Chapter 1892: Never suffered a severe beating from society.

Li Qingzhao nodded:

"You say,"

Li Yuan continued:

"Xuandu only recruited one disciple……"

Li Qingzhao:"……"

She had the urge to vomit blood.

Even though I had reminded him, why did Li Yuan still call him"Xuandu Saint"!

Brother, this is a saint, we must remain in awe!

Cai Wenji outside the door also seemed speechless.

I thought to myself, how many heartless people would it take to call a saint by his name over and over again?

It seems that this person has never been beaten by society!

Li Yuan ignored Li Qingzhao's expression and continued:

"Xuandu only recruited one disciple, but it did not mean that Confucianism could not have a serious impact on Xian Tang. Also, although Mencius was not very talented in practicing ordinary martial arts, his talent in practicing Confucianism and Taoism was second only to Xuandu. Moreover, although Xuandu only accepted one disciple, Mencius, this does not mean that Confucianism will only have Xuandu and Mencius in the future. Seeing that Li

Yuan kept calling Xuandu Saint by his name, Li Qingzhao didn't bother to correct him.

She looked at Li Yuan with suspicion and said doubtfully:

"How do you know that Mencius’ talent in practicing Confucianism and Taoism is second only to that of the Xuandu sage? Isn't this too exaggerated? According to what you say, Mencius' talent is worse than that of the saints of Buxuandu. Doesn't this mean that Mencius may also become a saint in the future? But how is this possible."

Cai Wenji also thought it was impossible.

She couldn't accept that Mencius, with his talent in cultivation, could be called a saint comparable to Xuandu?

This is too outrageous!

Li Yuanping said:

"Although Mencius had a high talent for Confucianism and Taoism, Confucianism and Taoism were, after all, the Tao that Xuandu understood. It was still somewhat difficult for Mencius to become a saint through Confucianism and Taoism. However, although it is difficult for him to become a saint through Confucianism and Taoism, he can still achieve it by becoming a semi-saint."

In the future, Mencius will indeed become a semi-sage (quasi-sage Dzogchen) as Li Yuan expected.

However, Li Qingzhao felt that Li Yuan was talking nonsense.

Because, in her opinion, there is no difference between a quasi-sage and a saint. What a difference.

They are all so high and terrifying.

Countless monks and monsters, spending their whole lives, cannot touch the threshold of Da Luo Jinxian, let alone a semi-saint.

That is a realm that even Li Qingzhao can only hope to reach..

Mencius has only now refined the realm of qi, so it is not an exaggeration to say that he is an ordinary person. How can he cultivate to a semi-saint?

This is too un-immortal.

Cai Wenji also feels that Li Yuan's words are a bit too out of bounds.



These two can never be equal!

Li Qingzhao shook his head and said:

"Mencius's chance of becoming a semi-saint is just like my chance of becoming a saint. It's too slim."

Li Yuan didn't explain, he said calmly:

"You'll find out in a few thousand years."

Li Qingzhao cuts the golden iron road:

"Not to mention tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands or millions of years is impossible."

You have wanted to become a semi-saint for tens of thousands of years. You are kidding!

Not to mention that Mencius couldn't do it with his talent. Even those proud men and ancient geniuses who can do it are very few. How many times

? You may never meet one in a million years.

Cai Wenji’s thoughts are the same as those of Li Qingzhao.

She doesn’t believe Li Yuan’s words at all.

Alas, although this person likes my poems and is a fan of mine, he also has an unparalleled good person in the world. The voice, unfortunately, the brain seems to be a little insufficient!

Cai Wenji secretly sighed.

Li Qingzhao:

"Let’s not talk about whether Mencius can become a semi-saint. Let’s talk about the bet. Why do you feel like you didn't lose? You know, even if Mencius does become a semi-sage in the future, it does not mean that Confucianism can have an impact on our Immortal Tang. After all, there are more than a dozen half-saints in our Immortal Tang Dynasty. Moreover, our Majesty the Queen is in retreat, preparing to break through to the legendary realm of heaven. Therefore, Confucianism has not had much influence on us at all."

Li Yuan calmly said:

"The impact does not necessarily involve killing and killing, and cannot simply compare the force value of both sides. There are many other ways to have an impact. Li

Qingzhao said disapprovingly:

"for example?"

Li Yuan:

"For example, knowledge changes destiny, and faith subverts the world."

Li Qingzhao frowned and said doubtfully:

"What's the meaning? I don't understand."

She only knows that in this society, a big fist means truth.

Knowledge, belief?

Can one have a strong fist? He can also change his destiny and change the world. Believe it or not, I will punch you and see how you change and how you change it.

Although Li Qingzhao is a scholar , however, she believes in the Wheel of Power.

Li Yuan:

"It’s not good to say it too clearly. You will know in the future."

Li Qingzhao suppressed his lips and said:

"Anyway, you just don’t want to admit that you lost, right? Li

Yuan asked back:

"I didn’t lose, how could I admit it?"

Li Qingzhao:

"Anyway, I think you are cheating. Li

Yuan smiled helplessly:

"I have never cheated, and I will never cheat. Li

Qingzhao pouted and said:

"If you don't cheat, then you are willing to admit defeat. Li Yuan:"

But I didn't lose.""

Li Qingzhao:"You are cheating.

Li Yuan:"I won't be cheating.""

Cai Wenji outside the door:"……"

She saw a flock of crows flying above her head.

I am still shouting in my heart:

Ban the matryoshka dolls!

Seeing that Li Qingzhao always felt that he was cheating, Li Yuan thought about it and suggested:

"Otherwise, let's wait another two hundred years and see whether Confucianism has had a serious impact on the Immortal Tang Dynasty. If not by then, I will admit defeat and promise you a condition. how? Li

Qingzhao said disappointedly:

"Two hundred years is too long. Li

Yuan said in surprise:

"Two hundred years is still a long time? Isn’t it something that happens in the blink of an eye to us?"

Li Qingzhao thought:

But I want to marry you now!

Two hundred years is of course a long time.

Of course, she was embarrassed to say this.

Li Yuan saw Li Qingzhao's depressed look and continued:

"Moreover, Confucianism has only been established not long ago, so it will definitely take a certain amount of time to have an impact. Li

Qingzhao said reluctantly:

"Well, I'll wait for you for two hundred years. Then you won't be able to cheat. Li

Yuan assured:

"Don't worry, I will never be a cheater.

Li Qingzhao:"Then let's pull the hook!""

Cai Wenji's horns twitched when she heard this.

How old you are, but you still want to pull hooks. Are you childish?

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