Chapter 1,775 Seeing his building collapse

"Excuse me, is shopkeeper Li here?"

On this day, Xiao Longnu was practicing in the room, while Li Yuan was holding a white Persian cat and reading a book at the bar.

Suddenly, he heard the voice of an old woman calling him outside the door.

This voice was familiar to him. The voice of Grandma Liu, a neighbor who lived on the nearby street.

Sure enough, after a while, Li Yuan saw an old woman walking in with an eleven or twelve-year-old child.

The old woman The man looked to be sixty or seventy years old, with a plain linen turban wrapped around his forehead. His skin was dark, and he looked like he had been working in the fields all year round. The corners of his eyes and forehead were full of wrinkles, but he walked very vigorously, without any trace of wrinkles. She does not look senile.

It is Grandma Liu.

As for the child next to her, it is her grandson-Wang Baner.

Because they are neighbors, and Grandma Liu is talkative, she is also an acquaintance from afar. Whenever he sees Li Yuan, he greets her warmly, so Li Yuan and Grandma Liu are considered acquaintances.

"Shopkeeper Li is at home."Grandma Liu saw Li Yuan and greeted her quickly. Her voice was loud and enthusiastic.

Li Yuan put down the novel in his hand and greeted:

"It turns out to be Grandma Liu, please sit down."

Grandma Liu did not sit down. She pulled the sleeve of her grandson beside her and reminded:

"Ban'er, please salute Shopkeeper Li quickly."

Wang Ban'er was very obedient and sincere. Hearing this, he quickly knelt on the ground and gave Li Yuan a big gift in a childish voice:

"Meet shopkeeper Li."

Li Yuan couldn't help but smile when he saw Wang Ban'er's sincere look:

"This is not a New Year or a holiday, so why do you give me such a big gift?"

He thought in his mind that he would give Wang Ban'er a red envelope later.

Grandma Liu said with a smile:

"Yes, Shopkeeper Li is an elder and an intellectual. He is full of knowledge. Ban'er should learn more from Shopkeeper Li."

Li Yuan was not used to meaningless greetings with others, so he directly asked Grandma Liu why she was here:

"Grandma Liu wants to see me for something, right?"

When Grandma Liu heard this, a look of embarrassment suddenly flashed across her face, and a trace of sadness appeared in her eyes.

"Alas," she sighed, the sadness in her eyes getting stronger:

"I am dissatisfied with Shopkeeper Li, so I took the liberty to come to Shopkeeper Li this time. I really want to ask you for help with something,"

Li Yuan said:

"you say."

Grandma Liu explained with a sad face:

"It's like this. I have a distant relative who belongs to the Jia family, a wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River. My life was difficult in the past, but thanks to the help from my relatives, I was able to overcome the difficulties and live a stable life for a few years.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Not long ago, I got the news that the Jia family actually committed a crime, and many people were imprisoned. This huge family was ruined all of a sudden.……"

Li Yuan listened silently to Grandma Liu's account.

He knew in his heart that the Jia family that Grandma Liu was talking about was the Jia family of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu.

The Jia family, the Wang family, the Xue family, and the Shi family were the four major families in the south of the Yangtze River. Because they were attached to Li Rong, one of Li Er's sons, King Beijing, they became rich and powerful in the south of the Yangtze River.

However, the last time Xue Baochai and his family came to Li Yuan Inn, these four major families had already begun to decline.

Otherwise, the Xue family would not eagerly try to please Song Xinyang.

Not long ago, because King Beijing's crimes of raising dead soldiers, colluding with friends, and corruption and bending the law were exposed, he was punished by Xiao Sizi and stripped of the title of King Beijing.

All the forces that were attached to King Beijing were also liquidated.

The four major families in Jiangnan are naturally no exception.

After all, when the four major families relied on King Beijing, they would definitely not be able to protect themselves, so they often did some corrupt things, perverting the law, and enriching their own pockets.

Now that they have been found out, their homes will be ransacked, confiscated, and distributed.

Just like Jia Baoyu, he is still imprisoned in the Jiangnan Mansion, waiting for trial.

Grandma Liu continued to say to Li Yuan:

"……As an old woman, I naturally can't control the affairs of the imperial court, and I have no power to do so. However, not long ago, I discovered that Brother Feng's daughter Qiao Jie was bought by an oil painting workshop in Jiangnan.

I asked someone about it and found out that this oil painting studio often buys some pretty little girls and slowly trains them. When these little girls become adults and pass the court's minor protection law, they will be sent to brothels to sell, sing, and laugh.

Although I can't help Jia's family, I have received favors from Jia's family after all, and I can't bear to watch Sister Qiao fall into the fire pit without caring, so I want to redeem Sister Qiao.

Unfortunately, the other party asked for a very high price, and he would only be willing to put it in after seven thousand taels of silver.

I then thought about selling this house in the capital and selling some land to get enough money to help Sister Qiao redeem herself.

Unfortunately, the other party was in a hurry, and the house was not easy to sell in a short period of time, so I thought that if shopkeeper Li was rich, he would buy my house. So I shamelessly came to shopkeeper Li."

After saying that, Grandma Liu looked at Li Yuan expectantly, fearing that Li Yuan would refuse to buy her house.

It turned out that Grandma Liu usually saw Li Yuan dressed very well and looked like a rich and noble man, so she did this A dead horse became a living horse doctor and came to Li Yuan for help.

After listening to Grandma Liu's story, Li Yuan didn't say anything. He just opened a drawer in the bar and poured all the contents of the drawer onto the bar.


I saw a pile of shining gold and silver ingots falling on the bar and piled up into a small mountain.

All of this money was the room rent Li Yuan had received over the years.

It was of no use to him. At this moment, it happened to be It’s useful.

Li Yuan said to Grandma Liu:

"There happened to be seven thousand taels of silver here, so I bought your house for seven thousand taels of silver."

When Grandma Liu saw Li Yuan taking out the silver, she guessed that Li Yuan was ready to help. When she heard that Li Yuan was going to buy her house for seven thousand taels of silver, she couldn't help but get even more excited.

Because her house, according to the market price, was about It's worth six thousand taels of silver. Even if you include furniture, it's not more than six thousand five. If it can be sold for seven thousand taels of silver, it's considered a high price.

This means that she doesn't have to sell the land.

Grandma Liu keeps talking Thanks:

"Thank you to Shopkeeper Li for your support. I am no longer polite to Shopkeeper Li. I will immediately go to the security chief to provide guarantee and transfer the house to Shopkeeper Li. Li

Yuan comforted:

"Don't worry about the transfer. You can redeem Sister Jia Qiao first, and it won't be too late to transfer the ownership when you come back."

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