Chapter 1,452 Isn’t this too ugly?

"Hiss, it’s so spicy to me. How can I make it less spicy?"

"Could it be that I was poisoned?"

"Woo hoo hoo, I feel like I and I are going to be destroyed!"


Seeing that drinking water could not relieve the spicy food, Huang Rong couldn't help crying again.

This kind of sour and refreshing feeling dominated by spicy food makes people want to die.

Because Huang Rong made too much noise, it immediately disturbed the people in the courtyard.

Several people dressed as old ladies and servants came in quickly to check on the situation.

They saw a beggar in rags lying beside the well, crying and making trouble, and immediately cursed:

"Where did the beggar come from? Why did he come to someone else's house?"

"Are you here to steal something?"

"Damn, he actually washed his hair in the well and spit the water into the well. How can we drink from this?"

"Hit him!"


These servants were so angry that they wanted to come up and teach the beggar a lesson.

Originally, Huang Rong was so hot that she felt evil burning in her heart. When she saw these servants wanting to beat her, she immediately used a restraining technique on these servants rudely.

Keeping these servants in place.

Then she continued to rinse her mouth with water.

Although doing this won't make her less spicy, it will make her feel better.

Finally, after about half an hour, the spicy taste in Huang Rong's mouth weakened a bit and was no longer so uncomfortable.

She finally stopped crying and fussing

"Phew, I finally came back to life. This feeling is even more uncomfortable than being tortured!"

Huang Rong was lying beside the well mouth and said feebly.

At this moment, she noticed her shadow reflected in the well.

The pot ashes on her face had long been washed away by the well water, revealing a beautiful face. A gorgeous, petite and smart face.

The skin on her face is as white as gelatin, and her skin is as radiant as snow.

However, Huang Rong’s attention is not on her face.

Instead, she is on her forehead..

She saw that her breasts were now swollen like two sausages, red and fat.

This made her originally beautiful face look both ugly and funny.

"Wuwuwu, my God, I am disfigured!"

"Like this, how can I meet or get married in the future?"

When Huang Rong saw her penis, she couldn't help but cry again.

Moreover, she cried very sadly this time.

She was really scared in her heart. She was afraid that her penis would become this ugly sausage shape forever.

This It was even more uncomfortable than killing her.

Just when Huang Rong was heartbroken, a burst of noise came from outside the yard

"Why are people crying in the yard? How depressing would it be if outsiders heard it?"A man's voice sounded

"Where are Bisi and the others? Didn't they come to see the news a long time ago? Why don't you come out and report it?"A female voice sounded

"I found that the servants in this house are becoming more and more unruly, and the master should really discipline them."Another woman's voice sounded.

"Xue'e's words are true, these slaves really need to be disciplined."The man's voice sounded again


Not long after, a group of people walked into the backyard.

There are men and women.

Surrounded by everyone was a tall, handsome middle-aged man with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, dressed like a scholar.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the servants who were immobilized in the yard.

He suddenly looked at Huang Rong with a wary face.

In this courtyard, only Huang Rong can still move, and she is still a stranger, so she is naturally the most suspicious.

"who are you……"

The middle-aged man was about to ask Huang Rong about his identity when he suddenly saw Huang Rong's sausage mouth. He was so frightened that he took two steps back and cursed:

"Damn, this is so ugly, I want to vomit!"


As he spoke, his stomach couldn't help but churn.

Obviously, he was really disgusted.

Huang Rong:"……"

Her face turned black into coal.

She was already heartbroken over her disfigurement.

At this moment, when she heard others calling her ugly and vomiting, she felt extremely angry.

Without thinking, she immediately made a magic trick, and countless peach blossom petals suddenly appeared in the air.

Then, these petals flew toward the middle-aged man like shooting stars chasing the moon.

"Officials beware"

"Ximen officials, beware."

The women and maids who came with the middle-aged man saw this sudden change and quickly reminded the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man, Ximen Qing, also practiced magic.

He saw Sausage Mouth trying to attack him. , although he was frightened, he quickly made a hand seal.

Suddenly, a black and white alternating yin and yang defensive shield immediately enveloped him and the family members around him in the defensive shield.


At this moment, the peach blossom petals also flew to Ximen Qing, landed on his Yin and Yang defense shield, and suddenly made a series of explosions. The sound was deafening, and the auras flew in all directions, shaking the flowers, trees, and walls in the courtyard. The pavilion was either broken or collapsed. When

Ximen Qing saw that the yard was destroyed, he couldn't help but became furious. With a"crash", he opened the origami fan in his hand. A pink mist spread quickly. Red Before the fog even got close to her, Huang Rong felt a little dizzy and her hands and feet were weak. She was startled and didn't dare to be careless. While using the defensive shield to defend herself, she dodged and flew out of the courtyard wall. However, she flew out of the courtyard wall. When leaving the hospital wall, he did not forget to launch a hurricane into the courtyard. However, this hurricane did not attack Ximen Qing or others, but blew up the houses in the courtyard. Huang Rong knew that he would not be able to break through it for a while. Ximen Qing's defense shield, so he vented his anger on Ximen Qing's house. It was regarded as punishment for him calling her too ugly. But what kind of demonic mist was this person offering? He hadn't come into contact with it yet, so why did he feel upset? Feeling hot all over? When Ximen Qing saw the thief running away, he did not chase him. He knew very well the principle of not chasing the culprit when he was poor.

"But who is this ugly monster? What is her purpose in coming to me?"


After Huang Rong escaped, he was worried that the other party would pursue him, so he ran around in the alley for a while.

However, as she used her magic power, she found that her body was getting hotter and hotter.

My face also became very hot.

It's like having a fever.

This made her feel very uncomfortable

"Have I been poisoned again?"

Huang Rong doubted.

She had already cultivated to the point where she was immune to all diseases, so naturally she would not think that she really had a fever.

When thinking of being poisoned, Huang Rong thought of her sausage mouth.

Suddenly her face was filled with anger, and her teeth It also made a"rattling" sound when bitten.

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