Chapter 1045: The Lord God’s Interest

After listening to Li Yuan’s explanation, Zheng Xuan and Xu Huayou were shocked as if they were struck by lightning.

They didn't expect that Li Yuan actually said the word"Lord God".

He actually knew the existence of the Lord God!

How can this be?

You must know that anyone who knows the existence of the Lord God is either a reincarnation or a dead person, and has no other choice.

Even if Zheng Xuan and the others' strength has been improved to Saint Dzogchen, they still cannot reveal the secret of the Lord God.

Otherwise, it will be erased.

And Li Yuan actually knew the Lord God.

He is definitely not a reincarnator.

But it was not obliterated.

Doesn't it mean that his strength is equal to or above the Lord God?

Because you must at least have the strength of the Lord God in order to know the Lord God and not be obliterated by the Lord God.

Thinking of this, Zheng Xuan and other members of the God Team couldn't help but feel dizzy.

What kind of existence did you provoke?

Also, didn’t the Lord God say that the strongest person in the prehistoric times was the Dao of Heaven?

Why wasn't Li Yuan found?

Also, I heard that as long as we meet again, we can escape the control of the Lord God's space. Is this true?

Just when Zheng Xuan was secretly wondering, he suddenly felt his eyes light up.

He found himself in a strange place.

This is a modern small shop.

Store shelves are stocked with a wide variety of toys, tableware, books, and even electrical appliances.

And he, along with various simulated toy snakes and toy dinosaurs, were piled messily in a storage box.

Soon, Zheng Xuan understood the situation here.

This is a second-hand store that sells all kinds of second-hand things.

He is currently stacked with a bunch of second-hand toys, waiting for an owner who likes him to buy him.

Although Zheng Xuan has his own consciousness and can feel everything around him, he can't do anything.

You can only be a puppet and passively accept your fate.

Xu Huayou, Mu Weiying, Deng Xiao, Chu Hongtian, where are you?

Can we meet again?

Zheng Xuan thought silently in his heart

"Why did my brother send them away? You might as well leave it to us for fun!"Daji couldn't help but said with some regret when she saw her brother sending the puppet into different time and space with a wave of his hand.

Li Yuan said calmly:

"Although they cannot move, they are conscious. If you take them with you, you will have no secrets from them anymore!

Daji:"'s better to send him away.""

She didn't want whatever she did to be seen by a few puppets.

That would be too embarrassing.

The episode caused by the reincarnation did not cause much trouble.

Soon, the yard regained its calm.

Li Yuan, Daji, Nuwa and others continued the battle royale game.

Only Su Changli and Huang Weiqi could not calm down for a long time.

The shock to them just now was too strong.

They need to digest it well. Suddenly.

And just as the God team was turned into puppets by Li Yuan, far away in the depths of Hongmeng, in an unknown time and space, a purple nebula suddenly shook.

This nebula was so huge that it was boundless. It seems mysterious and mysterious.

In the nebula, there are countless spaces suspended, shining like stars.

These spaces are large and small, and each space is inhabited by more or less living beings.

Here is the main god Space.

When the deity team was turned into puppets, the main god lost his sense of the deity team. Even though the main god had already transcended the six emotions and seven desires, he couldn't help but move his face slightly. However, his expression was not angry. Or angry, but an expression of interest.

The five members of the God Team are the most powerful existences among all reincarnations.

Even the most powerful reincarnations died in the prehistoric era. The Lord God mentioned it for the first time to the prehistoric era. a hint of interest

"I didn't realize how the God Team died. It seems that there are secrets in the ancient world that even I didn't sense. It's interesting."

"You can go and see it for yourself."

At this moment, the purple nebula began to rotate.

Soon it formed a huge purple vortex.

Then, a purple human-shaped nebula suddenly came out of the vortex.

Although this purple human-shaped nebula had human hands, He has two feet, but no facial features, no hair, and his gender cannot be distinguished.

Looking at him, he is like a flowing purple liquid.

Intangible, with mysterious light overflowing.

This is really the consciousness of the Lord God.

The Lord God"looked at it" He didn't make any unnecessary movements on his own body, but a purple cloak was put on his body.

The hood covered his body and head tightly, and only a few details could be revealed from inside the hat. Purple light.

The Lord God tilted his head and thought for a moment. He reached out and swept his sleeves forward.

Suddenly, five more figures suddenly appeared in front of him.

These five figures were Zheng Xuan, Mu Weiying, Deng Xiao, Xu Huayou and Chu Hongtian.

Whether it is their clothing, temperament, appearance, cultivation, or aura, they are all exactly the same, without the slightest difference.

These five people can be said to be members of the God Team, or they can be said not to be..

Because they were copied by the Lord God using members of the God Squad.

Regardless of their strength, appearance, or even ideas, they are exactly the same as the God Squad.

However, their memories still remain in the time when the previous members of the God Squad traveled to the ancient world to perform their missions. One second ago, the five members of the God Team saw the Lord God.

Their faces were startled, and they all saluted:

"The subordinates pay homage to the Lord God."

The Lord God nodded, and his voice was directly transmitted into the minds of the God Team.

"I'm going to go to the ancient world to find out what's going on. You guys can be my servants!"


The five members of the God Team should not be negligent at all. They immediately nodded respectfully and agreed in unison.

After the Lord God copied the God Team, he moved his legs and took a step forward.

The next moment, his figure appeared in the prehistoric world. In the city of Chang'an, outside the door of"Youjian Inn".

And the five members of the God Team were naturally following behind him.

The Lord God knew everything about what happened in the inn where the former Team God stayed.

Therefore, he After arriving in Honghuang, he went directly to this inn.

With just one glance, he saw everything in the inn clearly. The top of his head was the network of avenues, the soles of his feet were the soil of chaos, the trees were roots of chaos, and the small fish pond It's Hongmeng World...

The Lord God secretly marveled, this place is indeed extraordinary.

However, he just marveled for a moment, and his mood returned to calm.

Although this inn is extraordinary, it is not incredible to him.

The Lord God Himself , and you can easily build a similar inn.

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