Chapter 104: The leader of Tongtian Cult went crazy because of epilepsy.

Daji suddenly showed an expression of wanting to cry without tears and having no love in life:

"Two senior sisters, there is no need to be so surprised, right?"

However, Holy Mother Wudang and Holy Mother Guiling did not care about Daji's complaints at this moment. They were so shocked by the news revealed by Daji that they almost fell off their chairs.

"What did you say?"Mother Guiling screamed:"The merits of Saint Houtu were actually taught by your brother?"

"Does your brother still have this ability?"Our Lady of Wudang was dumbfounded.

Daji took off her snow-white chef's hat, wiped the saliva from her face, and then replied:

"I, who is known as the honest and reliable Xiao Gongju, can I lie to you?"

"How can this be? Didn’t you say that you only have the cultivation level of the Earth Immortal?"Our Lady of Turtle Spirits was dumbfounded and murmured to herself in confusion.

She still couldn't accept this shocking fact.

The expression of Our Lady of Wudang was not much different from that of Our Lady of Turtle Spirits. She had a sense of urgency.

After all, she was an earthly immortal. It’s incredible that Qi can point out saints.

Seeing the dull expressions of the two senior sisters, Da Ji couldn’t help but feel proud in her heart.

Hehe, you must be so impressed by my brother now, right?

It won’t be long before I, the young lady, let you talk to each other. My brother was as drunk as glue, as hungry as thirsty, as wolf as tiger, as if he had found a treasure, as...

Xiao Jiujiu was spinning in Daji's heart, but her face remained calm.

She replied:"If it weren't for this reason, Sister Houtu would also He will not take the initiative to give us the status of Emperor Fengdu and Ghost Emperor Zhongyang."

Gui Ling and Wudang also felt that what Da Ji said made sense, but it was just because the matter overturned their understanding that they couldn't digest it for a while.

However, by coincidence, they had a strong feeling for Da Ji's brother. Curiosity.

They wanted to know how such a talented and beautiful person could teach a saint and not even care about the status of Emperor Fengdu.

Seeing that the two senior sisters were speechless, Daji said again:

"Sister Houtu should still be in my house now. Let's go find her together and tell her about the status of Emperor Fengdu and Ghost Emperor Zhongyang, and the matter should be settled."

Our Lady of Wudang recovered from the shock, she thought for a while and said:"We should tell the master about this first and see what he says."

"Wow hahaha, okay, great, of course I agree!"

After hearing the intentions of Daji, the Holy Mother of Wudang and the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirits, the Master of Tongtian was so happy that his face turned into an orange flower.

In this way, Jiejiao had mastered the three realms of the ghost realm and completely crushed Chan. How can the leader of Tongtian Cult be unhappy if he is a Christian or a Western sect?

"I should have expected that with Li Yuan's open-minded and unruly character, he would definitely not become the Emperor of Fengdu, but I didn't expect that he would take advantage of me, hahahaha."


The Holy Mother of Wudang and the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit were so shocked that their eyes fell out when they heard the teacher call Daji's brother"Little Friend".

This generation is really chaotic!

"Master actually knows Daji’s brother?"Mother Turtle Spirit asked the Tongtian Cult Leader curiously.

The Tongtian Cult Leader nodded and said:

"When Daji asked me to accept her brother as her disciple, I agreed, but I didn't expect Li Yuan to be unwilling. Out of curiosity, I went to Chaoge to take a look at this person. Unexpectedly, this Li Yuan turned out to be a strange person. Not to mention his open-minded nature, he also had the ability to calculate that even a saint could not match. Unfortunately," the leader of Tongtian Cult said with a look of regret.

"It's a pity that Li Yuan is unwilling to accept me as his disciple. Even if I said to accept him as my disciple, he would not give it a second thought. Otherwise, our teaching would be able to reach a higher level. Alas!"

The calculation ability that even the saints can't match!

Disciple of Yi Man!

After hearing these shocking news, Wudang and Guiling were so excited that they couldn't calm down for a long time.

What kind of person is he who has such a magical calculation?

They even praised this master. The strange man couldn't help but become more and more curious.

Daji saw the regretful expression on Master's face and couldn't help comforting him:

"Although my brother doesn’t want to become a disciple, doesn’t the master still have me as his disciple?"

"Hahaha," Tongtian Cult Leader couldn't help laughing when he heard this,"Yes, I still have you as my little disciple."

Master Tongtian feels that meeting Daji a few years ago and accepting her as his disciple was the most correct decision for him.

"In this way, I will accompany you to Chaoge and explain it to fellow Taoist Houtu. In this way, the status of Emperor Fengdu will be certain."

When the Holy Mother Wudang and the Holy Mother Guiling heard this, they couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The leader of Tongtian suddenly asked Daji seriously:

"Are you really unwilling to become the Ghost Emperor? Don't force yourself, otherwise your brother and fellow Taoist Hou Tu will think that I forced you, and misunderstandings will arise.

Daji said:"I did it on my own initiative and unwillingly, without any force.""

Oh, oh, oh, even though it's voluntary, I feel so distressed!

"That's good."Tongtian leader nodded with confidence.

He was not willing to offend Li Yuan and Hou Tu for this matter.

However, Tongtian was also a little confused. Although Daji's character was lively, she had a competitive side. It didn't seem like she was willing to give up on the rice. People of the Ghost Emperor.

Thinking of this, he immediately secretly sent a message to Daji:

"Daji, tell me clearly why you gave up your position as the Ghost Emperor to the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit? You can also send a message so that outsiders can't hear our conversation."

Daji thought for a while and thought she could test the master, so she sent a message to Tongtian:

"Master, I would like to introduce Senior Sister Wudang and Senior Sister Guiling to my brother as Tao companions. What do you think?"

"Hahahahaha," the leader of Tongtian Cult suddenly laughed, laughing so heartily and overjoyed that his laughter shook the whole hall.

At the same time, Daji, Guiling, and Wudang looked at each other in confusion.

Master is like a sheep. Are you crazy? Our Lady of Turtle Spirit communicated with Wudang with her eyes.

Wudang looked back: It looks like

Da!I muttered in my heart: Is this so happy?

Leader Tongtian was indeed happy. After listening to Daji's words, he suddenly felt like he was suddenly enlightened.

Since Li Yuan is not willing to become a disciple, I will introduce several of my female disciples to him as Taoist companions. In this case, isn't Li Yuan the one who I will teach?

Hahaha, this is such a wonderful idea.

Why didn't I think of that?

Daji is such a clever ghost!

Thinking of this, Tongtian quickly sent a message to Daji:"Disciple, go ahead and do it. As long as you are a female disciple of Jie Jiao, go and help your brother match you. Master will fully support you.""


When Daji heard this, she burst out in joy and stood there giggling.

Now I have ordered to pick up my senior sister!

It's hard even if I don't succeed!

Master is so good!


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