Chapter 1,205 The Battle between Gods and Buddhas


His mouth has opened like a goose egg.

His expression was extremely dull.

Like stupid.

Oh my God, what did I hear?

Nuwa, even Hou Tu looks down on her?

So Nuwa and Houtu both like each other?

Mom, isn’t this Senior Li too handsome?

When will I be so good?

However, I have an all-powerful system. As long as given time, I will definitely be able to cultivate to his level, or even surpass him!

Kai Tai recovered from the shock, and his eyes suddenly showed an extremely determined look.

He has this confidence!

He also has the confidence!

Zhang Bairen was still a little worried and reminded his son:

"Remember, you must never provoke Senior Li, nor do you want to provoke the Queen of the Immortal Tang Dynasty and Daji. You will never be able to offend these people. These are all bloody lessons!"

He couldn't help but think of the time when he tried to contain Chang'e. He immediately covered his face subconsciously.

It seemed that his cheek hurt again!

Kaitai said doubtfully:

"I know the Queen of Immortal Tang, but who is this Daji? Why can't you mess with it?"

Zhang Bairen explained:

"Because Queen Xiantang is the adopted daughter of Senior Li, and Daji is Senior Li’s sister."

Kaitai said:"……"

He was a little speechless. It turned out that it was all related to that Senior Li.

After learning the news about Li Yuan, Kaitai seemed to be stimulated.

He put away his previous cynical attitude and began to practice seriously.

He silently vowed in his heart that he would surpass that Li Yuan.

He also wants to be someone who attracts bees and butterflies and makes everyone have to be in awe!

Fifty years passed like this.

Beiju Luzhou finally became turbulent as Kaitai expected.

At the beginning, some of the demon clans controlled by Kunpeng joined forces with the Asura clan to attack the major legions of Heavenly Court stationed in Luzhou, Beiju.

For example, the demon army controlled by Emperor Zhenwu.

The sea gods controlled by Marshal Xihai.

Yang Chan controls the Yin Shen army.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals led by Zhang Yuyan...

Buddhists are secretly attacking the forces such as the City God Temple, Earth Temple, Mountain Temple, and River Temple established by Heaven in Luzhou, Beiju.

The fighting seemed fierce.

As a result, countless mountains and rivers in Beiju Luzhou collapsed, people were devastated, and blood flowed into rivers.

Many places were reduced to rubble.

This war can be regarded as the largest and longest conflict that Honghuang has experienced since the invasion of Honghuang.

Countless monks are actively or passively participating in this confrontation between Heaven and Buddhism, the Kunpeng Demon Clan, and the Asura Clan.

There were injuries on all sides of the battle.

Countless gods, Buddhist soldiers, monsters, and asuras have fallen.

Among these forces, the ones who suffered the most were the forces in heaven.

Under the joint efforts of Buddhism, Kunpeng, and the Asura clan, Tianting was defeated steadily and lost a lot of territory in Beiju Luzhou.

If it weren't for Deng Chanyu, Yang Chan, and Zhang Yuyan who suddenly showed their power and defeated countless masters from the Buddhist, Asura, and Demon tribes, thereby turning the tide, otherwise, Tianting would have been driven out of Beiju Luzhou long ago.

Especially Yang Chan's ocarina, it can be regarded as killing people and killing Buddhas.

As long as they are within the attack range of the magic sound, no one can defeat it.

This also made the reputation of Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother, widely spread in Luzhou, Beiju, even more famous than that of her brother Yang Jian.

The limelight can be said to be unprecedented.

Because Haotian, Tathagata, Ancestor Styx and other powerful beings still maintained their dignity and did not personally participate in the battle.

Therefore, under the supervision of Deng Chanyu, Yang Chan, and Zhang Yuyan, the war in Luzhou, Beiju, suddenly became a stalemate.

Tianting controls a quarter of Beiju Luzhou, focusing on defense and waiting for counterattack.

The Buddhist clan and the Kunpeng demon clan control the remaining three-quarters of the territory.

The Asura tribe divided up all the blood souls.

Prepare to drive Tianting completely out of Beiju Luzhou.

During the stalemate, the fighting between the two sides did not end.

For example, in the area controlled by the Buddhist side, the City God Temple, Earth Temple, Mountain Temple and other forces that originally belonged to the heaven were all uprooted.

These city gods, temple blessings, and mountain gods died to death, surrendered to surrender, and fled to escape.

As a result, the fortune of heaven has been lost.

In the sphere of influence controlled by Heavenly Court, Buddhist temples and nunneries in various places were also directly demolished, and the trend of destroying Buddhism was widespread.

In Luzhou, Beiju, within the sphere of influence currently controlled by Tianting, there is a country called Baolai Country.

There is a Buddhist temple in Baolai country called Mingshan Temple.

Mingshan Temple is a large temple.

There are more than a thousand monks in the temple.

Before the war between gods and Buddhas took place, Mingshan Temple was also prosperous and had many believers.

Every day, there is a lot of traffic and people outside the mountain gate.

However, since the conflict between Heavenly Court and Buddhism broke out, Mingshan Temple has kept a much lower profile.

Especially after the Baolai Kingdom was included in the sphere of influence of the four great generals of Heaven, Mingshan Temple became even more low-key.

The mountain gate was directly closed and worshipers were no longer allowed to worship, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

However, although the mountain gate of Mingshan Temple was closed, with the promotion of the de-Buddhist trend in heaven, countless temples in Baolai were converted into City God Temple and Jade Emperor Temple.

The golden Buddha in the temple was knocked down and instead worshiped the Jade Emperor and the gods of heaven.

Mingshan Temple is naturally unavoidable.

On this day, a group of menacing golden-armored heavenly soldiers flew over to Mingshan Temple, which was originally closed.

There are about a hundred golden-armored heavenly soldiers, and the leader is a Dzogchen Divine General in the immortal stage.

The auspicious clouds driven by the heavenly soldiers came to the sky above Mingshan Temple and uttered Dharma words directly, and the sound resounded throughout the entire mountain gate.

"All the monks in Mingshan Temple obeyed the order. Since Buddhism did not engage in childbirth, they secretly colluded with monsters, Shura and other evil spirits to confuse all living beings and bring harm to the world. They have become demons.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor issued an edict: From now on, there will be no more temples, no more monks, and no living beings can believe in Buddhism in the Baolai Kingdom. All temples must be converted into Taoist temples, and all monks must return to secular life. Anyone who disobeys the order will be reincarnated directly."

"All the monks from Mingshan Temple must gather in the square."

As the Dharma words stopped, dozens of golden-armored heavenly soldiers lowered their cloud heads and landed in Mingshan Temple.

"Reciting sutras is no longer allowed."

"Gather at Tongtong Square"


When these golden-armored heavenly soldiers entered the temple, they aggressively drove all the monks in the temple towards the square in front of the main hall.

As for the Buddha statues enshrined in the temple, they were directly pushed down and smashed.

The behavior of the heavenly soldiers naturally caused great dissatisfaction among the monks in the temple.

Especially after seeing the heavenly soldiers smashing Buddha statues and niches without restraint, the monks were either heartbroken, crying, or angry.

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