Chapter 1,227 The Immortal Tang Victoria’s Secret Show

Song Xinyang is hard to explain.

The Go brain's reaction is so fast, it doesn't make any difference whether he thinks or not.

On the contrary, if he makes his moves faster, it will also allow Li Yuan to spend less time thinking.

This is more beneficial to him.

Unfortunately, we still lost!

Next, Song Xinyang played several games with Li Yuan.

In the end, what made Song Xinyang collapse was that he was completely defeated.

And it was a complete defeat without any resistance.

From beginning to end, he never had any advantage.

Go Intelligence Brain also failed to improve its algorithm and make progress just because it played a few games with Li Yuan.

Song Xinyang was truly convinced of Li Yuan's chess skills.

If such a person were placed on the home planet, he would be a proper chess master.

I don't know how much of a stir it will cause.

Su Muzhe on the side looked very disappointed when he saw that his grandson-in-law was no match for Li Yuan.

It seems that it is impossible to defeat Li Yuan in Go.

It seems that the Su family can no longer supply cloth to the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

After playing a few more games, Song Xinyang completely gave up his plan to continue playing chess with Li Yuan.

He felt that he was not playing chess, but looking for abuse.

He has no hope of defeating Li Yuan.

They all lost in despair!

Song Xinyang thought for a while, and then he immediately suggested to Li Yuan:

"Mr. Li's chess skills are unparalleled and he is no match for me. It’s just that there are four of us now, and only two of us can play Go, while the other two can only watch. How about we play a new game that can be played by four people at the same time?"

"what game?"Li Yuanqian took a sip of Kuding tea in the teahouse and asked Song Xinyang with a smile.

Su Muzhe also looked at his grandson-in-law curiously, wondering what kind of medicine his grandson-in-law was selling in the gourd.

Song Xinyang said:

"This game is called Texas Hold'em……"

Li Yuanzhang's corner twitched and he was speechless.

Song Xinyang didn't know Li Yuan's mood at the moment, so he continued to introduce the gameplay of Texas Hold'em.

After listening to his introduction, Su Muzhe and Old Man Song both looked very excited and eager to try.

"This game sounds interesting, and it can be played by multiple people at the same time. How about we give it a try? Old man Song said.

Su Muzhe nodded and said:

"You can try it"

"What do you think Mr. Li thinks? Song Xinyang asked Li Yuan.

Li Yuan nodded:

"Anyway, it’s just to kill time, and it’s the same as anything."

Su Muzhe couldn't help but secretly rejoice when he saw Li Yuan agreeing.

You are no match for you in Go, and you are no match for me in Texas Hold'em!

Song Xinyang took out a deck of playing cards and asked everyone:

"Have you memorized all the rules?"

"clear."Su Muzhe and Old Man Song said quickly.

Li Yuan also nodded.

So the game officially started.

Song Xinyang found a servant to be the dealer.

Unfortunately, he was a man and not sexy at all.

However, after playing a few rounds of Texas Hold'em, Song Xinyang became autistic again.

He, Su Muzhe, and Old Man Song all lost all their money to Li Yuan.

Li Yuan didn't look like a novice at all. In the process of playing cards, he was as experienced as a gambling sage.

How could this happen?

Song Xinyang couldn't figure it out.

Texas Hold'em poker is obviously his strong point!

"Mr. Li, is the brain power of monks stronger than that of ordinary people?"Song Xinyang suddenly asked Li Yuan.

He speculated that the reason why Li Yuan was able to defeat the Go Brain and Texas Hold'em Poker was related to Li Yuan's identity as a monk?

Is the IQ of a monk much higher than that of ordinary people?

Li Yuan nodded. :

"This is certain. After practicing, memory, brain capacity, and thinking speed will all be improved accordingly. It is definitely not comparable to ordinary people."

When Song Xinyang heard this, he couldn't help but yearn for cultivation more and more.

It seems that he still has to get closer to Li Yuan as soon as possible in order to get some cultivation resources from Li Yuan.

Song Xinyang couldn't help but think of his own plan to"destroy the master"!

What's next? For a few days, Song Xinyang often followed Su Muzhe to meet Li Yuan, preparing to become familiar with Li Yuan.

During this period, he had been secretly observing Li Yuan and trying to figure out Li Yuan's preferences. He could then return to his home planet according to Li Yuan's preferences. Purchase the corresponding supplies.

After some observation and insinuations, Song Xinyang summarized some of Li Yuan's hobbies in his mind. He loves enjoyment, entertainment, food, tea, reading novels, and loving his daughter.

As long as he has hobbies, then Easy to handle!

Song Xinyang thought excitedly.

In addition to contacting Li Yuan, Song Xinyang also helped his wife solve several crises in the Su family.

Because the Su family had hoarded a large amount of fabrics before, but with Li Ziran's suicide, the Su family's Fabrics could no longer be supplied to the royal family, so these fabrics were thrown into the hands.

Moreover, after losing the qualification as a royal fabric supplier, the reputation of the Su family's fabrics was also affected.

The business of the cloth shop plummeted.

Su Qianyu, as the Su family's businessman The head of the company was naturally very anxious about this.

But there was no good way.

At this time, Song Xinyang stood up and gave Su Qianyu an idea.

That was to make finished clothes.

With modern decoration style, open the clothing Shop, build your own brand, and train shopping guides.

People in this world are still accustomed to buying fabrics, and then asking embroiderers or making clothes themselves.

There are not many shops that specialize in selling ready-made clothes, and the design style is also very simple and not good-looking.

Su At the beginning of Qianyu, I didn’t agree with Song Xinyang’s proposal. I felt that people with status would not buy ready-made clothes at all.

However, Song Xinyang took out a few sets of"self-designed" clothes (actually purchased on his home planet). Several sets of exquisite men's and women's ancient costumes), and reminded Su Qianyu of the benefits of large-scale clothing and branding, Su Qianyu couldn't help but be moved.

She decided to give it a try.

Unexpectedly, after the ready-made clothing store opened, Because of its novel decoration, unique services, and intuitive fitting experience, it has attracted the attention of countless women in Chang'an City.

Every day, the Su family's ready-to-wear clothing store has never stopped receiving female customers.

It can be said to have caused a trend in Chang'an City.

And Song Xinyang also relied on this idea to gain a firm foothold in the Su family in one fell swoop, and received admiration from everyone.

He was not discriminated against because of his status as a son-in-law.

However, with the great success of the Su family's clothing store, soon there were They followed suit.

Other fabric merchants also imitated the Su family's style and began to open ready-made clothing stores.

Among these fabric merchants who imitated the Su family's stores, there were many powerful wealthy businessmen. They opened ready-made garment stores that were even more luxuriously decorated than the Su family's stores..

The designs of ready-made clothes are more exquisite than those of the Su family.

As a result, the Su family's business has been greatly affected.

Su Qianyu can't do anything about it. She can only worry.

Seeing that his wife is in trouble, Song Xinyang takes action again.

He gives her some advice. Designed Xiantang Victoria's Secret costumes and invited women from brothels to walk in the fashion show.

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