(Chapter 148: Is it just you?)

"I became the Great Magician of the 'Holy Ten' earlier than you!"

"Six consecutive stars!"Jelal attacked Erza and Lucy even more unscrupulously. Ye Xin instantly appeared in front of Erza and Lucy.

Jellal instantly made a swipe of his finger, and the six starlights quickly changed their direction and hit Ye Xin from all directions. Xin.

He discovered one thing just after Ye Xin's battle. Although the opponent's attacks are powerful and fast, they are very rigid. They are almost straight and not flexible at all.

Even the movement trajectory is the same, the speed is the same. Although it is faster than his meteor, there is no difference between attacking and moving as usual, which gives him a lot of room to play.

The most important thing is that the opponent has companions who need to be protected. As a strong man To be tied down by such a thing is the biggest weakness

"Boom boom boom!"......

The explosion all fell on Ye Xin

"Ye Xin!!"Elsa and Lucy shouted immediately when they saw Ye Xin being attacked.

"Hahaha~! I finally killed him! But don’t worry, this alone will not offset my anger. I will kill everyone in Fairy Tail here one by one, and then completely destroy Fairy Tail."

"I won't let you succeed!" Erza glared at Jellal, ready to attack at any time.

"Just you?"Jelal looked at Erza and said

"Just you?"At the same time, Ye Xin's voice also sounded

"bang~!"The smoke of the explosion dispersed, and Ye Xin's figure was still standing there without moving, having withstood Jellal's attack head-on without even being injured at all.

Jellal looked at Ye Xin in disbelief and shouted:"This is impossible! I obviously hit you!......"

"yes! It still hurts a little, a little bit."Ye Xin looked at Jellal sarcastically. The purpose of using giant magic just now was mainly to increase the destructive power, and the bulk of the consumption was in physical strength. It consumes a lot of physical strength in an instant, and no one can hold it back, so just now Ye Xin The look of exhaustion on his face is not fake, but physical strength can be restored after a short rest.

In addition, Ye Xin's physique is far superior to ordinary people, and he recovers more quickly. The point consumed by the Shining Fruit just now is far from recovered. Come quickly. After all, the biggest feature of the natural devil fruit is its large quantity. Let alone a few laser rays, even hundreds of them are just a drizzle. As for resisting Jellal's magic, it is naturally Ye Xin's own. Magic resistance, although his magic power consumption is not small, it is only a small part for Ye Xin.

Jellal yelled:"I don't believe it!"

"Nine Thunder Stars!"

Nine more powerful starlights rushed towards Ye Xin from all directions. Ye Xin's body swayed slightly and avoided the attacks of several starlights. However, these starlights were controlled by Jellal and were avoided by Ye Xin. He would also quickly turn back and attack Ye Xin again.

While Ye Xin was avoiding sideways, he swung up the back of his hand and hit a star that was about to hit him.

"call out——!"This starlight was thrown away directly

"boom!"The sound landed on the wall and exploded.

Ye Xin gently raised his foot, and the sole plate kicked away another starlight that wanted to attack Ye Xin from behind.


Just like this, Ye Xin either ducked sideways or kicked lightly with his feet. It didn't seem like he was being attacked, but like he was dancing gracefully, but showing a terrifying technique. Almost all the starlight was just like this. Xin dealt with it easily.

The last star went straight to Ye Xin, and Ye Xin raised his right hand and grabbed it directly

"boom!"Starlight exploded in Ye Xin's palm. Ye Xin slowly opened his palm. Except for a slight redness, no scars appeared on the palm.

"good......Amazing!"Lucy said in amazement. On the one hand, she was amazed at Ye Xin's powerful magic resistance, but more importantly, she was shocked by Ye Xin's skills. She was able to resolve such a powerful magic just by relying almost solely on technology. It's a bit too much.

Erza's eyes were shining as well. Erza knew a lot about Ye Xin. She often asked Ye Xin to learn sword skills in the past, so she gained a lot of growth, but she never saw Ye Xin use this skill. Powerful skills that are almost Taoist

"this......How can it be......this......"

"Young man, this world is very big, and the 'Holy Ten' Great Magician is just a title randomly given by the Magic Council in the Ishgar continent. Is it that worthy of your pride?"

Jelal was very angry. He was the youngest person to become the Great Magician of the 'Holy Ten'. Naturally, he was very proud. However, his own pride seemed not worth mentioning in the other person's mouth. This was the biggest disadvantage to him. insult

"asshole! Just teach me if you have some ability. Don't think that you are sure to win. I have more powerful magic. If you have the ability, just use my trick!"

Jelal raised his hand high, and powerful magic power emitted.

A black hole quickly formed in front of Jellal. Ye Xin raised his finger, and a golden cross star appeared on his fingertips.

"Buzz~! call out——!"

Golden laser light emitted from the fingertips, but the light was directly absorbed by the black hole without causing any waves.

"What?!"Lucy was shocked. Ye Xin's laser beam, which had always been invincible, actually sometimes failed.

Jellal seemed to have expected this, and raised the corners of his mouth and shouted:"Disappear all of them!"

"Celestial Magic·Dark Paradise!!!"

Jeral threw the black hole ball towards Ye Xin and the others.

"not good!"Elsa's expression changed. This thing seemed to be very restrained by Ye Xin's magic.

"snort!"Ye Xin snorted disdainfully, and his body instantly grew bigger. A giant stood on the top of the Paradise Tower, then raised his foot in a shooting posture and kicked the black hole ball hard.

"Go back!!"

The black hole ball was kicked back by Ye Xin in a perfect arc, but the accuracy didn't seem to be very good. Before Jellal had time to react, the black hole ball passed Jellal, but just like that , Jellal was also shocked for a moment and broke into a cold sweat.

The black hole ball fell on the sea, and a dazzling black light lit up.

Then,"Boom!"!!!"A loud noise triggered a horrific explosion.

"oops! What a mistake! I haven’t played football for so long that my accuracy is no longer good."

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