.

She immediately looked in the direction of Li Yuan.

She found that Li Yuan, Zhuo Wenjun, and Cai Wenji were still relaxing on the recliner with their eyes closed, and they didn't notice her at all.

Her heart moved, and she quickly He took out a porcelain bottle from his storage bag.

Then he poured half of the dishwashing liquid into the porcelain bottle.

Huh, just let me wash the dishes alone, and don’t blame me for picking your hair!

After doing all this, Li Qingzhao suddenly He happily washed the dishes.

After finally washing the dishes and tidying up the tables and chairs,

Li Qingzhao couldn't wait to run to the pavilion, and then lay down beautifully on the lounge chair, basking in the sun.

Ah, this day It's so comfortable!

It would be great if I could be so leisurely every day from now on.

Li Qingzhao suddenly understood why Li Yuan refused her recommendation and became an official.

This kind of life is indeed much more carefree than becoming an official.

After soaking up the sun on the lounge chairs, everyone played Landlords again. It was not until almost evening that Li Qingzhao, Zhuo Wenjun, and Cai Wenji suddenly remembered that today's government affairs had not been processed yet, so they couldn't bear to leave. They said goodbye and left.

The three of them left the inn and were on their way back.

Zhuo Wenjun said with emotion:

"It feels like today is like a dream. Cai

Wenji nodded and said:

"Yes, it's so unreal. Li

Qingzhao asked the two of them:

"Do you think Li Yuan's items are really the legendary treasures of heaven and earth? Zhuo

Wenjun said:

"Whether it is true or not will only be known after going back to verify it.

She looked at Li Qingzhao and said with a flattering look on her face :

"Yi An, please give me some leaves of that Ruyi Sanshenghua. I can go back and verify whether it is the legendary Ruyi Sanshenghua. Hearing this

, Li Qingzhao quickly covered his storage bag and said:

"Don’t you have Yaozhi nectar water? If you want to verify that you have Yaozhi nectar water, why bother clicking on my Ruyi Sanshenghua? Zhuo

Wenjun said dissatisfied:

"We are all best friends, what’s wrong with asking you for a few leaves? Can you please stop being so stingy! Cai

Wenji on the side quickly responded:

"That is, if you still think of us as best friends, give each of us a few leaves, otherwise, we will be friends from now on. Zhuo

Wenjun nodded and said:

"Yes, we are no longer friends from now on. When Li

Qingzhao saw this, her face was tangled.

She thought for a while and said:


Zhuo Wenjun and Cai Wenji couldn't help but feel overjoyed when they saw that Li Qingzhao had compromised.

However, at this moment, they heard Li Qingzhao continue:

"Well, friends are friends as long as they are friends."

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