(Chapter 244: No one else can even think about it)

(I’m confused, I got the number of chapters wrong at some point, I’m so confused)

"go to hell!"

Doroma Anim's huge claws shot at Ye Xin

"call out——!"

Ye Xin's body appears in Doroma Anim's body

"Tsk tsk! What a bulky guy"

"Die!"Doroma Anim's tail swung down at Ye Xin, and Ye Xin jumped up with a tap of his feet.

"Snapped!"Doroma Anim's tail hit her on the back.

"Click!"There are cracks on the back and tail.

"sorry! I was wrong. The person who controls this thing is a fool."

"Damn you brat! Die!"King Faust roared, and the barrel of the metal tyrannosaurus quickly sprayed a magic beam at Ye Xin.

"call out——!"

Ye Xin teleported not far away, and King Faust quickly swept across

"Boom boom boom!"

"Die! Die! Die!"

"call out——!"

Ye Xin's figure suddenly disappeared,"Damn it! Where did this guy go?!" King Faust quickly looked around and looked at the sky, but did not see Ye Xin's figure.

"Where to look."The sound came from under the Metal Tyrannosaurus, and King Faust quickly lowered his head to look.


King Faust only saw a dazzling golden light and closed his eyes subconsciously.

Immediately afterwards,"Beep, beep, beep."~!"The warning light starts to light up

"The magic imaging system is damaged! The main gun pipe is damaged!......"

"repair! repair! Get me fixed immediately!"

"The magic imaging system is irreparable! The main gun piping system is irreparable!"

"How can it be! Doroma Anim is the strongest, how can it not be repaired!"

"beep~~!"A magic picture frame appeared in front of King Faust, with the damaged area marked on it. King Faust's eyes widened when he saw it.

"No! No! This is impossible!!!"

Ye Xin, who was outside at this time, put his body in the same posture as when he drew his sword and retreated. The laser blade on his finger slowly turned into light spots and dissipated. Next to Ye Xin, there was a laser sword smaller than Ye Xin's. The head of Doroma Anim, a metal tyrannosaurus that is even taller.

At this moment, Doroma Anim's neck is empty, and its head is gone. Some magic sparks are sprayed from time to time.

Just now. It was Ye Xin who used Flash to teleport here, took advantage of the visual blind spot, charged up his strength, and made a slash at the neck, cutting off Doroma Anim's dragon head in an instant.

Ye Xin's arms were crossed. In front of him, a dazzling golden cross star emanated from his palm.

Ye Xin looked at King Faust and said:"Repent for the sins you have committed!"

"Boo hoo hoo——!"The scrutinizing rain of light shot towards the Doroma Anim that King Faust was riding.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Wow ah ah ah!!!"

Every rain of light falling on the body of the metal tyrannosaurus Doroma Anim exploded. One or two drops had no effect on Doroma Anim, but the amount of Ye Xin's attack was too great. Now, cracks began to appear on Doroma Anim's shell, and then Doroma Anim began to consume magic power to continuously repair itself.

"Uhhhhhhh!"The shock caused by the explosion almost shook King Faust away. There was no way to control Doroma Anim, and he could only scream in agony from inside.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Anyone who resists this king should die!"

"You still have the energy to shout. You seem to be in good spirits!"

"Ahhhhh! Damn you brat! This king will not let you go! This king is going to capture you and absorb your magic power every day, making your life worse than death!!!"

"To be honest, your idea is really good, and it is very consistent with the style of a big villain. It's a pity that you don't have the strength of a big villain, but you insist on pretending to be a big villain. Edras invades the world of Eslandon? Do you know how many people in Island can easily destroy what you call the most powerful country?"

"Too many to count!!"

"impossible! This is impossible! I do not believe! Our Kingdom of Edras is the most powerful! I am the most powerful king!"

Ye Xin smiled sarcastically. Although the magic technology in the Edras world has developed well, it is only an external object after all. There is no way to understand the nature of magic like a magician, and attack magic is also very monotonous.

After all, there is no The method is to increase the upper limit and add the constraints of magic power, so that these people are like frogs in the well. Just like an arrogant island country on the earth, the Magic Council can teach this country how to behave with just one use of magic elf power.

"Whether you believe it or not, I don’t care, but it’s time to end this boring war!"

Ye Xin said and immediately increased the output. The light wind and drizzle turned into strong winds and showers. The golden light spots became larger and more destructive. The repair speed of Doroma Anim's shell has been accelerated. If it cannot keep up with Ye Xin's destruction speed, it may only take a short while for this highest technological crystallization of Edras to be completely destroyed by Ye Xin.

"Finish?! You want closure! It's absolutely impossible to end!"

Suddenly, King Faust's voice sounded over the entire capital:"Lili!! Detonate the giant magic crystal immediately! Destroy it completely!"

"What?!"Ye Xin's face changed.

"Hahahaha~! I have already arranged the captain of our first magic war force in the Kingdom of Edras next to the giant magic crystal! Ready to wreak havoc at my command! As long as the magic crystal is completely destroyed, your guild members will never be able to recover!!"

"If you want to save the people in your guild, it's simply impossible! What I can’t get, others can’t even imagine!!!"


Ye Xin originally controlled his power to ensure the safety of everyone in the guild. He didn't expect that the dictatorial king of Edras would have such an extreme personality and choose the option of dying together.

Ye Xin was suddenly shocked and angry. He didn't expect that he would If such an accident occurred, I would have known that I should have killed him and not given the other party any chance to say this.

But after waiting for a while, I found that there seemed to be no explosion anywhere.

King Faust also realized that something was wrong and was surprised. He shouted uncertainly:"Damn it! what happened?!"

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