Chapter 1701: One sentence broke the defense.

When all the sentient beings in the galaxy noticed the fighting situation, they also opened their mouths in disbelief.

It was like seeing the most bizarre and shocking thing in the world.

They never expected that Emperor Changli would once again successfully block the joint attack of Cangtian, Guangming, Yongsheng and others.

This, Emperor Changli is too tough!

In other words, the clothes of Emperor Changli are too sturdy, right?

Eight promoted emperors were unable to break through the defensive shield of this piece of clothing. What level of magic weapon is this piece of clothing?


The giant eye hanging in the void naturally noticed the abnormality in Su Changli's clothes.

The originally calm pupils of the ancient master suddenly flickered with brilliant colors.

This is the first time that the giant eye has changed since arriving in the galaxy world.

It indicates how shocked the ancient ruler was at this moment.

Because, it was only then that the Ancient Master noticed that Su Changli’s clothes were actually engraved with dense chaos patterns.

These patterns were mysterious, treacherous and difficult to understand, and were unusually exquisite, just like the embodiment of the origin of chaos. Same.

The great ancient master couldn't help but be fascinated by it.

These are the origin patterns of chaos, and they are the characteristics that only the treasure of chaos possesses!

Oh my God, this piece of clothing is actually a Chaos Treasure?

However, the aura of this chaotic treasure was so restrained that I couldn't recognize it at the first time!

This weak insect actually has a treasure of chaos?

How did she get it?

I have been a great master for countless years, and have invaded countless worlds, but I have only obtained one treasure of chaos.

Unexpectedly, this weak insect actually owns one.

Isn't this very lucky?

It's a pity that she can't display the abilities that the Chaos Arcana should have.

She doesn't deserve to have such a treasure at all!

This should be mine!

It can only belong to me!

Unexpectedly, this time when I came to the outside world, I would have such a harvest!

The ancient master held back his excitement and silently paid attention to the fighting scene.

In his opinion, the colorful fairy clothes have become his treasure!


Although the eight emperors were shocked by the powerful defensive capabilities of Su Changli's clothes, they did not lose their position because of this.

Instead, they still bombarded Su Changli methodically.

Although the defensive capabilities of Su Changli's colorful fairy clothes exceeded the expectations of the eight great emperors, in the eyes of the eight great emperors, as long as they spent more time, they could still break through Su Changli's defensive shield.

After all, in this world, is there any turtle shell that cannot be broken?

Moreover, their strength far surpassed Su Changli's.

The gap in this realm cannot be bridged by a treasure.

Su Changli is dead today!


Su Changli also regained his composure at this moment.

When she saw the light, Cangtian and others could not break her defense, and immediately began to fight back.

She first used the magical power of"Dharma of Heaven and Earth" to make her body extremely huge, which caused her strength to increase exponentially along with her body.

Although this will cause her to lose some sensitivity, a few people can't break her defense anyway, so just lose her sensitivity. never mind!

As Su Changli's body grew larger, the World Tree in her hand also grew countless times.

During the sweep, Chaos seemed to have been plowed, everything was shattered and annihilated.

Even the eight great emperors had to dodge in the face of such terrifying attacks and did not dare to take them head-on.

Otherwise, if you are swept away by the World Tree, although you will not die, you will inevitably suffer pain.

It's a pity that even though the World Tree is extremely powerful, even Da Luo Jinxian has to be afraid of it.

However, the realms of Su Changli and the eight great emperors were too different, and in addition, they were still one against eight, so it was difficult for Su Changli to hit the eight great emperors.

Of course, although the eight emperors could easily hit Su Changli, these attacks were all blocked by Su Changli's colorful fairy clothes.

It won't hurt at all.

Therefore, neither side could do anything about the other, and the situation immediately came to a stalemate.

However, the eight emperors were very confident.

They firmly believed that Su Changli's defensive shield could not last long before they would break it.

Once the defensive barrier is broken, whether Su Changli lives or dies will be left to their own devices.

"Su Changli, I advise you not to resist, but to surrender obediently. If you surrender, the master will be happy and you may be able to spare your life."

Cangtian shouted to Su Changli while attacking, his tone full of teasing.

Of course, he didn't really want Su Changli to surrender, he was just watching Su Changli's jokes and breaking Su Changli's fighting spirit.

Su Growing up in the ancient times, Li cultivated many supernatural powers, such as"Thousands of Dharma Symbols"","Everything in one’s sleeves","Harmony with light"、""Call the wind and rain" and so on. At this moment, she used these magical powers one by one, causing the entire void to be shrouded in the mysterious light emitted by her magical powers.

Unfortunately, although Su Changli's magical powers were exquisite, they could not hurt Ba The eight great emperors.

Mainly because the eight great emperors have transcended the cycle of life and death. In the past and future, to Su Changli, the eight of them seemed to be cheating. It was so buggy!

This cannot be made up for by magical powers.

This made Su Changli Li was a little regretful.

If I had known this, I should have eaten more Taoist Immortal Apricots like my aunt, and directly obtained the power of the Three Thousand Laws. In this way, fighting with the enemy would definitely be much easier.

However, although there is some regret, Su Chang Li was not discouraged by this, and still attacked with all her strength. She regarded it as honing her fighting skills. When she heard the words of Cangtian Emperor, she immediately sneered:

"What a big joke. They are just a few pitiful dogs wagging their tails begging for mercy. They were lucky enough to be rewarded with a few bones by their master, but they had the nerve to show off their power in front of me. Are they worthy of letting me surrender?"

The emperor's behavior before begging for mercy from the ancient master was indeed similar to that of a dog.

Seeing that Su Changli compared them to dogs wagging their tails begging for mercy, all the eight emperors lost their temper.

We can do it, but you can't say it!

The Eternal Emperor said coldly:

"Su Changli, stop using your words. Today, you must die, and no one can change this outcome."

"Not bad," the Beast King also shouted to Su Changli:

"Su Changli, please stop struggling pointlessly, and you can die faster this way. Otherwise, I will let you taste it later, what is life worse than death!"

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