Chapter 10102 He should be a rich farmer. Moreover, the system continued to remind him that there were new discoveries.

So much so that Lin Mo was almost numb.

After digging for dozens more elixirs, Lin Mo simply gave up and continued digging.

There are simply too many elixirs around to dig them out.

He discovered that this new world was simply a medicine garden.

There are countless kinds of fairy mushrooms and lingcao.

What kind of world is this?

How come there are so many elixirs?

Is it because there are no intelligent creatures in this world yet? Is that why no one mines so many magical medicines?

Lin Mo was full of curiosity.

He temporarily gave up his plan to dig for the elixir, and instead climbed over several mountain streams to get out of the bamboo forest and see what was going on outside.

Although there were dense thorns all around, with Lin Mo's current skills, this little difficulty certainly couldn't stop him.

Soon, Lin Mo walked out of the woods.

As soon as he left the woods, Lin Mo's expression froze.

Because, he actually saw houses, fertile fields, and cattle and sheep grazing leisurely.

This shows that there are intelligent creatures in this world and civilization has developed.

Now that civilization has emerged, it will definitely have some impact on Lin Mo's safety.

I don’t know to what extent the civilization of this world has developed?

Is it a technological civilization or a cultivation civilization? Or other unknown civilizations?

Lin Mo wanted to find someone to inquire about this village.

But he didn't dare to ask anyone to inquire.

After all, he is not from this world.

If you rashly ask someone to pry, it would be bad if any flaws are revealed.

I wandered around the village in silence for a while.

During this period, he also saw several villagers and women working in the fields or feeding chickens in the yard.

Lin Mo discovered that these people were wearing ancient clothes.

Pair a short shirt with a plain cloth jacket and cloth shoes.

Could it be that this is a feudal society?

Then I can't beat the people here?

Lin Mo relaxed a little.

After all, people in ancient times had long hair, little knowledge, and were easy to fool.

And the level of technology is low, so the threat to him is low. while walking.

Lin Mo came outside a manor unknowingly.

This manor looks very quiet and elegant.

The fence wall is covered with clusters of green vines.

There are also colorful flowers blooming on the vines.

Very beautiful.

Lin Mo couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

The owner of this house is quite interesting.

He should be a rich farmer.

Originally, Lin Mo was looking at this flower-filled wall.

At this moment, another row of prompt messages appeared in the void in front of him.

"There are dozens of chaotic spiritual roots growing in front of the host (note, chaotic spiritual roots are more precious and rare peerless treasures than acquired spiritual roots and innate spiritual roots),"

Lin Mo couldn't help but stare at this reminder.

He looked very surprised.

You must know that the million-year-old Gastrodia elata he got just now was only the acquired spiritual root. It is even more precious and rare than the acquired spiritual root. How powerful is the so-called chaotic spiritual root? Extraordinary?

The key is that there are dozens of chaotic spiritual roots in this manor.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo is about to drool.

This is going to happen!

This world is really a geomantic treasure land!

Lin Mo is about to drool. Mo thought for a while, and then he straightened his mood. Then he came to the gate of the manor and knocked on the wooden fence door.

Since there are Chaos Spirit Roots in this yard, of course he has to find a way to get it.

Before doing it, first Let's find out about the owner of this yard.

Through the fence, Lin Mo has actually seen a man in ancient costume in the yard. He is lying leisurely on a wooden chair, drinking tea and reading a book. He looks like a scholar. However, because his back was to Lin Mo, Lin Mo couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly.

Next to the scholar, there was a woman wearing a black maid outfit with a white bow on her head, using a fan. Gently fanning the scholar.

Although the woman could only see the side face, just this side face made Lin Mo astonished.

His eyes were straight.

What kind of beauty is this in the world.

Lose one point and you will be thinner, gain one point and you will be fatter.

The lines outlined by the outline of her facial features are simply the most beautiful arcs in the world. When the woman heard the knock on the door, she couldn't help butHe turned his head and glanced at Lin Mo.

Just at this glance, Lin Mo felt that except for this woman, other women in this world could no longer be counted as women.

The legendary disaster to the country and the people, I'm afraid this is what it will look like!

Unexpectedly, in this small mountain village, there is such a stunning beauty hiding in this small mountain village!

However, her clothes feel a bit inconsistent with feudal society!

Lin Mo sighed in his heart, but he did not lose his composure too much. Instead, he suppressed the surprise on his face, imitated the way ancient people greeted each other, raised his hand to Peony and asked:

"Excuse me, girl, can I come in and ask for a glass of water? Shaoyao glanced at the young master.

Li Yuan nodded:

"Let him in!"

Shaoyao came to the fence and opened the door bolt of the fence.

Lin Mo felt that even if the other party was walking and opening the door, he looked so graceful and beautiful.

"Thank you girl." Lin Mo politely bowed to Shaoyao and bowed again.

He looked very polite.

Shaoyao did not speak to Lin Mo, but returned to Li Yuan and continued to gently shake the banana fan for the young master.

He looked very well-behaved.

Lin Moyou was coldly treated by Shaoyao.

She might be a country girl who has never seen the world and doesn't know how to talk to strangers.

However, that scholar is so lucky to have such a beautiful and caring maid.

It's a day like this. , I’m afraid even the gods can’t compare!

While Lin Mo sighed, a pair of eyes kept wandering around the yard.

He didn’t forget the purpose of coming in.

It was to reveal the root of chaos.

However, He glanced around the yard. He didn't find any plants that looked like Chaos Spirit Roots?

Although the flowers, plants and trees in the yard were lush and green, and the jasper was fresh, there was no sparkle of spiritual light or the fragrance of medicine.

It looked like it was not as good as the elixirs he found in the forest.

However, the prompt messages that kept appearing in front of him never disappeared.

Moreover, there were more text prompts.

For example, it reminded him that there were innate spiritual roots ahead.

For example, it reminded him that there was the Three Light Divine Water on the side.

He looked at the lying scholar, and the text in front of him reminded him that there was a Chaos Treasure in front of him.

Seeing these reminders of confidence, Lin Mo was completely confused.

He was a little worried, but Isn't it because his special function failed?

After all, this courtyard is ordinary, how could there be so many treasures of heaven and earth?

If the prompt message is true, and does not mean that the things in this courtyard are all treasures?

But this It's definitely impossible.

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