Chapter 1885: Not yet in the state of lying down. Being able to leave one's own appearance on a masterpiece that is so vivid and expressive, full of Taoist charm, is really something worth showing off.

Cai Wenji was naturally jealous and envious.

It took a long time for Cai Wenji to come back to her senses from this painting.

The first thing she did after she came back to her senses was to ask Li Qingzhao impatiently:

"Yi An, which master created this painting? With such high painting skills, the other party must be a world-famous painting saint, right? Is it Wu Daozi, Zhao Mengfu, Mi Fu, Yan Liben, or Gu Kaizhi,"

Cai Wenji said to herself, guessing several world-famous painting saints, but then she denied it herself,

"However, these people are somewhat inconsistent. Wu Daozi's painting style and charm are not similar to the style and charm of this painting. Therefore, this painting cannot be created by them, but if not Who among them still has this ability to draw? She frowned and analyzed:

"Logically speaking, I know all the painting saints in the world, but none of them have a style similar to that of this painting. Is it possible that some painting saint made a breakthrough again, so he changed his style?"

She couldn't help but hold Li Qingzhao's hands and said excitedly,

"Yi An, tell me quickly, who created this painting? The style of this painting is so eye-catching."

Li Qingzhao saw that Cai Yan (Cai Wenji's name, Wenji is her nickname) noticed the painting that Li Yuan gave her, and was so excited that she was stunned and gushing, with a trace of pride on her face.

She and Cai Yan and Zhuo Wenjun are both people who are obsessed with poetry, calligraphy, painting and inscriptions.

Therefore, she understands Cai Wenji's mood at the moment.

This kind of moment when she suddenly saw a masterpiece that was unprecedented and unprecedented. The excitement is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Li Qingzhao said in a show-off tone:

"This painting was not created by famous painting saints such as Wu Daozi and Mi Fu, but by a friend of mine some time ago. He is still unknown, so you can't guess his name. Cai

Wenji looked at Li Qingzhao with suspicion and said:

"your friend? Do I know all your friends too? How come I don’t know of anyone whose painting ability has reached such a glorious state?"

Li Qingzhao:

"He's a new friend I made, you don't know him"

"It turns out to be your new friend."

Cai Wenji nodded.

She looked at the landscape painting in front of her with a look of obsession, and said with doubt in her tone:

"Based on the artistic conception and charm shown in this painting, the painting ability of the other party is not inferior to that of Wu Daozi and Gu Kaizhi. How could someone with such superb painting skills remain unknown? It stands to reason that he should have become famous all over the world long ago!"

Li Qingzhao explained:

"Because he does not focus on painting as his main occupation, painting is just a hobby of his, so there are no paintings of his on the market. Naturally, he was not known to the world."

When Cai Wenji heard this, she suddenly looked sad and said:

"Since your friend is so talented, why don't you introduce him to the Hanlin Academy of Calligraphy and Painting? With his talent, as long as he joins the Hanlin Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, within a few days, he will definitely become famous all over the world. He will be on par with all the painting saints in the past. There is no way he can remain unknown."

Seeing Cai Wenji's heartbroken look, Li Qingzhao suddenly looked helpless.

She knew that Cai Wenji loved talents and was worried that Li Yuan's talents would be buried.


Li Qingzhao explained:

"Li Yuan was indifferent to fame and fortune, so he would not work in the Hanlin Academy of Calligraphy and Painting."

She has been in contact with Li Yuan for so long, and she still has some understanding of Li Yuan's character. Li Yuan indulges in the mountains and rivers, plays with the world, and does not care about fame and wealth at all. Moreover, Li Qingzhao knew Li Yuan before.

When Yuan was proficient in poetry and poetry, he had already told Li Yuan that he planned to introduce Li Yuan to become an official in the Hanlin Academy.

However, Li Yuan refused Li Qingzhao's invitation without even thinking about it.

He mentioned it several times, but was ignored. After mercilessly refusing, Li Qingzhao understood Li Yuan's determination. From then on, she no longer mentioned the matter of letting Li Yuan become an official.

In order to avoid making Li Yuan think that she was a worldly person.

"It turns out that your friend's name is Li Yuan, which seems to be a man's name."Cai Wenji said to herself.

Well, Li Qingzhao didn't answer.

Because Li Yuan is not only a man, but also a very handsome and talented man!

Therefore, we must guard against fire, theft and besties!

Neither did Cai Wenji Thinking too much, she advised Li Qingzhao:

"You should advise this friend of yours to become a painter in the Hanlin Academy, which is very promising. With his painting skills, he will definitely be able to paint for the emperor and empress. When the time comes, won't glory, wealth, fame and wealth, and the magic weapon of cultivation be at his fingertips? Moreover, if he has such a talent, he should not keep it to himself and bury it alone. Instead, he should communicate with others and let everyone in the world appreciate his masterpiece. Li

Qingzhao said helplessly:

"I have tried to persuade him, but he is not interested in fame, fortune, wealth, cultivation or other magic weapons at all."

Cai Wenji was a little surprised and said:

"I can understand if he is not interested in fame and wealth, but why is he not interested in the magic weapon of cultivation? This is rare. Isn't he afraid that one day in the future, the oil will run out and the lamp will run out, and he will fall into reincarnation?"

Li Qingzhao shrugged:

"He said he would never fall into reincarnation.

Cai Wenji:"Is it possible that your friend has a high level of cultivation?" If this is the case, we can understand why he is indifferent to fame and fortune.……"

Before Cai Wenji finished speaking, Li Qingzhao shook his head and said:

"His cultivation level is actually very low, only the early stage of Earth Immortal."


Cai Wenji suddenly felt a group of crows flying over her head, and she didn't know what to say.

How could an early Earth Immortal say that he was not interested in cultivation magic weapons?

This was not the end at all. The state of lying flat?

If you don't work hard in the early stage of the Earth Immortal, after waiting for thousands of years, you may have to die because you can't survive the three disasters and nine disasters.

This person is lying flat in the Earth Immortal stage, isn't he afraid that it will happen in the future? It doesn't matter that he was farted

, but such a superb painting talent was also farted with him. This is a huge loss to the painting world!

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