Chapter 1313: Li Yuan appears.

Loki smiled elegantly:

"Of course, and as long as humans can win this game, I will secretly help them in the next few games. But I have one request, that is, you don’t mention to anyone that I am helping you secretly. Of course, even if you say it, I won’t admit it. Hey Hey."

In a burst of elegant and weird laughter, Loki's body gradually disappeared.

"Sister, are you really planning to accept the Frost Winter Coffin? Could Lord Loki have any conspiracy? Gray asked Brünnhilde.

Countless gleams flashed in Brünnhilde's eyes, and she whispered:"No matter what conspiracy he has, the Frost Winter Coffin is real.""

Bingbing asked Li Yuan:

"You can know what I'm thinking, but do you know Loki's true purpose of helping mankind?"

"We don't know Loki's purpose. How could he, a mortal, know?"

Before Li Yuan spoke, Gray couldn't help but speak.

Li Yuan said calmly:

"His purpose is very simple, that is, he hopes that humans can kill gods such as Odin, Shakya, Zeus, and Apollo. In this way, he will have a great chance to rule the divine world."

When Gray heard this, she couldn't help but open her mouth and looked very surprised.

Because she found that the reason Li Yuan said seemed to be Loki's true purpose.

Because it was very consistent with Loki's character.

Bren Hilde also looked at Li Yuan with unexpected eyes.

She finally discovered that this person seemed not as simple as she imagined.

Bingbing saw the surprised look of the two Valkyries and couldn't help but smile proudly:

"How about it, I say Li Yuan is very powerful!"

"How did you know Loki's purpose?"Gray came back to her senses and asked Li Yuan extremely curiously.

Because her height was only about Li Yuan's chest, she had to look up at Li Yuan.

Li Yuan said calmly:

"Anyone who is not stupid can guess Loki's purpose."




This attack surface is a bit wide!

"You are just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. You are just lucky, what the hell. Gray said with a look of displeasure.

Brunhild suddenly thought of something, she showed a strange look and said:

"It's strange, you two humans are standing here, why didn't Loki react at all just now?"

Gray also reacted, and she said in surprise:

"Yes, it seemed that Loki didn't look at either of them from beginning to end. Li

Yuan explained:

"Because he didn't see us at all, how could he react?"

Grey looked at Li Yuan speechlessly:

"You two big living people are standing here, and Loki is not blind, how could he not see?

Li Yuan:"Because I want him to be invisible.""

Gray rolled his eyes:

"You can think whatever you want. Are you God, or are we God?"


While several people were talking, Heimdall was already standing in the arena and began to announce the candidates for the seventh game.

"Immediately, it’s the seventh game of Ragnarok. The first six games all ended in defeat for the human side. I wonder if the human side can win this round? If humans still lose this round of competition, then humans will be judged by the gods."

In the auditorium of the gods, the gods shouted happily.

"It is impossible for humans to win!"

"This duel will be the end of mankind!"

"I can't wait to see how humans panic and cry bitterly when facing judgment!"


Heimdall continued to speak loudly:

"In this most critical duel, who will mankind send to fight? Who can shoulder this important mission of saving the fate of all mankind? The human duelist in Ragnarok 7 is Li Yuan!"

"What? How could it be Li Yuan?"

The moment she heard the name"Li Yuan", Gray jumped up in shock.

She screamed:

"Didn’t your sister choose Ying Zheng? How did he become Li Yuan?"

She looked at Li Yuan, her eyes almost bulging out:

"Isn’t your name Li Yuan? Could it be that you are the person Heimdall is talking about?"

Not only Gray was jumping up and down in shock, Bingbing and Brünnhilde were also shocked and turned pale.

Brünnhilde stared at Li Yuan intently, as if she wanted to see through Li Yuan's soul:

"How did the contestant's name change to you? I clearly reported it as Ying Zheng, how did you change it to your name?"

Bingbing also looked at Li Yuan in surprise:

"Weren't you always here? When did you change your name to yours? Li

Yuan put his hands behind his back and said disapprovingly:

"It's just a small trick, so why make such a fuss."

Seeing that Li Yuan was still calm and still blamed himself for making a fuss, Gray and Brünnhilde were completely speechless.

Is this really just a small trick?

This is obviously incredible, okay?

And, what on earth is going to happen? How can this man be moved?

"who are you? Brünnhilde asked solemnly


When humans heard the name"Li Yuan", they all showed blank expressions.

"Li Yuan? Who is this? Never heard of it?"

"Judging from the name, he seems to be from Daqian Kingdom! Could it be a celebrity hero from the Daqian Kingdom?"

"I am from Daqian country, but I have never heard of a celebrity named Li Yuan in Daqian country?"

"What is the origin of this Li Yuan? Why was he chosen for such a crucial battle?"


Countless people were waiting for Heimdall to introduce Li Yuan's life and achievements.

Including gods.

Because in the first few rounds of competition, Heimdall would introduce the origins and lives of all human players.

However, after everyone waited for a long time, Heimdall did not introduce Li Yuan's origin.

Heimdall was seen staring at the token in his hand, his eyes bulging out.

He shouted in a surprised voice:

"Hey, it's so strange. There is no information about Li Yuan in the 'Road of Living Beings'. What's going on?"

When the gods heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other and were shocked.

Because the"Roster of Living Beings" in Heimdall's hand is an artifact that has existed since the birth of the world.

All information about the creatures in this world will be It is recorded in this register.

Even the gods are no exception.

However, Li Yuan's information is not included in the"Roster of Living Beings". This is something that has never happened before.

Of course the gods will be shocked.

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