Chapter 1868: Giving Too Much

"Brother Li, since you are so powerful, you shouldn't bully a weak woman for the sake of a system, right?"

Li Yuan took his hands out of Mei Qianyu's and wiped them with a white towel on the table.

Then he said:

"He was joking with you. Li

Er said proudly:

"Haha, she is too careless."

Mei Qianyu ignored Li Er's ridicule.

She noticed Li Yuan's movements, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out in her heart.

Wuwuwu, as for that?

My hands are not dirty, okay?

How many people, Even if you want to drink my bath water, you can't even drink my bath water. I offer to hold your hand, but you still dislike it... I'm so angry!

However, although she was extremely angry, Mei Qianyu breathed a long sigh of relief.

Because Li Er and Li Yuan seemed to really not covet her system.

Relaxed, Mei Qianyu felt a lot more relaxed.

She drank another cup of Yunwu tea, and then asked Li Yuan:

"Are there many time travelers in this world?"

Li Yuan put down the towel and said:

"Not a lot, but not a lot."

Mei Qianyu:

"Don't you find this strange? Li

Yuan said disapprovingly:

"What's so surprising about this?"

Mei Qianyu reminded:

"This is a time traveler. People from other worlds, as long as they are normal people, should be curious, right?"

Li Yuan calmly said:

"When you reach a certain level in the future, you will know how big the Hongmeng Galaxy is. There are as many civilized worlds in it as there are crucian carp crossing the river. Therefore, a few people crossing it are really not worth making a fuss about."

Mei Qianyu saw Li Yuan's understatement, and Li Er also looked very calm. He suddenly felt that if he had carefully concealed his identity as a time traveler, had he made too much of a fuss?

Just when Mei Qianyu was stunned, Li Er said He asked Mei Qianyu with a sneer on his face:

"Um, um, Miss Mei, can I ask you something?"

Mei Qianyu looked at Li Er with a strange expression and said in confusion:

"What do you want to ask? Li

Er pointed at Mei Qianyu’s stockings and said:

"Where did you buy these pants?

Mei Qianyu:"Why are you asking this? Do you think you can't wear it?""

Li Er quickly shook his head and said:

"It’s not that I want to wear them. I think these pants look really good. I want to buy several thousand pairs and give them to the concubines in the harem."

Since the idea of ​​marrying Mei Qianyu as a concubine is out of the question, Li Er is going to let his concubines dress up in this style. Mei Qianyu was speechless when she heard Li Er's idea.

She replied:

"This is designed and manufactured by myself and is not sold outside."

Li Er:

"Then please make a few thousand for me.

Mei Qianyu vomited blood and said :

"Thousands of items, you treat me as free labor! Moreover, this is my battle suit,"

Li Er comforted:

"Don't worry, it will be paid. Mei

Qianyu shook his head and said:

"This is a battle suit I designed for myself, and I won’t sell it for any money."

I am also planning to use it to lure or lure Li Yuan.

Li Yuan has not been lured or lured, how can he sell such a"sharp weapon" to other women and create competitors for himself?

Don't even think about it.

Mei Qianyu secretly thought in her heart Thinking.

Li Er pointed out a finger lightly and said confidently:

"Is a low-grade innate spiritual treasure enough?"

Mei Qianyu was stunned.

She never expected that Li Er would be willing to pay such a high price for thousands of stockings.

What an absolute rich man!

Seeing that Mei Qianyu didn't speak, Li Er immediately extended two fingers. :

"not enough? If it's not enough, I can add another mid-grade innate spiritual treasure."

After having obtained the"Calculation System" for so many years, Li Er has accumulated a lot of innate spiritual treasures.

Therefore, he is very arrogant. When he heard the price quoted by Li Er, Mei Qianyu knelt down directly.

This was too arrogant.

Although, She also has a system, but she only got it not long ago, so she didn’t get many innate spiritual treasures.

With thousands of ordinary stockings, she can exchange for two innate spiritual treasures.

Buffett doesn’t have this rate of return either!

Fool I won’t do it.

Mei Qianyu was afraid that Li Er would regret it, so she quickly nodded and agreed:

"Okay, it's a deal, whoever goes back on his word is the turtle bastard."

No wonder she agreed so readily.

No way, Li Er gave too much. It was too much to refuse.

Li Er nodded and said:

"Direction, I can give you two innate spiritual treasures right now."

After speaking, Li Er turned his palms, and in his hands, two more spiritual treasures flashed with spiritual light, lingering Dao patterns, and filled with pure innate energy.

One was a dagger, and the other was a meridian needle..Seeing

Li Erzhen take out two innate spiritual treasures, Mei Qianyu couldn't help but sigh:

"The boss is so generous, you are really willing to do it! Li

Er said calmly:

"They are just two innate spiritual treasures, nothing. The half pot of Yunwu tea you just drank is more precious than these two innate spiritual treasures."

Mei Qianyu looked at the teapot in front of him in surprise and said in disbelief:

"Really or not, is this Yunwu tea so precious?"

Half a pot of tea is more precious than an innate spiritual treasure?

Isn't this too outrageous?

Mei Qianyu couldn't believe it.

Li Er asked:

"you do not know? The tea that my brother-in-law drank was filled with Chaos Spiritual Roots."


Mei Qianyu stumbled and fell under the chair.

Her expression looked particularly disillusioned.


Did I hear you right?

This Yunwu Tea turned out to be the spiritual root of chaos?

Is it such an exaggeration?

It's not about innate spiritual roots. Is it already rare in the ancient world?

This Chaos Spiritual Root is unbelievable.

Moreover, Li Yuan actually used Chaos Spiritual Root to make tea.

Is he so arrogant?

However, Mei Qianyu quickly thought of a doubt.

She asked Li Er:

"If this cloud tea is really the spiritual root of chaos, why don't I feel the slightest spiritual energy?"

Chaos spiritual roots naturally cannot have spiritual energy.

Li Er explained:

"My brother-in-law didn't want others to get something for nothing, so he deliberately sealed the aura of Yunwu Tea. Unless someone has the opportunity, after drinking this tea, they can only experience the unparalleled taste of this tea, but they will not be able to obtain the special abilities contained in Yunwu Tea."

Although Li Er's explanation makes sense, Mei Qianyu doesn't know whether he should believe Li Er's words.

After all, this matter is too unbelievable.

It is difficult for people to accept it.

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