This news immediately caused quite an earthquake among the Alvares Empire's army.

The Magic Guild Alliance was also shocked. Laxus had just defeated one of the Twelve Shields Saints, and Wendy had defeated another one. There were so many strong men in Fairy Tail.

Fairy Tail Western Battlefield.

Zeref raised his head and looked in the direction of Wendy, and said calmly:"As expected, Grandigne, are you going to intervene... The situation is a little unfavorable.……"

Zeref had sensed the dragon's power bursting out of Wendy's body just now. This was also part of his calculations. This was also the main reason why he invited the black dragon Akunololia.

Because the dragons had an agreement with humans not to interfere in human affairs, War Concubine Timaria happened to be on the sidelines because of her soul possession. It can only be regarded as War Concubine Timaria's bad luck.

However, Grandigne seemed to have expressed their attitude. They invited the black dragon Akunololia. Another reason was that they wanted to borrow the power of these dragons to kill Akunololia.

Although Akunololia is the most powerful dragon king, these dragons are also very powerful. If these five dragons alone have no chance of winning against Akunololia.

But with the addition of Ye Xin, it was different. He really had a high probability of killing Akunololia. As long as Akunololia was dead, most of his goal would have been accomplished.

Even if the original plan failed, this plan succeeded, and he would have no worries.

In the Fairy Tail guild, news spread that Wendy had once again defeated the Twelve Shields of a Guardian Saint, and the good news came one after another.

In the blink of an eye, there were only five of the Twelve Saint Shields left, all of which were killed by the Fairy Tail Guild. What a powerful achievement this was.

The Fairy Tail guild is excited again and can win. Now everyone in the guild believes that Fairy Tail can win! The continent of Ishgar can win this unprecedented war between the two continents.

Although the first generation also had a smile on his face, the worry in his heart did not diminish at all. After the end of the black dragon Akunololia, the direction of this war was no longer under her or anyone else's control.

The war between Fairy Tail and the Alvares Empire is a war between humans, including Zeref. Even though Zeref has immortality and great strength, he is still in the category of humans.

And Ye Xin and Akunololia are a war between gods. The victory of the human war will not really affect the overall situation. The future of this world still depends on who can win between Ye Xin and Akunololia. To decide.

Even if Fairy Tail defeats the Alvarez Empire, if Ye Xin loses, the world will still be destroyed by Acunololia.

Ye Xin defeated Akunololia, but was eventually defeated by the Alvares Empire together with Fairy Tail, which was also the end of the world for Fairy Tail.

The only good news now is that during the duel between Ye Xin and Acunololia, everyone in Fairy Tail was very competitive and successfully defeated many strong men from the Alvarez Empire.

"Amazing! Wendy actually defeated a Saint Protector Twelve Shields!"Habi said.

Natsu also had a surprised smile on his face and said,"Great! Then if we defeat this one again, there will only be four of the twelve shields left! No! I want to kill all the remaining twelve shields of the Saint!"


"Swish!"Two burly men jumped out and stopped in front of Natsu and Habi.

They shouted loudly:"We are Lord Neinhardt's subordinates, the Knights of the Four Patterns!...Uh-huh!!!"

"Bang bang!"

Before the two of them finished speaking, they were punched away by Natsu.

"Get out of the way!!"

Suddenly, two more people jumped out and attacked Natsu.

"Of course there are four Knights of the Four Patterns, don’t... ahhhhhh! Before he could finish his words

, he was punched by Natsu again. Natsu shouted loudly:"I don't care who you are, all the guys who dare to stop me will fall to me!"!"

Suddenly, a man's voice sounded on the mast and said:"Haha~! Do you want to defeat me just because you want to?"

Habi looked up and saw a man in green armor complaining:"Appeared!!

Natsu said to Neinhardt:"Are you one of the Twelve Shields of the Saint?"!"

"Timaria and Val are really useless. They were defeated. What a shame. Since these two guys have failed, let me kill them all."

"It looks like it is! I'm going to kill you!"Natsu shouted, and he spurted out flames from his feet and rushed towards Neinhardt.


A figure suddenly appeared in front of Natsu.


"Wow!"Natsu was knocked away by the person who suddenly appeared.

Habi's expression changed when he saw the person who appeared, and he exclaimed:"How is that possible?! Haven't you been killed?!"

Natsu also raised his head from the deck at this time and looked forward with his eyes widened as well and said:"Is it you?!"

This man's body burned with black flames.

"Hehehe~! I never thought that I would be resurrected in this posture!"It is none other than the Fire God-Destroying Mage Zancrow, one of the Seven Familiar of Purgatory in the Devil's Heart.

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