Chapter 1866 Is Li Yuan so scary?

Li Er continued his analysis:

"You and your cousin don't have any information in Datang. They all appeared suddenly. Therefore, I can make a bold guess, maybe,"

Li Er looked at Mei Qianyu with an expression that said,"You can't hide it from me."

"You and your cousin, like many people who had the system in the past, are people who have traveled from another world, right?"


Mei Qianyu's body shook.

She felt as if all her strength had been taken away instantly, and she almost fell to the ground in shock.

She didn't expect that Li Er not only figured out the secret of her system, but also guessed her It's the identity of a time traveler.

Oh my god, it feels like all the secrets have been exposed, are they true?

Why is this person so scary?

And, judging from what he said, are there many time travelers in this world?

I actually Not a unique time traveler?

What kind of ghost world is this?

Woohoo, I feel so scared, I want to go home!

Mei Qianyu's inner defense at this moment has completely collapsed.

Li Er not only guessed that she had the system, but also She even guessed her identity as a time traveler.

She felt that it would be of no use if she continued to pretend to be confused. She might as well just admit it.

After all, if you continue to be tough, you are just deceiving yourself.

Besides, if they really believe that I have The system is a time traveler. It wants to slice up and study me, so it’s useless for me to be tough. It’s better to admit it and ask for more useful information.

Thinking of this, Mei Qianyu no longer hesitated.

She asked Li Er what was in her heart Doubts:

"Do you really own the system?"

She looked at Li Yuan again:

"Can you really make a system? Could it be that you created the Supreme Emperor's system? In this world, do many people really have systems? Are there many time-travelers?"

Mei Qianyu asked all the doubts in her heart.

When Li Er saw this, he suddenly said with a proud face:

"Have you finally admitted it? Why don't you continue to deny it? I thought you could keep telling lies with your eyes open!"

Seeing Li Er's proud look, Mei Qianyu wanted to punch Li Er in the face.

But forget it, I am a lady and cannot show my violent side in front of Li Yuan.

Of course, the most important thing is that Mei Qianyu Can’t beat Li Er!

Mei Qianyu asked Li Er:

"Do you really have a system, or are you lying to me?"

Li Er:

"Do I need to lie to you? I really have a system. Mei

Qianyu said curiously:

"How did you get it?"

Li Er:

"My brother-in-law gave it to me."

Mei Qianyu looked at Li Yuan who was drinking tea leisurely, clicked his tongue and said:

"Could he really be able to create a system?"

The system is willing to be given away. Apart from being able to manufacture the system himself, Mei Qianyu really can't think of anyone else who can be so generous.

Li Er replied:

"My brother-in-law can really create systems, but my system was not created by my brother-in-law, but by other time travellers."

When Mei Qianyu heard this, her heart suddenly palpitated. She looked at Li Er nervously and asked:

"Is your system robbing others? What have you done to others? Catch it and slice it for study?"

She was very worried.

Will she also be arrested and sliced ​​into slices?

Thinking about it makes her scalp numb.

It's too scary.

Li Er said doubtfully:

"Why grab it and slice it?"

Mei Qianyu:

"So you can seize other people's systems? Li

Er said disapprovingly:

"How could it be so troublesome to seize the system without slicing it? My brother-in-law can do it with just a snap of his fingers."

Mei Qianyu looked at Li Yuan with a suspicious face. She was very suspicious of Li Er's words.

Is Li Yuan so awesome?

He took away other people's systems with a snap of his fingers. Isn't this too exaggerated and too mysterious?

After all, the system is bound to the soul of the host.

How could it be taken away so easily?

Li Yuanze continued to drink tea leisurely. He turned a blind eye to the words of Li Er and Mei Qianyu.

From beginning to end, he did not show a trace of surprise. Expressions.

Just as if the two of them were talking about something extremely ordinary.

Mei Qianyu found that Li Yuan was so calm that he was almost abnormal.

He didn't know what kind of things would be needed to make Li Yuan move. ?

She held back her doubts and asked Li Er:

"Didn't you just say that you don't like other people's systems and won't rob them? Why is your system stolen from someone else? Li

Er corrected:

"This is not called robbing. It was because the other party was too arrogant after he had the system. He acted recklessly relying on his own system, but in the end he offended his brother-in-law. The brother-in-law took action and taught him a new life in a matter of minutes and stripped him of his system. Then I asked him to come over and play with her. So, this is not a robbery."

Mei Qianyu looked at Li Yuan, her eyes full of shock.

Is Li Yuan really that powerful?

He actually taught the protagonist who owns the system a lesson?

I don't know if this"lesson" means that the other party's dog With him?

Most likely!

He won’t be so cruel to me, right?

Mei Qianyu held back her guilty conscience and asked Li Yuan:

"Can you really make a system?"

"This person didn't believe what I said."Li Er's expression was a little dissatisfied.

Li Yuan held the tea cup with both hands, looked at Mei Qianyu and nodded calmly:

"Indeed it can."

Mei Qianyu couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw Li Yuan admitting.

She seemed to be asking, but also sighed:

"How much ability is required to create a system? Li

Er said:

"Anyway, it takes a very powerful person. The entire Hongmeng universe ocean can only be accomplished by my brother-in-law at present."

When he said this, he acted very proud and proud. Of course he is proud that such an awesome person is his brother-in-law!

Mei Qianyu heard Li Er's exaggerated words, but was deeply suspicious..

Mainly because she didn’t believe that Li Yuan was so awesome.

Mei Qianyu asked:

"According to what you say, doesn't it mean that our system was all made by Li Yuan?

Li Er shook his head and said :

"My brother-in-law once said that all the systems in this world were created by another person."

Mei Qianyu rolled her eyes:

"Aren't you contradicting yourself? Just now you said that only Li Yuan can create systems in the world. Why are you now saying that our system was created by another person? Li

Er said calmly:

"It's not a contradiction. That person is dead, so now only the brother-in-law can make it."

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