Chapter 1,443 Gao Qiu's Confusion

He wanted to take revenge for the humiliation he had suffered before.

Of course, even if Li Yuan and others slapped him, he would not really let these people go.

He knows the principle of cutting the grass and eradicating the roots.

He did this just to insult this group of people.

Otherwise, just killing Li Yuan and others like this would not dispel the hatred in his heart

"Let's slap each other in the face and have your spring and autumn dreams."

However, when Lu Zhishen heard Gao Qiu's request, he immediately cursed in a bad temper.

"That is, this is your repertoire, so we won’t compete with you."Chao Gai also looked sarcastic.

"Can you let me beat you? Why would beating her give birth to a scum like you?"Hua Zixu cursed unceremoniously.

Gao Qiu:"……"

He heard the curses from Lu Zhishen and the others, and his old face suddenly turned black and red!

Beard trembled with rage.

He originally wanted to insult this group of people, but unexpectedly, he was insulted!


"Even when death is imminent, he still dares to be tough. Gao

Qiu had a cruel look on his face and said in a cold tone:

"I admire your courage, but for a moment, can you still be so stubborn in the face of torture?"

After saying that, he was about to order Lu Qian and others to take action.

However, at this moment, he suddenly heard Li Yuan speak.

"Alas, it’s so noisy to be clean even after eating!"

Gao Qiu's corners trembled. He felt like he had been seriously underestimated.

"Boy, don't pretend to be cool. I want you to become a fool today. Do you believe it or not?"

Before Gao Qiu said anything, his subordinate, Xue Ba, was unhappy with Li Yuan's tone. He pointed a knife at Li Yuan and started shouting.

Li Yuan just looked at Xue Ba calmly and said calmly:

"Since you can’t speak human language, you’ll never speak again in the future."

"If you tell me not to say anything, I will……"

Xue Ba was about to speak, but he suddenly realized that he was just opening his mouth and not making any sound at all.

How is this going?

Why can't I speak?

Is it just because the other party said"never speak again"?

Isn't this too evil?

I didn't see the other party cast a spell either?

Gao Qiu and others noticed Xue Ba's expression and were all shocked.

Why did Xue Ba only open his mouth and not make any sound?

Could it be that he was really speechless?

Li Yuan asked him not to speak, so he couldn't speak immediately.

Did Li Yuan have a crow's mouth?

Li Yuan:"……"

Lu Qian came to his senses and quickly shouted to Xue Ba:

"Xue Ba, what's wrong with you?"

"I was speechless."

Xue Ba opened his mouth to explain to Lu Qian.

However, he couldn't make a sound at all.

In the end, he had to point to his mouth and wave his hands repeatedly.

At this time, everyone was finally sure that Xue Ba really couldn't explain. Talk!

In fact, what everyone doesn’t know is that Xue Ba is not only speechless at this moment, but he will never be speechless in the future.

Li Yuan’s eternity not only includes this life, but also reincarnation.

Even reincarnation. , even if Xue Ba is reincarnated, he can no longer be reincarnated as a human being, but can only be reincarnated as a lower animal that cannot speak and make a sound.

Since he can't speak, why do he still talk?


Gao Qiu was really afraid of Li Yuan's strange abilities.

He didn't feel any mana fluctuations in Li Yuan at all.

Such an incredible attack method is simply unheard of.

He quickly took out the borrowed Seven Treasures Golden Lotus and offered it to his head.

The Seven Treasures Golden Lotus emitted a golden light curtain, covering him and his men, and Gao Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

With this high-grade acquired spiritual treasure, Li Yuan's evil magic will be powerless, right?

However, what puzzled Gao Qiu was that he had clearly shrouded Xue Ba in the light curtain of the Seven Treasures Golden Lotus, but why was Xue Ba still speechless and unable to make a sound?

Could it be that as long as one falls under Li Yuan's evil spell, the use of the Seven Treasures Golden Lotus will be useless?

Fortunately, Li Yuan did not attack me immediately, but Xue Ba.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

However, this will be Li Yuan's biggest mistake!

Gao Qiu sighed and ordered Lu Qian and other subordinates:

"Take action and fight quickly."

He didn't want to delay any longer. Li Yuan's weirdness exceeded his imagination. He didn't want anything to happen again. After hearing this, Lu Qian and others immediately launched an attack on Chao Gai, Song Jiang, Lu Zhishen, and Lin Chong.

Fei Knives, flying swords, wind and fire hooks and other magic weapons were all strangled towards Lu Zhishen and the others.

Gao Qiu was not idle either. He had already taken out a purple ball.

The ball was the size of an egg. Several electric sparks flashed from time to time on the bead, exuding terrifying thunder power, which seemed very dangerous.

This is Gao Qiu's most powerful attack spirit treasure - the thunder gathering bead.

It can emit billions of divine thunder and can destroy The sky destroyed the earth, shattering the universe, splitting the yin and yang.

Gao Qiu threw the thunder bead.

The thunder bead flew into the air, and then released more than a dozen purple sky thunders as thick as a bucket, all of which attacked Li Yuan. At that time, the sky above the small courtyard was filled with violent thunder, covering up all the attacks by Lu Qian and others.

The terrifying pressure made Song Jiang, Chao Gai, and Lu Zhishen feel frightened and helpless.

They felt that, Even without Lu Qian and others attacking, Gao Qiu alone could kill them all!

Because, under the cover of this explosive divine thunder, Song Jiang and others were unable to resist at all, and could only be slaughtered.

Especially. It was Zhang Zhenniang, Jin'er and several other women. Facing the terrifying Lei Wei around them, their livers and gallbladders burst with fright, and their hearts jumped out of their throats.

They didn't know, how could they still stand? Instead of collapsing?

All of them. Faced with the terrifying attack of Gao Qiu Ju Lei Zhu, people lost all hope and only felt that today was the end of themselves.


At this moment, everyone in the courtyard suddenly heard a crisp sound of palms.

This sound was like a chaotic eggshell breaking through the heaven and earth. It was so clear and had such infinite charm.

It was Li Yuan's gentle pat. He raised his palms.

As the applause rang out, the thunder-gathering beads suspended in mid-air suddenly turned into powder like tofu; the seven-treasure golden lotus standing above Gao Qiu's head shattered into chaos without warning; the

Taixu mystery shrouded the courtyard. The formation simply decayed; the flying swords, flying knives, wind and fire hooks and other magic weapons sacrificed by Lu Qian and others also collapsed into nothingness.

In the blink of an eye, in the courtyard, the thunder dissipated, the mysterious light disappeared, and the smoke disappeared..

The sun in the sky shone in the courtyard again.

Everything returned to calm again.

It was as if nothing happened.

However, how could things not happen?

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